SIMpath Prefs

How to set preferences for a SIMpath

When you are finished adding questions, click the SIMpath Preferences tab. The default preferences for your account are applied automatically. To change the preferences, click the Edit button.

1. 📓 Pre-Test Properties

  • The Scenario line identifies from which question pool the Pre-Test questions use.

  • Select the Allow to skip pre-test checkbox to allow the student to skip the pre-test and go straight to the Lesson.

2. 📄 Lesson Properties

  • By default, SIMnet will create a custom lesson for the student based on the questions skipped or answered incorrectly in the Pre-Test. If you want all students to see all the tasks in the Lesson, select the Show complete lesson checkbox.

  • To allow students to skip the Lesson, select the Allow to skip lesson checkbox.

  • Click the Allow access between Post-Test attempts checkbox to allow students to take the Lesson before completing the post-test.

Note: For an adaptive lesson uncheck the Show complete lesson option.

Note: When using an adaptive lesson, pre-test points will carry forward automatically to the lesson grade. For example, if a student earns an 8/10 on the pre-test, the lesson grade will start with 8/10 and the student will only be presented the ability to complete the 2 remaining points.

3. 📚 Post-Test Properties

  • Expand the Scenario menu to edit the scenario for the Post-Test. After selecting the Pre-Test scenario when you create the SIMpath, you cannot change it.

  • To show the full Post-Test, select the Show complete post-test checkbox. If this option isn't selected, the Post-Test will only include questions missed on the Pre-Test.

Note: For an adaptive lesson uncheck the Show complete lesson option.

Note: When using an adaptive post-test, pre-test points will carry forward automatically to the post-test grade. For example, if a student earns an 8/10 on the pre-test, the post-test grade will start with 8/10 and the student will only be presented the ability to complete the 2 remaining points.

4. 👩‍🏫 Instructor References

  • The Objective Reference (SLO) option identifies which SLO is associated with questions. Select a textbook series from the drop-down list to view the SLOs.

5. 📝 Pre-Test and Post-Test Exam Preferences

  • Select Allow Assignment Preference Override to allow instructors to edit the Time Limit/Unlimited Time, Hide Timer, Allow to Pause Exam, Exam Attempts Allowed, and Question Attempts when assigning this SIMpath to a course or to a student

6. 💾 Set Preferences

  • Click the Save button to save your changes.

  • Click Cancel at any time and any changes to the preferences will not be saved.

  • To save these preferences as the default setting for your account, click the Make Default button.

Last updated