Test Bank Exams
Test Bank Exams are composed of multiple choice, true/false, and matching questions.
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Test Bank Exams are composed of multiple choice, true/false, and matching questions.
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You can keep track of how much time has gone by while you are taking a test bank exam with the timer located in the upper right corner of the Exam page. The timer will count down to indicate how much time has gone by and how much time is left to complete the exam. If the test is not a timed test, the words "Not Timed" will appear in place of the timer.
If you are having trouble reading the questions, you can easily change the size of the question text by clicking the Text size button, and toggling the + and - buttons to make the text the size that works best for you.
Warning: This will not change the size of the answer options.
If you would like to save your progress in the middle of taking an exam and return to finish it later, the Save Exam button will pause the countdown of the timer, prompt you to save the exam, and exit back to the Exam Title page. If you have clicked this button by mistake, the Cancel button will return you to the exam and continue the countdown of the timer.
Info: This option may not be available for your exam. Your instructor controls the availability of saving and returning to an exam. All exam progress is always saved, but the Save Exam button allows you to return at a later time to finish.
In a Test Bank exam, the questions will either come in the form of true-or-false questions or multiple-choice questions. You can answer true-or-false questions by selecting the radio button next to True if you believe that the questions statement is true, or the radio button next to False if you believe the statement to be false.
In a Test Bank Exam, the questions will either come in the form of true-or-false questions or multiple-choice questions. You can answer multiple choice questions by clicking the radio button next to the appropriate answer to each question. These questions may either be presented as statements with a blank word or phrase to fill, or as a question, each with a list of possible answers.
You can exit the Exam at any time by clicking the X in the top right corner of the exam screen or by clicking the End Exam button in the lower right corner of the screen. You will be prompted to click either End Exam if you are ready to submit this exam attempt to your instructor for grading, or to click Cancel if you would like to return to the exam.
Warning: Exiting the exam will end the exam and submit your score to the grade book. You will not be able to continue where you left off.