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Search for classes, sections, and view options in the Actions Menu
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Search for classes, sections, and view options in the Actions Menu
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Click the Search link in the Manage section to search for a class or section. The Search for Classes section displays a list of classes you are assigned to teach or administer.
Success: If you're an Administrator you have the option to Show All Classes or just Show My Classes to more easily find classes you're assigned to teach.
All SIMnet courses have a start date. This is the first date on which the course is active. Depending on the course settings, users may or may not be able to enroll in the course or see assignments before the Start Date. Courses using Inclusive Access will not provide codes to their students outside of the Start or End dates.
A course is closed when students are not able to enroll directly into the course. This does not stop instructors from importing students or enrolling through a paired course via LMS. Edit this setting by clicking the Edit/Assign option in the drop-down menu and then clicking the Class Settings button.
To view a list of actions for each class, expand the corresponding Actions Menu in the Actions column. The Actions menu gives you easy access to all of the functions available for that list item. The Actions menus are also available from most "create" and "edit" pages.
Not every action is available to every user. For example, if your account is a Limited Instructor account, the Copy and Create actions are not available. If there is a lesson or exam assigned to one of your classes, but you did not create that lesson or exam, the Edit/Assign action is not available. To check which rights and permissions are assigned to your account, check the My Permissions section of the My Account page.
Select Snapshot to navigate to the Class Details tab. Here, you can find the assigned instructors, students, assignments, and credentials for the class.
The Snapshot also shows a read-only version of the classes and assignments assigned to the student on the Assigned Classes and Assignments tabs as well as the licenses in their account, the time they've spent on tasks, and any credentials they have earned.
Select Print Snapshot to print the class's Snapshot.
Select Remove MHC Class Pairing to remove the link for the class and your LMS. This option will only be available if the class is paired to an LMS.
Info: Removing the pairing will prevent students from enrolling from the linked LMS class to SIMnet.
Copy to Class creates a copy of the selected class. This option is available to the class βcreatorβ and Administrators only.
The Export Roster option downloads the class roster as an Excel spreadsheet. It includes students' names, IDs, email addresses, and phone numbers.
The Export Assignments option downloads the class assignments list as an Excel spreadsheet. It displays the assignment type, title, the number of questions, start date, end date, due date, if the assignment has been delayed, whether there is a password necessary to access the assignment, and any filters that have been placed on the assignment.
If you would like to delete a class and all of the grades for the students in the class, the Delete option will allow you to do so. A confirmation message will appear to make certain that you would like to delete the class and all grades and reports. It also suggests that you export grades and reports to Excel before doing so.
Warning: Deleting a climmediatelymmediatly remove the class from the system so other users cannot interact with it. If other instructors teach or Administer the same class please consult with them to ensure the class is not required.
This date is when the course ends. Depending on the Class Settings, the students may or may no longer be able to access assignments outside of this period and courses using IA will no longer offer codes after this date has passed.
Course past it's End Date? The course dates can be extended when needed via the Class Settings. However, if you are entering New Semesters we strongly recommend copying your course before adding new students.
Select Edit/Assign to navigate to the Classes Details tab. See the Edit/Assign Classes section for more information.
Select Overview Report to view a report showing all of the class's assignment results and credentials earned. From this report, you can view result details and delete results from individual students. You can also change the grade of an individual item, such as a lesson, SIMpath, or exam. You can print this report by clicking the Print Report button. View the Class Overview Report help topic for more information.
Select Organize to update assignment preferences, schedules, and group or order your assignments. For more information on editing and organizing classes, view the Organize section.
Select Gradebook to view the class gradebook. For more information about the gradebook and how to use it, view the Gradebook page.
Select Import New Students to register students or import them from another class. For more information about importing new students, view the Import Users & Classes page.
Select Import Existing Users to import existing students or instructors from another class or campus. For more information about importing existing users, view the Import Classes & Users page.
You can access the Communicate page to send a message to students or other instructors and administrators by clicking the Send Message option in the actions drop-down menu. The format for this is similar to sending an email. For more information on communicating and sending messages, view the Communicate page.
If you delete a class and need it restored please contact the support team.