How to open, view and complete SIMpath assignment steps: pre-test, Lesson and Post-test
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How to open, view and complete SIMpath assignment steps: pre-test, Lesson and Post-test
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The SIMpath assignment view allows you to take a pre-test, a lesson, and a post-test, and view your results for each.
You can view your SIMpath assignments by clicking the assignments tab, clicking SIMpath from the left side of the page, and selecting the SIMpath assignment title.
Info: You may see Personal Assignment? Yes where your course name should be listed. This means your instructor has created an assignment that is only available to you. This may have been to provide you with an extension or a replacement assignment.
Taking a pre-test will help you and your instructor figure out which tasks you may need help with, and which tasks you know well. The pre-test is a way to measure how comfortable you are with the subject matter before you have been introduced to it.
If you skip the pre-test, you will receive a zero for the pre-test portion of the SIMpath. If you fail to complete the pre-test portion of the SIMpath prior to it's due date your pre-test will automatically be skipped.
After you have taken the pre-test, or skipped it, the results will generate a personalized lesson that focuses on your pre-test results.
Info: Your instructor can configure your lesson to contain skills related to incorrectly answered pre-test questions or all skills related to the pre-test.
Info: A Lesson skill may cover the learning outcome for more than one pre-test question. For example, if you incorrectly answer 3 pre-test questions you may only receive 1 skill in your Lesson.
Taking a post-test after you have completed a lesson will indicate where you have improved since taking the pre-test, and whether or not there are still some areas that you may need to revisit. Your results will be sent to your instructor so that they can see your improvement as well.
Info: In most cases, instructors choose to use the post-test grade as your score for all steps in the SIMpath.
Warning: Result scores and grade book grades are not the same thing. Results reported are your raw scores, not your grade. For example, if you correctly answer 7 / 10 pre-test questions your post-test score will be based on 3 questions because you've already answered 7 questions correctly on the pre-test. However, your post-test grade book grade will be based on 10 points. In this case, if you never attempt the post-test you would automatically have a grade of 7/10 based on the points earned from your pre-test.
The results of your SIMpath pre-test will display the date and time you completed the exam, as well as the score you earned on that attempt.
The results of your SIMpath Lesson will display the date and time you started and completed the lesson, as well as the score you earned on that attempt.
The results of your SIMpath post-test will display the date and time you completed the exam, as well as the score you earned on that attempt.