Auto Copy Pair (ACP)
Automatically copy, deploy, and pair your classes in a simple 1-step process.
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Automatically copy, deploy, and pair your classes in a simple 1-step process.
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Success: Canvas, D2L, and Blackboard Deep Integrations support auto, copy, and pair (ACP).
Auto, copy, and pair (ACP) is a learning management system (LMS) integration technology that supports the automatic provisioning and deployment of classes in SIMnet based on a pre-configured master class. ACP is available for all Canvas, Desire2Learn, and Blackboard assignment level integrations through McGraw Hill Campus.
Note: At this time, Blackboard integrations do not automatically deploy assignment links into Blackboard.
Ensure your LMS has the assignment level McGraw Hill Campus application installed and configured.
Create a parent class in your LMS.
The parent LMS class should not contain any students.
The parent LMS class may contain non-SIMnet assignments and content.
The parent LMS class title will be used as the section title in the auto-created SIMnet class.
Create a parent class in SIMnet.
The parent SIMnet class should be closed and not contain any students.
The parent SIMnet class title will be shared with all child classes created through the ACP integration.
Configure your class, assignments, and gradebook for the SIMnet class.
Pair the parent LMS class to the parent SIMnet class through the non-ACP pairing process. This needs to be done by the LMS admin.
In the parent SIMnet class, deploy all SIMnet assignments to the LMS parent class through the Integrate area in the SIMnet Course Manager.
Copy the “ACP Master Config” setting in the Edit/Assign or Snapshot area of the SIMnet parent class. Only copy the acp_master_section_id=xx.xxxxx portion.
Paste the SIMnet ACP Master Config in the McGraw Hill Campus application configuration for parent LMS class.
In your LMS, copy the parent LMS class for each child section you will need in SIMnet.
On the first visit to SIMnet from each child LMS section, the ACP process will automatically create a copy of the SIMnet parent class, pair the child class, and deploy all assignments to the child LMS class.
To ensure the best results, create a new SIMnet parent class each term to modify any assignment or gradebook settings prior to the creation of child classes.
Tip: By default the ACP flow will perform a "Relink Push" to send the assignment details from SIMnet to the LMS upon auto-deployment.
Tip: You may override the default Relink Push behavior to Relink Pull by adding ",Pull" to the end of the ACP Master Config. For example acp_master_section_id=79,15432,Pull
Warning: Depending on your LMS and school permissions you may need an LMS Administrator to complete some steps.
The following logic is used when creating a SIMnet course with ACP:
The SIMnet class title is set to match the source class title in SIMnet identified by the acp_master_section_id setting.
The SIMnet section title is set based on the context_title from the LTI launch initiating the ACP flow.
If the above class title + section title combination doesn’t result in a unique title, then the following alternative section title is used
The SIMnet section title is set basedon the context_title + (context_label). We use context_label from the LTI launch initiating the paring flow
If the alternate class + section title doesn’t result in a unique title, we cancel ACP and send the Instructor through the manual pairing flow.