
Your Course Manager account permissions.


This section of your account displays your permissions as an instructor or administrator to create, edit, and manage students, classes, reports, SIMnet lessons, SIMnet exams, Test Bank exams, SIMpaths, Templates, and Resources for each class.

1. 👩‍🎓 Students

As an instructor or administrator, you have the permission to create new students, edit student information (including changing passwords and assigning students to classes), import batches of students, and enroll or unenroll students from the full student list.

2. 🏫 Classes

As an instructor or administrator, you have the permission to manage classes including creating new classes, importing classes, editing existing classes to which you are assigned, deleting classes to which you are assigned, and adding or removing students to or from classes (from the pool of all available students, but only to classes to which you are assigned).

3. 📑 Reports

As an instructor or administrator, you have the permission to view and create reports, delete student results from within a report, and export report data. A full instructor does not have the permission to delete all grades, this is limited to administrators.

4. 📕 SIMnet Lessons

As an instructor or administrator, you have the permission to create new SIMnet lessons and lessons from templates, and to edit SIMnet lesson content from a template lesson.

5. 📃 SIMnet Exams

As an instructor or administrator, you have the permission to create new SIMnet exams and exams from templates, and edit SIMnet exam content and preferences from a template exam.

6. 📋 Test Bank Exams

As an instructor or administrator, you have the permission to create test bank exams including creating test banks and new questions, create test bank exams from templates, and edit test bank exam content and preferences from a template exam.

7. 🔭 SIMPaths

As an instructor or administrator, you have the permission to create new SIMPaths and new SIMPaths from templates, and edit SIMPath content and preferences from a template or regular SIMPath.

8. 🔳 Templates

As an instructor or administrator, you have the permission to create SIMnet lesson templates, exam templates, test bank exam templates, and SIMPath templates.

9. 📚 Resources

As an instructor or administrator, you have the permission to create new resources for you and your students to use throughout the course.

Last updated