Course Pairing

Instructions for the 1-time Course Pairing process with MH Campus Classic.

Course Pairing Process for MH Campus - Classic

Complete the steps below to complete the 1-time course pairing process to enable Single Sign-On and Grade Sync. You will be able to directly launch into SIMnet from your course on the McGraw-Hill Campus page going forward. The instructor needs to complete the pairing process before the students can start their pairing.

🔎 2. Search for your student's ISBN or student's package ISBN and click Find Now.

Note: You may search for SIMnet or a national ISBN if your custom ISBN doesn't return any results.

Note: You may select any book that contains the SIMnet, SIMgrader link.

📘 3. Locate your textbook and click Select.

🖱️ 4. Click on the SIMnet SIMgrader button.

👩‍🎓 5. Click on the I want this for my students button.

🌟 6. Click on the Adopt SIMnet button.

⏭️ 7. Verify the SIMnet URL associated with your school. If the prepopulated URL is incorrect, please enter the correct one. Click Next to proceed.

🔑 8. Sign In with an existing SIMnet account or Create a new SIMnet account if you do not have one. You may be prompted to enter or confirm account details.

Note: If you already have a SIMnet Instructor or Administrator account paired this step may be automatically skipped.

🤲 9. Pair with a new or existing SIMnet class and click Next to proceed.

10. You have completed the pairing process.

ℹ️ Additional Information:

In your Classes menu, there is a red and blue icon in the Paired column that indicates that your class is paired with McGraw Hill Campus.

There is a link at the top of the SIMnet page to return to McGraw Hill Campus.

Last updated