Student Reports

Viewing student reports on licensing, time on task, transaction history, and assignments.

👨‍💻 Transaction History

A Transaction History report allows you to see a history of all student's actions in the student portal such as when they registered, the time they started and finished an exam, and date and time of logins.

1. 🙋 Search for a student

Navigate to the Students section and search for the student who's transaction history you want to view.

2. 🗓️ Select View History

Expand the Actions Menu for the student and select View History to open the Student History window.

3. 🖨️ Export or print results

Click the Export button to export the entire student's transaction history to an Excel workbook or, click the Print button to print the results. Click the Close button to close the window.

🎟️ Licenses

You can easily determine which product licenses are applied to a student's account by selecting either Edit/Assign or Snapshot from the Actions Menu. On the Licenses tab, you will find the student's licenses, books that appear in the student's library, and any missing license modules by class.

👩‍🎓 Student Overview Report

A Student Overview Report queries all of the results for a specific student. From this report, you can view result details and delete results. You can print this report by clicking the Print Report button.

To view a student overview report from the Actions menu, navigate to the Students section and expand the Actions Menu for the student who's report you'd like to view. Select Student Report and SIMnet will display an overview of all the student's assignments.

💯 Assignment Results

Click the Lessons, SIMbooks, Student Lessons, Exams, SIMpaths, Projects or Resources tab and select an assignment to display the student's results.

⏲️ Time on Task

The Time on Task tab allows you to review the total time the student has spent on different assignment types.

🏆 Credentials

The Credentials tab displays all credentials earned by the student.

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