Self Registration
Self Registering for SIMnet with a registration code or using courtesy access.
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Self Registering for SIMnet with a registration code or using courtesy access.
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The steps to register for SIMnet are similar whether you have a code, would like to buy a code online, or are requesting courtesy access. To begin, click the Register Now button in the New Users section from the 👉 Home page.
If your school log in page does not include the Register Now button that means that your school would like you to register for SIMnet through the school directly. Speak with your instructor about how to best register for your SIMnet course.
Fill in all of the required information on the screen, including your First Name, Last Name, Email, Student ID, Username and Password. When filling in your email address, you may receive the nofication, "This email is already in use. You may already have a SIMnet account, visit the recovery page to recover your signin credentials." You may continue to use one email address for multiple SIMnet accounts, but it is recommended only have a single SIMnet account at a time. Click the link to the recovery page if you already have an account. You must click the check box at the bottom to agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Center.
Once you have created an account, you may gain access to your SIMnet textbooks by paying for access directly only, activating a registration code, or using Courtesy Access.
Your school may elect to make offers available for you to purchase your course materials directly online with your credit card. Click 👉 Buy Online to view the offers available at your school.
The Offers tab displays all of the available offers to purchase a new SIMnet code online. Each code type offers a different textbook at a different price. Review your selection carefully before purchasing. Click the Purchase button to purchase your code.
The textbook for the Microsoft Application, "Access Database" is not offering access to your course, it is offering that textbook. Only select the Access Database offer if you are taking a course on databases.
On the Courses tab you can see all courses you are currently enrolled in. If you are not enrolled in any courses, you will see No Data in the Enrolled Courses section. Click the Add a course button to review the available courses at your school.
Select from the Available Courses menu the courses you would like to enroll in by clicking the + Enroll button. You may filter your options by selecting a Campus from the drop-down menu or typing in a course name in the Filter available courses... text box. If a couse is not avaiable in the Enrollment Availability column, your instructor will need to add you to that course.
A confirmation notification will appear. If you have already activated a code or courtesy access, you will receive a notification that will guide you to View Assignments in your course.
If you have not yet purchaed acccess or activated courtesy access, you will get a notification that will guide you to purchae a code or get courtey access.
Once you have enrolled, the course will appear in your Enrolled Courses list. You can activate courtsey access by clicking on the Activate Courtesy Access button. You can remove your enrollment in a specific course by clicking the x Remove button.