
How to create, assign, edit and delete a rubric

Create a custom rubric

1. 📖 Select textbook

Navigate to the Projects section. In the Search for Projects section, expand the Series menu to select a textbook series.

2. 👆 Select project

Click on the Actions drop-down menu for the project you want to add to your class and select Edit/Assign.

3. 🗂️ Rubrics tab

Click the Rubrics tab to view the rubric assigned to the project.

4. 📝 Select Create New Rubric

Expand the Rubric menu and select Create New Rubric.

5. 📃 Make rubric default

Select the Make Default checkbox to set the new rubric as the default.

Any new rubric that is set as default will automatically be assigned to the selected project. If no rubric is assigned as the default, the original rubric will be assigned automatically. Only one default rubric can exist per project.

6. 🗣️ Share rubric

Select the Share checkbox to make the new rubric available to other instructors.

7. 🖋️ Name rubric

Enter a name for the new rubric in the Rubric Name box.

8. Create new rubric

Click the Save All Changes link to save create the new rubric. You now are able to make changes to points and instructions.

9. 📝 Customize rubric

In the Instruction Group section, select a checkbox in the Disable column to the left of the instruction to disable it. You can increase and decrease points in the Points column.

Note: When you disable an instruction, it will not be included in the grading. The instructions will still display in the Gradebook but will have a value of 0.

10. Save all rubric changes

Click the Save All Changes link to save the rubric changes.

Assigning a Rubric

After a rubric has been created for the selected project, it can be assigned through the Class Assignments or the Student Assignments link. You can assign different rubrics for the same project if the projects are assigned to different classes or different students.

1. 🧾 Assign a project rubric to a class:

Expand the Actions menu for a Project and select Edit/Assign.

2. 👆 Select class

Click a class in the list in the Available Classes list.

3. 📝 Add project

Click the Add button. The Project Assignment Details window appears.

4. 📚 Select rubric

Expand the Rubric menu and select the rubric to assign to the project.

Note: You can set several preferences for the assignment in the Project Assignment Details window. See 👉 Project Assignment Prefs

5. Save your assignment

Click the Save button to save the assignment.

1. 🧾 Assign a project rubric to a student

Select the Student Assignments tab.

2. 👩‍🎓 Select student

Select the student in the Available Students list

3. Add student

Click the Add button. The Project Assignment Details window appears.

4. 📚 Select rubric

Expand the Rubric menu and select the rubric to assign to the project.

Note: If a project is already assigned to a class, the rubric is set to the one for the class and you are unable to change it. You can change the rubric for a student not assigned to the class or for a project unassigned to any class.

5. Save your assignment

Click the Save button to save the assignment.

Editing a Rubric Assignment

Once a rubric has been created and assigned to a project, the instructor can change the rubric. This can be done through the Class Assignments or the Student Assignments link.

Warning: If you change a rubric to a project already graded and you want the results in the gradebook to reflect the new rubric, the project must be re-graded.

1. 🧾 Edit a project rubric within a class:

Expand the Actions menu for a Project and select Edit/Assign.

2. 🗂️ Rubrics tab

Click the Rubrics tab to view the rubric assigned to the project.

3. 📝 Edit rubric

Make your changes to the rubric. The same options available for creating a new rubric are also available for editing a rubric.

4. Save your edits

Click the Save All Changes link to save the edited rubric.

1. 🧾 Edit a project rubric using the Rubrics Actions menu

Navigate to the Rubrics section. Expand the Actions menu for a Project and select Edit/Assign. The Edit Rubric window appears.

2. 📝 Edit rubric

Make your changes to the rubric. The same options that are available for creating a new rubric are also available for editing a rubric.

3. Save your edits

Click the Save button to save the edited rubric.

Copy To Rubric

You can create a new rubric using an existing custom rubric as a template.

1. 📋 Copy to rubric

Navigate to the Rubrics section. Expand the Actions menu for a Project and select Copy to Rubric. The Copy Rubric window appears.

2. 📝 Name rubric

The default Rubric Name “Copy of [Rubric Name]” appears in the textbox. The default name can be used, or a new name can be entered.

3. 🖋️ Edit rubric

Make your changes to the rubric. The same options available for creating a new rubric, are also available for copying a rubric.

4. Save changes

Click the Save button to save the new rubric.


The Delete option enables the instructor to delete an existing rubric.

Note: Rubrics that are not assigned to a class or a student, are not set as the default, and do not have any student results associated with them, can be deleted.

Note: The Original rubric can never be deleted.

1. Select Delete

Expand the Actions menu and choose Delete. The Delete Confirmation window appears.

2. Delete rubric

Click the Delete button to permanently delete the rubric.

Warning: Once you delete a rubric, you cannot undo the action. It is permanently deleted.

Last updated