SIMpath Reports

How to create a new SIMpath report

A SIMpath Report allows you to view the latest SIMpath results for your entire class. There is no need to recreate the report every time you want an update. When you view a SIMpath report, the report will automatically update with the latest results for your entire class every time you view it.

Create a New SIMpath Report

1. 🛣️ Select a SIMpath

Navigate to the SIMpaths section to select the SIMpath for which you want to view results.

2. 📕 Select View Report

Expand the Actions Menu and select View Report.

3. 📋 SIMpath Results

On the report screen, you will see all results for the specific SIMpath such as the date and time each portion was started and ended, time spent, and grades. Here, you can click the SIMpath title to open it or click the icon in the Delete column to delete a student's grade.

4. ✏️ Modify settings

To modify the report settings, click the Edit button at the top of the screen (to the left of the Bookmark button and Actions menu). Expand the lists to select a specific Class or Campus and click the Enable Date Range checkbox to specify a date range. Click Save to save changes. This option is available to the SIMpath "owner" only.

5. 🔖 Create a bookmark

Click the Bookmark button to create a bookmark for the report. Type a title for the bookmark and click Save. Your bookmarked report will now appear in the Reports section and the Bookmark button will no longer display at the top of the report page.

6. 📃 Actions Menu options

To see more report options, expand the Actions Menu, where you can choose to print, delete, or export the report results. You also have the option to delete all of the grades for the SIMpath.

Modifying SIMpath results is a bit different than other results. It may require deleting an attempt multiple times to reset to the desired level. See 👉 Deleting Attempts

Last updated