Office Online Projects
Autograded projects for Office Online Apps.
What are Office Online Apps?
Microsoft offers free online versions of Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. While these web apps are easily accessible to students, there is not one-to-one feature parity between the installed version and the Office Online version. SIMnet’s autograded projects are written to assess a student’s knowledge of the installed version of the Microsoft Office apps. However, some students have access to the Office Online version of the apps only. Unfortunately, due to the difference in features, students using the Online Office version cannot be assessed using the auto-graded projects from the textbooks.
For students who have access to the Office Online apps only, existing auto-graded projects from the In Practice and Skills Approach series have been modified by rewriting and removing steps that reference features not currently available in the Office Online version of the apps. Below you will find lists of each Office app and the features that are available in the installed version of the app, but not the Office Online version. In addition, a breakdown of each Office Online project is provided, including all modified and deleted steps.
How do I assign an autograded project for Office Online Apps?
The steps to assign an Office Online Project to a student or class are the same as any other project. In the Projects section in the Course Manager, new Office Online options are available from the Series drop-down list.
There is no Office Online version of Microsoft Access.
The following features do not exist in the Word Office Online app:
Shading option in the Paragraph group
Design tab; Themes and Style sets
Built-in Headers & Footers
Link to a place or section in the document
Columns in Page Setup group
Cover Pages
Word Options dialog; Autocorrect
Advanced Find and Replace
Tabs dialog
Inserting a Table of Contents
Mark Entry
Font dialog options
Document Properties
Update or Modify Styles
Convert Text to Table
Table AutoFit and Re-size
Picture Effects, absolute positioning and picture captions
Skills Book Series Office Online Projects
In this table you will find steps from the original project that have been modified to work with the Office Online version of Word as well as steps that have been deleted and number of points possible.
In Practice Book Series Office Online Projects
In this table you will find steps from the original project that have been modified to work with the Office Online version of Word as well as steps that have been deleted and number points possible.
The following features do not exist in the Excel Office Online app:
Quick Analysis Tool
Create a named range
Error Checking
Headers & Footers
Print Titles
Custom Margins
Backstage View
Copy/Paste Without Formatting
Define Names
Goal Seek
Data Tables
Recommended PivotTables
Skills Book Series Office Online Projects
In this table you will find steps from the original project that have been modified to work with the Office Online version of Excel as well as steps that have been deleted and number points possible.
In Practice Book Series Office Online Projects
In this table you will find steps from the original project that have been modified to work with the Office Online version of Excel as well as steps that have been deleted and number points possible.
The following features do not exist in the PowerPoint Office Online app:
Slides from Outline
Outline View
Animation Painter
Background Styles
Font Themes
Convert to SmartArt
Custom Theme Colors
Presenter View
Setting up a Kiosk Presentation
Adding Dates to a Footer
Rehearse Timings
Handout Master View
Skills Book Series Office Online Projects
In this table you will find steps from the original project that have been modified to work with the Office Online version of PowerPoint as well as steps that have been deleted and number points possible.
In Practice Book Series Office Online Projects
In this table you will find steps from the original project that have been modified to work with the Office Online version of PowerPoint as well as steps that have been deleted and number points possible.
Last updated