Lesson, SIMbook Result

Lessons and SIMbooks display results in the same screen.

1. ✔️ Complete Date

Displays when the student completed all of the available points within the Lesson assignment.

2. 🗓️ Last Attempted Date

Displays when the student last completed work within the assignment. This may be after the Complete date if the student continues to practice within the Lesson.

3. 💯 Score and % Complete

Displays how many of the tasks in the Lesson have been completed and the student's percent score for the assignment.

4. 📒 Task Title

Displays each task in the Lesson assignment based on its title.

5. 🎓 Task Completed

Displays the number of completed items within each task in the Lesson. May be worth as many points as the total number of task points available.

6. Task Points Available

Displays how many points are available within each task in the Lesson. This value depends upon the content of the task and the Lesson settings.

7. 📆 Task Date Attempted

Displays when each task within the Lesson was attempted by the student.

8. 🕸️ Expanded Task Details

Displays each component of a task. Lesson tasks may have more than one of each type.

9. Task Component Time Spent

Displays time spent on each task component. Teach Me components are accessed by viewing the Lesson page. Show Me, Guide Me, and Let Me Try components are accessed by opening each individual part separately.

10. 📶 Task Component Times Completed

Displays the number of times each component has been completed. Show Me, Guide Me, and Let Me Try components can be completed many times but are only scored for credit once.

11. 🔘 Task Toggle Complete

Instructors may elect to change a task to Complete from incomplete. This will change the Completed status and the Lesson Score and % Completed.

12. 👁️‍🗨️ Task Preview

Instructors may load a preview of the task so that they can review it without navigating to a separate page.

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