Create Lesson from Exam

How to create a Lesson from an Exam

Creating a lesson from an exam creates a new SIMnet lesson based on that particular exam's content. This option pre-populates all associated tasks from questions within the source exam, ensuring that the lesson covers all exam objectives. This option is only available if you have the right to create SimNet lessons and is not available for test bank exams.

1. 🔍 Search for an exam

Navigate to the main page of the Exams section and search for the exam from which you want to create a lesson.

2. 📖 Select Create Lesson

Expand the Actions menu for the exam you want and select Create Lesson.

3. ⌨️ Type a title

SIMnet provides a title automatically. You can accept this title or type in your own.

4. ➡️ Save and continue

Click Next to create the new lesson or template and continue adding tasks and assignments just as you would for any other lesson.

Last updated