SIMnet Blackboard Deep Integration Instructor Assignment Deployment
1. Log into your Blackboard account and navigate to your Blackboard course.
2. Click on Content (A) in the left navigation, Partner Content (B) in the top navigation, Content Market (C) in the list of items.
3. Click on Your SIMnet Course Content.
4. The left-hand panel is the list of assignments in your SIMnet class. Click and drag-and-drop the assignments on the left panel into the root on the right-hand panel. You can drag as many assignments as you want over to the right-hand panel.
5. When you are ready to deploy the assignments that you have dragged over to the right-hand panel, click the green Finish Deploy to Blackboard button.
6. Click the Confirm button.
7. Select the Destination Folder in Blackboard where you want to deploy the assignments to.
8. Select the grading category for the assignments.