Project Assignment Prefs
Setting assignment preferences for Projects
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Setting assignment preferences for Projects
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When you click the Add button to assign a project to a class or individual student, the Project Assignment Details window will appear where you can set several preferences for the assignment.
Select the Show Assignment checkbox so the Project appears in the student portal. When unchecked, the Project will not be visible for students regardless of scheduling options.
Select the Enable Schedule by Dates to set a start date, due date, and/or end date for the assignment. By default, the assignment has this option enabled, with the current date and time as the Start Date. You must either set an End Date or disable scheduling to save the assignment. You can type in the Start Date, Due Date or End Date box, or click the Date Picker icon to select a date or time. After setting a Due Date click the Down Arrow to use the same value for the End Date.
If desired, you can set a Delay Results Until date. This will only allow students to see their project results on or after the date and time you specify.
Click the Day of Week Schedule bar to expand the options for restricting the assignment to certain days of the week. You can also click the check box(es) under Specific Time to specify times for each day
Set the number of Attempts a student has to submit the project for grading.
Select Enable Timer to create a timed project. You can select All Attempts which uses a single timer that begins to run at the start of the first project attempt and continues to run until all attempts have been used, or the time has run out. Your other option is selecting Each Attempt which allow users a separate block of time for each attempt provided by the instructor. Once the timer on a timed project reaches zero, students will no longer be able to submit their project.
Select the Display Visual Feedback checkbox and set the attempt to display it after submission. If you leave this unchecked, then the visual feedback will not display for the project.
Edit the Display Incorrect Feedback number to delay incorrect feedback data on the left side of the student Project Results page until the number of attempts has been passed.
Select the Allow Student Submissions with Integrity Violation checkbox to permit students to submit files with integrity violations. Files with integrity violations are flagged in the gradebook. If this option is disabled, students will receive a warning message and are unable to submit their file for grading.
Set of Objectives displays the book the project student learning objectives are mapped.
Select the desired Rubric to use with the assignment. The Original rubric is selected by default. You may change the rubric to a custom rubric, if one is created.
Select the Show Column in Gradebook checkbox to include a column for the lesson in the Gradebook and allow SIMnet to automatically record the grade.
In the Late Submission Deduction for each late drop-down box select from Assignment, Day, or Hour to assess a late submission deduction each time that option passes. The late Assignment option is only assessed if the assignment is late at all. The late Day option is assessed for each day the user submits their assignment after the Due Date. The late Hour option is assessed each hour the user submits their assignmetn after the Due Date.
Set a number in the Late Submission Deduction box to determine which percentage of the assignment points will be deducted from the student's score if the assignment is submitted after the due date.
Set the Lowest Possible Grade for Late Submission to set a floor for late submission deductions. Grades below that threshold will not receive additional penalties for being late. Grades above that threshold will receive penalties until they have crossed that threshold. The value of the lowest possible grade must be low enough for at least a single Late Submission Deduction.
Select a Points option to determine how the grade will be recorded in the Gradebook. Select Assignment Default points to show the grade with the default point allowances where each question in the Project will be worth one point. Select Override Points to enter the number of points you would like the Project to be worth. SIMnet will automatically calculate the worth of each question when calculating the grade.
Click the Display Type and/or the Calculation Type menus to select how the grade will display and be calculated in the Gradebook.
Type a password in the Password box to require a password for this assignment only.
Expand the Click to modify IP Filter bar to restrict the project to be available from specific IP addresses only.
Click the Save button to assign the project with specific preferences.
Click the Cancel button to close the dialog without assigning the project.
Select the Credentials checkbox to enable this feature on select projects. When this is enabled the assignment can be used to earn a credential. You can set the Threshold preference to be between 90% and 100%. See Achievement Credentials in the Credentials section for more information.