Glossary of Terms
The glossay or terms and definitions.
Action Menus The initial page for each navigation area is a summary list of the objects available. Each row in the list includes an Actions drop-down menu which appears on the far right of the object. The Actions menu gives you access to the functions available for that item.
ADA Multiplier Allows the instructor to assign more time to complete an exam for a particular student. The default setting for all students is 1, which represents the base time that the instructor has assigned to the exam.
Archiving Allows instructors to remove students, classes, lessons, exams and SIMpaths from their active lists and reports and store them in an archive list. This will not delete them but will help keep the instructor's account clean and organized, showing only current information.
Blog Link at the top of the screen to see a list of the latest changes to SIMnet.
Columns--Calculated A grouping of columns which is used to produce a single grade. Each column entry can have a "column weight." It is possible for a calculated column to contain other calculated columns. This allows instructors to create calculated column groups that can be re-grouped to produce a final grade.
Columns--Custom Custom or "non-linked" columns are columns which are not related to any SIMnet assignment. Custom column grades are not calculated on an attempt basis and are always being overridden as you enter the grade score manually.
Columns--Linked Linked columns are grade columns that can accept assignment attempt scores automatically from SIMnet SIMbooks, Lessons, Exams, Test Bank Exams, SIMpaths, and Resources.
Columns--Mapped A mapped column is a column that is included within a calculated column to determine the final displayed grade.
Dashboard Shows the current state of your classes and helps keep your classes, assignment and student activity organized. View by clicking the Dashboard link from within the My Account section. The dashboard has the following components: Assignment Schedule, Past Due Assignments, Integrity Violations, and Student Activity. The dashboard components contain information about students and assignments in the courses you teach.
Delay Results Until This setting delays displaying the results of an assignment to students until the date set even if the due date or end date is an earlier date/time.
Due Date Assignments submitted after the due date and time are considered “late” and will display as such.
End Date The date and time that an assignment is no longer visible in students’ accounts.
Exam--Correct Retake Allowed Allows students to re-answer questions they have already answered correctly. The exam must have more than one question attempt allowed.
Exam--Detailed Feedback Includes the question list on the results page showing students which exam questions were answered correctly and incorrectly.
Exam--Display Feedback Displays correct and incorrect feedback during an exam.
Exam--Display Hints Displays hints after incorrect answers. This option is only available if Display Feedback is enabled.
Exam--Display Submitted Answer Shows students the steps they took to answer the question This applies to both correctly and incorrectly answered questions.
Exam--Enable Create Custom Lesson Allows students create their own custom lesson based on the exam.
Exam--Enable Printing Allows students to print the Exam Results page.
Exams (type)--Scenario B SIMnet Exam An exam made up of questions from the Scenario B exam question pool. Scenario B questions are a different pool than scenario A but not any more or less difficult.
Exams (type)--Scenario B SIMnet Exam Template A scenario B exam that is available for copying but cannot be assigned directly to a class.
Exams (type)--SIMnet Exam An exam based on lessons or Show Me, Guide Me, Let Me Try exercises in a SIMbook.
Exams (type)--SIMnet Exam Template An exam that is available for copying but cannot be assigned directly to a class.
Exams (type)--Test Bank A grouping of questions with similar objectives that can be used to create Test Bank Exams.
Exams (type)--Test Bank Exam An exam made up of objective questions (multiple choice and true/false) from a specific test bank.
Exams (type)--Test Bank Exam Template A test bank exam that is available for copying but cannot be assigned directly to a class.
Exams--Advance on Incorrect Moves students to the next question even when the user answers incorrectly. This option is only available if Display Feedback is enabled.
Exams--Show Study Guide Displays page references to students from the textbook selected in the Textbook list.
Gradebook Provides administrators and instructors with tools to track scores and for changing the ways in which grades are calculated and displayed, as well as means to change the grades manually. There is one gradebook per class.
Gradebook--Grade History Every attempt, grade override, manual update or unlocking is logged in the grade history. The history includes: the user who modified the grade, the grade before and after updating, and the date/time it was modified or unlocked. A grade is only locked when an instructor has manually overridden the grade in the gradebook. To unlock a grade, select it and click the Unlock Grade button. This will revert the grade to the original, calculated score.
Instructor Roles--Administrators They can create other administrators and instructors and have full access to all classes, lessons, and exams. Only Administrators have access to the account settings pages and archiving functions. An Administrator who is assigned to a specific campus or campuses, becomes a Campus Administrator. This means the Campus Administrator can view all assignment results and student information for a specific campus as well as add or delete campuses from their account.
Instructor Roles--Assistants They can only view classes, students, lessons, exams, and reports. They cannot create anything.
Instructor Roles--Full Instructors They can do everything an Administrator can do except modify administrative settings, create other instructors and edit other instructors' materials. Instructors cannot change the account settings nor can they access archiving functions.
Instructor Roles--Inactive Instructors They cannot log in to the Course Manager. Their information is saved in SIMnet but they are unable to access it.
Instructor Roles--Limited Instructors They can only create lessons and exams from templates. They do not have the right to edit the content or preferences of lessons and exams created from templates nor can they create new learning objects.
Lessons Interactive exercises with content that is mapped to modules or textbooks. Lessons include Teach Me, Show Me, Let Me Try.
Lesson filters—Lesson Filter Displays all available tasks for the selected lesson. The Lesson filter facilitates quickly combining multiple existing lessons.
Lesson filters—Module Filter Displays all available tasks for the selected module or application. Filtering by Module also allows you to explore tasks by MCAS objective.
Lesson filters—Template Filter Displays all available tasks for the selected template. This filter option quickly facilitates combining multiple existing templates.
Lesson filters—Textbook Filter Displays all available tasks for the selected textbook. Filtering by Textbook also allows you to explore tasks by Chapter.
Lesson/Exam Snapshot Shows the details of the exam (including preferences and assignments) in a static window. This option is useful for instructors who do not have edit privileges for the exam.
Module A way of organizing data by subject matter rather than by book series or chapter. Modules correspond directly with the Microsoft Office Application or other content matter.
Personal Assignment Grade Transfer In some cases, instructors may need to extend a learning object's assignment period for one or more students using the SIMnet personal assignment feature. Personal Assignments of Course Assignments are set to automatically transfer.
Projects Automatic grading for Microsoft’s Office Suite projects. Students are able to download, complete assignments live in the application, and submit projects for grading.
Reports Saved report queries that will automatically update each time you view the report. When you select Overview Report from the Students or Classes Actions list, that report is saved to the Reports list automatically.
Report--Account Overview Displays an overview of instructors, classes, and campuses. (For Account Administrators only).
Report--Class Overview Queries all of the lesson and exam results for assignments for a specific class.
Report--Exam Report Allows an instructor to view the latest exam results for your entire class.
Report--Lesson Report Viewing a lesson report allows you to view the latest lesson results for your entire class.
Report--Lesson Task Analysis Queries the number of times a task was taken by students and how many times it was completed.
Reports--MCAS Objective Analysis (Historical) Queries the number of times the MCAS objectives have been answered incorrectly, correctly, and the total for the first question attempt, the second question attempt and all question attempts. Data is generated on every SIMnet question attempt for the lifetime of the account.
Reports--Project Report Queries all results for a specific project. The report can be filtered by class, campus or project.
Reports--Project Objective Analysis Report Displays how class or campus has done completing each Student Learning Objective across all completed project attempts.
Reports--Project Objective Analysis Report Per Student Displays student’s percent score on each Student Learning Objective from each time that objective has been scored in a project across as many projects as the instructor chooses.
Reports--SIMbook Report A query containing all results for a specific SIMbook.
Reports--SIMpath Exam Question Analysis Report Displays how classes or campuses scored on SIMpath assignments
Reports--SLO Report by Objective Displays all Exam results by Student Learning Objective.
Reports--SLO Report by Question Displays all Exam reports and the relevant Student Learning Objective but is grouped by the question itself.
Reports--SIMnet Exam Queries all of the results for a specific exam.
Reports--SIMnet Exam Question Analysis Queries the number of times a SIMnet question was answered incorrectly, correctly, and the total number of attempts.
Reports--SIMnet Question Analysis (Historical) Queries the number of times a SIMnet question has been answered incorrectly, correctly, and the total for the first question attempt, the second question attempt and all question attempts. Data is generated on every SIMnet question attempt for the lifetime of the account.
Reports—SIMpath Queries all results for a specific SIMpath.
Reports--Student Overview Report A Student Overview Report queries all of the lesson and exam results for a specific student. From this report, you can view result details and delete results.
Reports--Student Report Generates a report showing all of the student's lesson and exam results, including student-created self-study lessons. From this report, you can view result details and delete results. You can also change the grade of an individual item.
Reports--Test Bank Exam Queries all of the results for a specific test bank exam.
Reports--Test Bank Exam Question Analysis Queries the number of times a test bank question was answered incorrectly, correctly, and the total number of attempts.
Resources Allows instructors to create and upload their own hyperlinks and files to assign to students. This section also works as a two-way dropbox that manages the workflow between instructors and students. Instructors can assign items to students and allow them to submit files for review. Instructors can then provide feedback directly to the student from the Submissions link.
SIMbook Electronic versions of some McGraw-Hill book series that include chapters with links to Show Me, Guide Me, and Let Me Try simulated exercises. Students complete one, two, or all three of the types of simulated exercises directly from the corresponding book chapter while reading the textbook information. Gradebook credit is available for completion of the exercises.
SIMpath An adaptive three step learning and assessment path which includes a pre-test, a lesson, and a post-test. SIMpaths have a variety of options and can be customized for instructors’ needs.
SIMstudent Allows instructors and administrators to log in to the Student Portal directly from the Course Manager without requiring a separate student account or registration code.
Student Learning Objective (SLO) Each SIMbook series content broken down into individual question components. A single Let Me Try or Exam question may contain multiple Student Learning Objectives. Project assignments may have multiple questions that require mastery of the same SLO.
Snapshot—Class Snapshot Shows the class roster and assignments.
Student Snapshot Shows the student’s registration information and a list of the classes the student is enrolled in.
Student Type--Full Student Student who has a full SIMnet registration code in his account and therefore has access to all SIMnet modules.
Student Type--Single Use Student SIMnet Proficiency student who has access to a single SIMnet exam only.
Student Type--Trial Student Student who signed up for a trial. Next to a student’s name in the list of students indicates a trial student.
Student Type--Unregistered Student Student who has an account in SIMnet, but has not yet entered a registration code.
Templates Lessons, exams, SIMpaths and test bank exams that are available for copying, but cannot be assigned directly to classes. Templates are available for instructors to copy and assign to their own classes. Once an instructor creates an exam from a template, the instructor is the "owner" of the exam and can edit the exam based on the rights and privileges assigned to that instructor's role. Full Instructors can change the questions or the preferences in the exam. Limited Instructors can only assign the exam and change the restrictions associated with the assignment.
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