License Issue Warning

Learners with existing SIMnet licenses may not have access to all of current course assignments without activating a second license.

New UI feature warning learners of a potential license issue

The license warning will help learners realize they have a license issue before taking an assignment and receiving the missing module error. The License Issues pill will display when the following is true:

a. Learner is not on a trial

b. Learner already has a license

c. An assignment in the course requires a license module that the student doesn’t have in any of their licenses.

UI Updates

  1. In the assignments selection view, there is a new License Issues pill.

  1. In the course enrollment view, there is a new License Issue pill.

  1. In the course selection view, thers is a new License Issue pill.

  1. In the assignment details view, there is ia new License Issue pill.

  1. Clicking only the License Issues pill presents a dialog that describes the content type their current license doesn’t contain access to.

Last updated