Content Types
SIMnet assignment types
📄 Lesson
Lessons contain instructional, interactive, simulated exercises. Lessons are similar to SIMbooks but only include SIMnet content and do not match content 1-1 to a textbook. Instructors may customize the lesson content based on a textbook or create their own sequence of skills.
📝 Exam
Exams use simulated, performance based questions to test the student's knowledge. There are two pools of exam questions–Assessment and Practice.
Assessment–Assessment questions are generally a bit more difficult and worded to require critical thinking.
Practice–Practice questions are generally a bit easier and are worded more directly, giving the student more information.
📗 SIMbook
Electronic versions of textbooks that also include chapters with links to Show Me, Guide Me, and Let Me Try interactive, simulated exercises. SIMbooks are exact replicas of the printed copy of these textbooks with Show Me, Guide Me, and Let Me Try exercises as a part of each chapter. These exercises directly correlate with the skill set addressed in each portion of each chapter of the textbook.
Teach Me-Text on screen they read.
Show Me–Video with audio narration showing how to complete a task.
Guide Me–A click-by-click interactive practice exercise.
Let Me Try–Assesses comprehension of a skill within the same simulated application interface used in exams.
🛣️ SIMpath
A SIMpath is a three step learning and assessment path which follows these steps: Pre-test, Lesson and Posttest. The Pre-test can include questions from either question scenario. The Lesson and Posttest are then customized based on the completion of the Pre-test. An instructor can configure each SIMpath to be adaptive based on the pre-test results or static and contain prescribed content based on the pre-test.
Step 1: Pre-Test
Includes questions from one of the SIMnet question scenarios: Scenario A or Scenario B.
Students can only take the pre-test one time.
If the SIMpath preferences are set to allow it, students may skip the pre-test and go directly to step 2.
Step 2: Lesson
The SIMpath lesson contains the learning tasks that correspond to the questions in the pre-test.
The lesson can be set to show all the relevant tasks or only those that correspond to questions the student skipped or answered incorrectly.
Students can be allowed to skip the lesson or can complete the tasks in the lesson multiple times.
Once the student has completed all of the Let Me Try exercises in the lesson at least once, a Take PostTest button appears in addition to the Take Lesson button.
When the student clicks the Take Post-Test button, the SIMpath Assignments page updates and the lesson is no longer available.
Now the student can click the SIMpath assignment and click Take Exam to start the post-test.
Step 3: Post-Test
Post-Test includes questions that correspond to the questions in the pre-test.
Post-Test questions may be exactly the same as those in the pre-test (from the same scenario) or they may be parallel questions from the other scenario. o Instructors can set preferences to allow students to take the post-test up to 99 times.
Each post-test result is stored in the gradebook.
⌨️ Project
SIMnet provides instant, automatic grading for Microsoft Office documents, presentations, spreadsheets, and databases. Students are able to download, complete, and submit projects for grading. The instructors can assign projects to classes or to students based on their individual needs through the Projects window.
📑 Testbank Exams
Testbank exams present multiple choice, true/false, and fill-in-the-blank questions similar to a traditional paper exam. Test Banks exams can be their own separate exam or a combined exam with simulation questions.
🗃️ Resource
Resources are hyperlinks and files created and uploaded by instructors and assigned to students. A resource may be a syllabus, link to an online article, or a manually graded project.
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