Grade History
Reviewing the Grade History & viewing and deleting attempts.
Every attempt, grade override, manual update or unlocking is logged in the grade history. The history includes: the user who modified the grade, the grade before and after updating, and the date/time it was modified or unlocked.
A grade is only locked when an instructor has manually overridden the grade in the gradebook. To unlock a grade, double click it and click the Reset button. This will revert the grade to the original score. See 👉 Overriding Grades for more information.
1. 👆 Select grade
Select the desired grade to view the Grade Settings Panel.
2. 📝 Load grade history
Click the Click to load grade history button to view the grade history.
Viewing an Exam or Lesson Attempt
Select the desired grade to view the Grade Settings Panel. Click the Click to load grade history button. Click the Report button on the right of the student attempt to view the results of that attempt.
Deleting an Exam or Lesson Attempt
Select the desired grade to view the Grade Settings Panel. Click the Click to load grade history button. Click the Delete Attempt button to delete the attempt. A record will appear in the grade history indicating the exam attempt was deleted.
Warning: Once you have deleted an attempt, this action cannot be undone.
Re-Opening Exam Attempts
In some circumstances, submitted exams can be re-opened. The most recent attempt at an exam that has availabe time or attempts remaining and has not passed the exam End Date can be re-opened so that the student may continue to do work on the exam until the available attempts or time has been expired or the End Date passed. To re-open an exam, click the Re-Open Exam button on the attempt.
If the user has subsequently begun another attempt but would like to work on a previous attempt, all other attempts must be deleted in order to continue working on that attempt.
Last updated