SIMpath Prefs
How to set preferences for a SIMpath
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How to set preferences for a SIMpath
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When you are finished adding questions, click the SIMpath Preferences tab. The default preferences for your account are applied automatically. To change the preferences, click the Edit button.
The Scenario line identifies from which question pool the Pre-Test questions use.
Select the Allow to skip pre-test checkbox to allow the student to skip the pre-test and go straight to the Lesson.
By default, SIMnet will create a custom lesson for the student based on the questions skipped or answered incorrectly in the Pre-Test. If you want all students to see all the tasks in the Lesson, select the Show complete lesson checkbox.
To allow students to skip the Lesson, select the Allow to skip lesson checkbox.
Click the Allow access between Post-Test attempts checkbox to allow students to take the Lesson before completing the post-test.
Note: For an adaptive lesson uncheck the Show complete lesson option.
Note: When using an adaptive lesson, pre-test points will carry forward automatically to the lesson grade. For example, if a student earns an 8/10 on the pre-test, the lesson grade will start with 8/10 and the student will only be presented the ability to complete the 2 remaining points.
Expand the Scenario menu to edit the scenario for the Post-Test. After selecting the Pre-Test scenario when you create the SIMpath, you cannot change it.
To show the full Post-Test, select the Show complete post-test checkbox. If this option isn't selected, the Post-Test will only include questions missed on the Pre-Test.
Note: For an adaptive lesson uncheck the Show complete lesson option.
Note: When using an adaptive post-test, pre-test points will carry forward automatically to the post-test grade. For example, if a student earns an 8/10 on the pre-test, the post-test grade will start with 8/10 and the student will only be presented the ability to complete the 2 remaining points.
The Objective Reference (SLO) option identifies which SLO is associated with questions. Select a textbook series from the drop-down list to view the SLOs.
Select Allow Assignment Preference Override to allow instructors to edit the Time Limit/Unlimited Time, Hide Timer, Allow to Pause Exam, Exam Attempts Allowed, and Question Attempts when assigning this SIMpath to a course or to a student
Click the Save button to save your changes.
Click Cancel at any time and any changes to the preferences will not be saved.
To save these preferences as the default setting for your account, click the Make Default button.