The Exploring SIMnet sections include top-level topics including basic navigation, common controls, and important concepts.
How to get the most out of SIMnet when you set up SIMnet, throughout the semester, and after each semester is complete
Course gradebook topics.
Report topics.
Student results for Exams, Lessons, SIMbooks, SIMpaths, Resources, and Projects.
The My Account navigation sections.
Send and receive messages and announcements with the communicate section.
Create, edit, and delete instructor accounts with the Instructors section.
Create, import, enroll, edit, assign, and view reports for students.
Topics on viewing, creating, and assigning Lessons.
Topics on viewing, assigning, and managing SIMbook assignments.
Computing Skills and Microsoft Office Training and Assessment Made SIMple.
McGraw Hill's SIMnet is an easy-to-use online training and assessment solution for Microsoft Office. It provides students with life-long access in their personal Library and unlimited practice on Microsoft Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, and Outlook in addition to browsers, file management, and operating systems content.
Signing in to your SIMnet Administrator or Instructor account and accessing Help and Support
Accessing the SIMnet Course Manager starts with the SIMnet Home Page. On the Home Page you can sign in to your Administrator or Instructor account, and access help & support.
Warning: Each school has a different SIMnet website, so be sure to confirm you are visiting your school's SIMnet Home Page by reviewing the browsers address bar and school name displayed on screen.
Every school has its own unique SIMnet website that follows the format https://yourschool.simnetonline.com. Your school's name should be displayed in the upper right hand corner of the website. If this name doesn't match your school, ensure you are visiting the correct website.
Enter the username you were provided by your school. This field is not case sensitive.
The Technical Support option will allow you to open a support case with the McGraw Hill Customer Experience Group.
SIMnet assignment types
Lessons contain instructional, interactive, simulated exercises. Lessons are similar to SIMbooks but only include SIMnet content and do not match content 1-1 to a textbook. Instructors may customize the lesson content based on a textbook or create their own sequence of skills.
Exams use simulated, performance based questions to test the student's knowledge. There are two pools of exam questions–Assessment and Practice.
Assessment–Assessment questions are generally a bit more difficult and worded to require critical thinking.
Practice–Practice questions are generally a bit easier and are worded more directly, giving the student more information.
Electronic versions of textbooks that also include chapters with links to Show Me, Guide Me, and Let Me Try interactive, simulated exercises. SIMbooks are exact replicas of the printed copy of these textbooks with Show Me, Guide Me, and Let Me Try exercises as a part of each chapter. These exercises directly correlate with the skill set addressed in each portion of each chapter of the textbook.
Teach Me-Text on screen they read.
Show Me–Video with audio narration showing how to complete a task.
Guide Me–A click-by-click interactive practice exercise.
Let Me Try–Assesses comprehension of a skill within the same simulated application interface used in exams.
A SIMpath is a three step learning and assessment path which follows these steps: Pre-test, Lesson and Posttest. The Pre-test can include questions from either question scenario. The Lesson and Posttest are then customized based on the completion of the Pre-test. An instructor can configure each SIMpath to be adaptive based on the pre-test results or static and contain prescribed content based on the pre-test.
Includes questions from one of the SIMnet question scenarios: Scenario A or Scenario B.
Students can only take the pre-test one time.
If the SIMpath preferences are set to allow it, students may skip the pre-test and go directly to step 2.
The SIMpath lesson contains the learning tasks that correspond to the questions in the pre-test.
The lesson can be set to show all the relevant tasks or only those that correspond to questions the student skipped or answered incorrectly.
Students can be allowed to skip the lesson or can complete the tasks in the lesson multiple times.
Once the student has completed all of the Let Me Try exercises in the lesson at least once, a Take PostTest button appears in addition to the Take Lesson button.
When the student clicks the Take Post-Test button, the SIMpath Assignments page updates and the lesson is no longer available.
Now the student can click the SIMpath assignment and click Take Exam to start the post-test.
Post-Test includes questions that correspond to the questions in the pre-test.
Post-Test questions may be exactly the same as those in the pre-test (from the same scenario) or they may be parallel questions from the other scenario. o Instructors can set preferences to allow students to take the post-test up to 99 times.
Each post-test result is stored in the gradebook.
SIMnet provides instant, automatic grading for Microsoft Office documents, presentations, spreadsheets, and databases. Students are able to download, complete, and submit projects for grading. The instructors can assign projects to classes or to students based on their individual needs through the Projects window.
Testbank exams present multiple choice, true/false, and fill-in-the-blank questions similar to a traditional paper exam. Test Banks exams can be their own separate exam or a combined exam with simulation questions.
Resources are hyperlinks and files created and uploaded by instructors and assigned to students. A resource may be a syllabus, link to an online article, or a manually graded project.
Welcome to SIMnet, please review the Quick Start Guide to get started with SIMnet.
Welcome to using SIMnet as your learning and assessment solution for Microsoft ® Office, Windows, browsers, file management, and computer concepts. SIMnet is a completely online, simulated Microsoft Office and Windows environment with custom content that correlates to many popular textbooks. Projects in SIMnet are live-in-the-application, automatically graded assignments to supplement your course content.
Since SIMnet is 100% online there are very few actual requirements to run SIMnet successfully. Be sure to run the Systems Requirements Test to ensure optimum performance. The most up-to-date requirements can always be found at System Requirements Check.
Project assignments have additional software requirements depending upon whether your students are using SIMnet for Office 2016, Office 365/2019 or Office Online. Project assignments require that the user's Operating System Region is set to English (US) or English (CA). To view more detail on Project Assignment vist the Project Requirements.
Many SIMnet users access SIMnet via Mac or Chromebook. Some users access Microsoft Office content, like the Access application via Windows Virtual Machine. For more information about using SIMnet outside of Windows visit Getting Started Guide.
This guide will help you understand the basics of using SIMnet as an instructor. First, let’s explore where you can access vital information as you use SIMnet.
After logging in to the Course Manager, you will see the SIMstudent, Help, and Blog links in the top right corner of the screen.
Help includes detailed help topics including animated videos. Instant help is contextual so that you can easily access information regarding the process you are using at the time you access help.
Only Administrators and Campus Administrators can create, edit, and delete instructors. Other account types do not see the Instructors option in the navigation menu.
There are five instructor roles in the SIMnet Course Manager. Each of these roles provides different access and capabilities. For example, Administrators create other Administrators and Instructors and have full access to all classes, lessons, and exams. Full Instructors can do everything an Administrator can do except modify administrative settings, create other instructors and edit other instructors' materials. Limited Instructors can only create lessons and exams from templates. The types of instructor roles are listed below.
Administrator and Campus Administrator
Full Instructor
Limited Instructor
Inactive Instructor (Prevents login to Course Manager)
To create a class, click the Classes section on the left side of the Course Manager and click create. Name the class, assign the appropriate instructors, and your class is created. Be sure you are consistent when naming classes and be sure you include the school term, the name of the class and the course number.
Each class in SIMnet has a unique class title. A section title may be added as well as a campus assignment. It has its own set of assignments and schedule independent of the other classes. To ensure consistency for multiple classes, or multiple sections of the same class, a class may have already been created with assignments and exams for you to use as an instructor.
In general:
If you created the object, you can edit, copy, and delete it.
If you did not create the object, you cannot edit or delete it, but if your account has proper permissions, you can make a copy which is then yours.
If you did not create the object, and it is not assigned to one of your classes, it does not appear in your list of lessons or exams.
You can only create lessons from exams if you have the right to create lessons and vice versa.
In SIMnet, students can learn from Lessons, SIMbooks, Projects, Exams and Resources. For an overview of all SIMnet content types,
Lessons contain instructional, interactive, simulated exercises with content that is mapped to modules or textbooks. Each lesson includes exercises called Show Me, Guide Me, and Let Me Try. These contain generic content addressing specific skill sets, but they do not exactly match a textbook. Lessons must be created based on a module, textbook, template, or another lesson before being assigned to a class. Completion of each lesson can be linked to a gradebook column.
SIMbooks are electronic versions of some McGraw-Hill book series that include chapters with links to Show Me, Guide Me, and Let Me Try interactive, simulated exercises. These exercises directly correlate with the skill set addressed in each portion of each chapter of the textbook. Instructors that use SIMbooks do not need to add simulated, interactive training… it is already included in each chapter. Completion of each SIMbook chapter can be linked to a gradebook column.
With projects, students download files, complete assignments live in the application, and submit them for grading. SIMnet automatically grades projects based on a rubric. Projects are included in SIMnet and can be assigned to a class.
SIMnet exams come in two types - the Exam which uses simulated application environments to ask students to demonstrate practical knowledge of each application and the Testbank Exam which uses multiple choice and True/False questions to ask students to demonstrate the ability to select the correct response. To create an Exam, click the Exam section on the left side of the Course Manager and click Create. Choose the type of exam at the top and name the exam. You will then add content to the exam based on filters such as Module, Textbook, Template, etc. and assign the exam to a class. Please note that instructors have access to test banks from all McGraw-Hill textbooks where test banks are available for that textbook.
Resource assignments are created directly by the instructor. They may be hyperlinks to instructor materials or a file that can be downloaded and completed like a SIMnet Project assignment.
Provide students with multiple attempts to complete projects. Students should be able to submit a project and, based on the feedback provided by SIMnet, correct errors and resubmit the project for grading. This will alleviate student anxiety and allow for an improved learning experience.
Display the solution PDF on the assignment panel so that students have a visual of what the project should look like when it is finished.
When selecting content for both exams and lessons be sure to filter by both Textbook and Chapter. This will logically sequence the questions or tasks as they appear in the textbook.
Only the SIMnet textbook contains coverage of all questions and tasks. Many SIMnet questions and tasks aren’t covered in all textbooks. If you are creating a lesson or exam and can’t find the skill you want through the textbook filter, try switching to the “by Module” filter.
Filtering by Module provides access to all questions and tasks; however, the questions and tasks are in alphabetical order and not logically sequenced.
The best way to create a Scenario B exam from a Scenario A exam (and vice versa) is to use the Create Scenario B Exam (or Create Scenario A Exam) feature from the Actions menu. This feature creates a one-to-one copy of exam questions from the practice scenario.
There are many methods of viewing student assignments, changing student grades, and tracking student progress in SIMnet. Here is a way to review results to get you started. To view student results, click on Students on the left side of the Course Manager screen. Then search for the student based on the filters at the top of the screen (username, ID, First Name, Last Name). Click the Actions menu to the right of the student’s name and choose Student Report.
The student report displays activity for the student for each type of assignment. Click the tab at the top for the assignment type you want to view.
To view Lesson results, click the Lessons tab. To view SIMbook results, click the SIMbooks tab. Click the underlined result that you wish to view. You will see a list of the tasks as well as the tasks the student has completed and the date and time completed. This view also includes the ability to Preview a task. Instructors can choose Toggle Complete on any task to award or remove credit for each task.
An instructor can also use the right arrow to the left of a task to expand it for more details on the student’s activities. This view includes time spent on each part of the task as well as the number of times the student completed it.
Click the Exams tab to view a student’s Exams submission. You will be able to view each attempt for each exam as well as the time spent on the exam, the date and time submitted, the points received, the percentage grade, and the status. You can also use this view to delete a student’s project submission. To view details of a particular exam submission, click on the linked (underlined) name of the exam.
Click the Projects tab to view a student’s Projects submission. You will be able to view each attempt for each project as well as the time spent on the project, the date and time submitted for grading, the points received, the percentage grade, and the status. You can also use this view to delete a student’s project submission.
Clicking on the linked (underlined) name of a submitted project allows an instructor to view details of the submission as well as edit a student’s grade on any step in the project.
SIMnet provides Digital Credentials, a digital certificate of achievement, for completing particular SIMnet assignments either completely or with a particular score. Students can take their digital credentials forth, making them part of their future resume.
The Gradebook provides instructors with tools for viewing student grades, changing the ways in which grades are calculated and displayed, as well as means to change the grades manually. There is one gradebook per class.
Gradebook columns are automatically created as assignments are assigned to classes by checking the Show Column in Gradebook option in the SIMbook Assignment Details dialog box. This option is checked by default.
View a Gradebook: Click Gradebook on the left side of the Course Manager screen and choose a class.
Changing a Grade: Select any grade in the gradebook and key the new grade in the Points text box. Click Apply.
Grade History: Select any grade in the gradebook and click the Click to load grade history button.
Grade Report: Select any grade, click Click to load grade history, and click the Report button. This report allows you to award or deduct points for as well as preview individual tasks/questions.
Please note that the gradebook defaults to display percentages and averages. Change the default before you assign activities to a class so that all activities assigned automatically display the type of grade you wish. If you wait until after activities are assigned, you will have to change each gradebook column individually.
In SIMnet, reports are actually saved report queries that will automatically update each time you view the report. There is no need to recreate the report every time you want an update. There is a wide variety of reports available in SIMnet.
Instead of deleting exams, lessons, SIMpaths, and classes at the end of the semester, it is best to archive them instead. Archiving items simply removes them from all lists within the Course Manager. Archived exams, lessons, SIMpaths, and classes can easily be un-archived. Deleting any item cannot easily be reversed.
The SIMnet Community Blog
SIMnet is consistently improving its service by upgrading its site for students and instructors and releasing new content and features. Instructors and students can stay up-to-date with this information by visiting the SIMnet blog. The blog is available by visiting http://simnetcommunity.com/, or by clicking the SIMnet Blog link at the bottom of the sign-in page. Administrators and Instructors can click the comment bubble in the Course Manager Navigation menu. The most recent post summaries are included within the Course Manager.
The blog includes important information such as new features being released to the site; when scheduled maintenance that will require limiting access to the site will occur; and tips to keep your courses working effectively between semesters.
Using SIMstudent to view the Student Portal as a Student
SIMstudent allows instructors and administrators to login to the Student Portal directly from the Course Manager without requiring a separate student account or registration code. The link is located in the upper right hand corner of the Course Manager and opens in a new browser window.
Clicking the SIMstudent link brings up a list of your assigned courses and the Library link. Click the Library link to view your student's library, based of all assigned books in all of your courses. Click the specific course link to impersonate a student in that course.
SIMbook resources, like instructor manuals and solution files, that are only available to instructors, can be found on the Resources tab in the Library. The books that show in the SIMstudent library are based on the products that are assigned to each instructor's campus.
An instructor or administrator can also reset their assignment results via SIMstudent. For each eligible assignment, the Reset Progress button will appear on the assignment results page. Click the button and confirm the action to reset the assignment.
Info: The Rest Progress feature is only available to SIMstudent logins. Real student accounts do not have access to this feature.
Digital Credentials are marks of attainment that students can take with them when they finish your course.
Digital Credentials are a mark of hard work and attained knowledge in SIMnet. Digital Credentials can be added to a student's resume or online footprint to demonstrate their skill in Microsoft Office applications. There are two types of credentials in SIMnet. Achievement Credentials mark the successful demonstration of skills. They require completing an Exam or Project assignment and gaining a high grade. Completion Credentials mark the disciplined review of course materials. They require completing each section of the student's textbook.
Digital Credentials are divided into belts, like those available to martial arts students. SIMnet offers a White Belt (L1), Yellow Belt (L2), Purple Belt (L3), and Black Belt (L4). These are ordered by difficulty with the Black Belt demonstrating peak achievement.
There are two different Achievement Credentials available in SIMnet. The Yellow Belt is available to students who complete Level 3 Capstone Projects. Capstone Projects are created to provide students an opportunity to demonstrate mastery of a wide array of skills for each Microsoft Office application, Access, Excel, PowerPoint, and Word.
Black Belt credentials are awarded for completing a Black Belt Exam. Black Belt Exams test students’ mastery of each application. Each Black Belt Exam contains a random set of 60 questions that must be completed within 90 minutes with a score of 90% or higher to earn the Black Belt credential.
Completion credentials are based on completing each Let Me Try interactivity in a SIMbook. Students can now earn the White Belt credential for completing all of the Let Me Try questions for the introductory chapters, available in the Office level books. The Purple Belt credential is available for students who complete the advanced chapters of each application. For example, students can earn a White Belt for completing Skills Approach Word 2019 Chapters 1 through 5 and a Purple Belt for completing Chapters 6 through 9.
Students can earn progress toward a credential by completing assignments that require a Let Me Try interactivity, including Lessons, SIMpaths, and assigned SIMbooks as well as opening a book directly in the library. Students can complete either credential without the other.
Administrators must opt-in to Digital Credentials. In the Settings menu on the left navigation, click the Options sub menu. Ensure the Enable Credentials: On radio button is selected.
Completion Credentials, earned for completing SIMbook materials, are automatically available. Achievement Credentials, earned for completing an Exam and Project assignment with high marks, must be assigned to students. Assigning Credentials works like assigning any other learning object.
The completion credential is set to require the Let Me Try by default. For students who do not use the Let Me Try, or may require other course adaptations, can complete the Show Me or Guide Me interactivities instead. Instructors can change this setting by editing a student’s information and changing the Library Credential Requirement.
Level 3 Capstone Projects can be assigned for the Yellow Belt credential. Those assignments have a Credential icon in the Exercise Title.
Black Belt exams have already been created and are available for all schools that have Digital Credentials enabled. You can filter for them by searching for "black". Each Black Belt exam has the credential icon in the Exam Title.
Credentialed assignments have an Assignment Preference, Credentials. When this is enabled the assignment can be used to earn a credential. The school can set the Threshold preference to be between 90% and 100%. This is the score required to earn the credential. Credentials cannot be set to a threshold lower than 90%.
Earned SIMnet Credentials can be viewed either by Course or by Student. To view all of the credentials that students have achieved in your course, select the course in the Classes section on the left navigation. In the actions menu select either Class Report or Snapshot. On the top of the page, select the Credentials tab. Each credential will be listed in alphabetical order by student.
To see the credentials that a student has earned, either select the desired student from the Last Name, First Name column in the Course Snapshot; or select the student from the Students section on the left navigation and select the Credentials tab.
Providing the correct materials for your students
Within SIMnet there are multiple book series created by separate authors. This gives your school the ability to select the appropriate series for your needs. It also means that some parts of SIMnet are accessible or inaccessible to your students depending upon what your school has elected to make available to students. When you are setting up your course, be sure to review your materials and ensure that the materials you selected will be available to your students.
When a course offers materials that are not provided with the license purchased by a student, they will receive a Missing modules notification on the assignments that require a book the student did not purchase.
SIMnet books largely cover either the four major Microsoft Office applications: Access, Excel, PowerPoint and Word; or additional materials like general Computer Concepts and additional applications like Microsoft Outlook.
SIMnet offers book series that are specifically written to the 2016 version of Microsoft Office and the 365/2019 version of Office.
The Skills Approach series features the four main Microsoft applications: Access, Excel, PowerPoint and Word. The Office level book encompasses the introductory chapters of all four applications and the introductory Essential Skills for Microsoft Office. This includes the first five chapters of Word and Excel, and the first four chapters of Access and PowerPoint.
Also included with the Office level book are the Skills Approach Internet Browsers, Outlook, and Windows 10 & File Management books as well as the Standalone Computer Concepts book and Technology at Your Service.
Each application also has a Complete book. The Complete books include the introductory chapters of each application and additional chapters. The Word book includes 9 chapters and 2 addendums on Mailing and advanced features. The Excel book includes 10 chapters. The Access book includes 8 chapters and 1 addendum. The PowerPoint book includes 8 chapters.
Each Complete book also includes Internet Browsers, Outlook, Windows 10 & File Management, Computer Concepts and Technology at Your Service.
The In Practice book series features the four main Microsoft applications: Access, Excel, PowerPoint and Word. The Office level book encompasses the introductory chapters of all four applications and the introductory Essential Skills for Microsoft Office. The introductory chapters include the first four chapters of Word, Excel and Access, and the first three chapters of PowerPoint.
Also included with the Office level book are the Standalone Internet Browsers, Outlook, Windows 10 & File Management, and Standalone Computer Concepts books and Technology at Your Service.
Each application also has a Complete book. The Complete books include the introductory chapters of each application and additional chapters. The Word book includes 12 chapters. The Excel book includes 11 chapters. The Access book includes 10 chapters. The PowerPoint book includes 7 chapters.
Each Complete book also includes Internet Browsers, Outlook, Windows 10 & File Management, Computer Concepts and Technology at Your Service.
Microsoft Office Specialist exams are a well-recognized certification. Microsoft offers Associate level exams in Excel, Word, and PowerPoint (but not Access). Microsoft offers Expert level exams in Access, Excel and Word (but not PowerPoint).
SIMnet offers the 365/2019 MOS Office SIMbook complementary with all 365/2019 Office Level licenses. The 365/2019 MOS Office SIMbook includes content for the three Microsoft Office Specialist Associate level exams (Excel, Word, and PowerPoint) and for the Access Expert level exam (coming soon).
SIMnet also offers individual SIMbooks for each Office Application that come with each edition of the Complete book series:
365/2019 Access comes with the MOS Access Expert SIMbook (coming soon)
365/2019 Excel comes with the MOS Excel Associate SIMbook
365/2019 PowerPoint comes with the MOS PowerPoint Associate SIMbook
365/2019 Word comes with the MOS Word Associate SIMbook
The SIMnet Standalone series features the four main Microsoft applications: Access, Excel, PowerPoint and Word. The Office level book encompasses the introductory chapters of all four applications and the introductory Essential Skills for Microsoft Office. This includes the first five chapters of Word and Excel, and the first four chapters of Access and PowerPoint.
Also included with the Office level book are Internet Browsers, Outlook, and Windows 10 & File Management books as well as the Standalone Computer Concepts book and Technology at Your Service.
Standalone books are written for a single application. Each book includes the introductory chapters of each application and additional chapters. The Word book includes 9 chapters and an addendums on Mailing. The Excel book includes 10 chapters. The Access book includes 8 chapters and 1 addendum. The PowerPoint book includes 8 chapters.
Each Complete book also includes Internet Browsers, Outlook, Windows 10 & File Management, Computer Concepts and Technology at Your Service.
The Computing Essentials textbook includes 13 chapters on using technology and computers both as a consumer and a professional.
At its core, each SIMbook is a series of concepts for students to learn and skills for students to master. These skills may come one to a page or three to a page or more. SIMnet seamlessly transitions these many skills and concepts into single interactivities in a SIMbook, single questions on an Exam, or single points on a Project. This is accomplished through the Student Learning Objective.
The Objective denotes the location of the information on the SIMbook page by the book series, version, application, chapter, and page. For example, one Student Learning Objective would look like this: SA19-WD-02.01. This SLO is from the Skills Approach book series, Office 2019/365 version, Word application, Chapter 2, Skill 1.
Using Project and Resource Academic Integrity Detection successfully
SIMnet Project and Resource assignments have a special security feature called the Academic Integrity Detection. This assists instructors in determining that students are using the file that they downloaded from their assignment page and uploading work that is their own. Academic Integrity Detection is designed to assist the Instructor and School in determining if a student has misrepresented SIMnet work as their own. It is a resource that provides additional information about where a student’s file came from and who may have worked on it.
When a student downloads a Resource or Project start file from their assignment page, SIMnet injects additional data, inaccessible to the user. This is referred to as the user’s Unique Signature. That additional data is an encrypted set of keys used to uniquely identify the student and start file. Each downloaded start file has at least one unique signature. Depending on the size of the start file multiple distinct Unique Signatures are injected into various locations of the file. Injecting multiple Unique Signatures prevents tampering with the Unique Signature. The student must upload a file that contains the same unique signature data that was included in their downloaded file. When the student uploads or submits their assignment for grading, the file is automatically reviewed for these Unique Signature elements before the assignment is accepted. If the data matches the student’s information, then the file is graded. If the Unique Signature data does not match, the student receives an Academic Integrity Violation flag or will not be able to submit their file depending on the instructor’s set preferences. A submitted file that doesn't contain any Unique Signatures is not accepted.
There are multiple ways that a student can have their file fail the Academic Integrity Detection check.
The student’s file does not contain any Unique Signature data. In this situation the student has typically downloaded their start file from the SIMbook page or started with a blank file. Files that contain no Unique Signature data cannot be uploaded to SIMnet regardless of instructor preference.
The student’s file contains the Unique Signature data of another student. The student has submitted another student’s file as their own Assignment for grading. All of the elements of the file contain the Unique Signature of another student.
The student’s submission contains elements of another student’s file. The student has downloaded their own file from SIMnet but copy/pasted elements of another student’s file into their own file. Individual elements from SIMnet Project files, like a paragraph in Word or a cell in Excel have Unique Signature elements. In this instance, the unique signature of some or all of these elements does not match the student’s file but does match the unique signature of another student.
Instructors may choose to prevent their students from uploading any files that include any Academic Integrity Detection issues. In this case, if any of the three potential issues with the student’s unique signature occur, the student's file will not be graded and the student will get an error message when they upload their file.
To disallow submissions with any Student Integrity issues, in the Project Assignment Details window, deselect the Allow Student Submissions with Integrity Violation check box.
By default, students can upload assignments with Academic Integrity Violations. When an Integrity Violation occurs, by default, their instructor will receive an email notification that a violation has occurred and be able to view that there is a new Integrity Violation on the Dashboard. These two areas will prompt the instructor to view the individual Academic Integrity Violation Report for that particular submission.
The Academic Integrity Violation Report shows the instructor information about the student who uploaded the file and information about the student whose file was uploaded. There are two types of Academic Integrity Violation Reports, one for when the student uploaded a file belonging to another student and one for when the student has uploaded their own file but it contains elements of another student’s file.
The Academic Integrity Detection system is a simple check. Either the student’s file has the encrypted data unique to them or it doesn’t. This check is reliable and accurate. However, this is not a guarantee of cheating in and of itself. Instructors may elect to review each individual Academic Integrity Violation. Below are two scenarios that may occur and how an instructor may review them.
Situation 1: Student A has inadvertently submitted their work on Student B’s account. In this instance, Student B will have an Integrity Violation. There are two pieces of information that an instructor may use to help determine if this issue occurred. First, the file submitted to Student B’s account will have the name of Student A. Second, reviewing the login details of each student in the Student History will show that the two students generally login from similar locations.
Situation 2: Student A has taken Student B’s file and uploaded it to their account. The clearest information additional to the Academic Integrity Violation itself will be the name of the student’s submitted file. If Student A has submitted a file that has their name on it but Student B’s unique signature data they have made an attempt to pass Student B’s work off as their own. Many times the students will not go to the same school or work in similar locations, making inadvertent submission increasingly unlikely.
SIMnet provides all available the details in the Integrity Violation Report. In most cases, we recommend cross-referencing the Student History to review the student's login time, IP address, and the computer/browser details to further support the Integrity Violation case.
Each Textbook in SIMnet comes with many additional files for instructors and students.
Each SIMnet Textbook includes additional resources to assist instructors. They can be downloaded all at once, or in sections as you prefer.
SIMnet provides the following types of textbook files:
Instructor Manual
Instructor PowerPoint
Let Me Try Data Files
Let Me Try Solution Files
Project Data Files
Project Solution Files
Show Me Audio Transcripts
To download the available textbook files, navigate to the SIMbook section in the left navigation and select the desired SIMbook from the drop-down menu.
You can download the files for an entire SIMbook by clicking the Download Instructor Resource Files for SIMbook link and selecting all files. The download manager that pops up has all of the files for all of the chapters in that SIMbook.
Instead of viewing all of the files for the whole book, you can click the Actions menu for the particular SIMbook chapter and select the Download Instructor Resources option at the bottom of the menu. The download manager that pops up has all of the files for that chapter.
The download manager provides each available file. The files can be selected as a group from the Select All check box or each item can be checked off individually. The Visible in Student Library column lets the instructor know which files are available to students automatically.
Once you have selected the desired files, click the Download Selected Files button. The Bulk Download option allows users to download files that are either organized by chapter, or are provided all in the same folder. To select organized folders, click the Nested (with folders) radio option. To select all files within a single folder, select Flat (no folders). Click Download Instructor Resources to download a .zip folder of the selected files.
Textbook files can also be accessed from the Library using SIMstudent. To view textbook files this way you must navigate to the SIMnet Library, select the desired textbook and then select the desired chapter. The Resources tab in the chapter view shows the available files. The files available in SIMstudent view are all the files available to the instructor and include files that cannot be accessed by students, like the Instructor Manual and Instructor PowerPoint.
Navigating the SIMnet Course Manager Top and Left navigation menus.
The SIMnet Course Manager has two basic control bars for navigation. The Top Navigation Menu provides access to SIMstudent, Your Profile, and logging out. The Left Navigation Menu contains access to all of your Users, Classes, Content, Results, and Administration settings.
Click the Logout button to log out of SIMnet Course Manager.
Note: You will automatically be logged out of the Course Manager after 60-minutes of inactivity.
The View Reports section contains the raw grades and attempts for all assignments completed in SIMnet. Visit the 👉Reports help topic to learn more.
The Resource Submission section lists submitted resources. Visit the 👉Resources help topic to learn more.
You can also create and bookmark custom reports. Visit the 👉Reports help topic to learn more.
Note: Administrators are able to view and edit all classes in the school URL.
You can Star courses form the View All Courses page. Starred courses will appear automatically in the Courses pane so that they can be viewed and edited quickly.
Note: Only SIMnet Administrators are able to view the Instructors section.
You can search students directly from the panel. Search by name, email or username. The student search only returns at most 5 student records per search result
Note: Instructor accounts are only able to view content they created or that is assigned to their class. Administrators can view all content within the URL.
Test Banks
Note: Only SIMnet Administrators can access the Administration section.
The SIMnet Cahngelog documents all changes made to SIMnet including all major bug fixes.
Terms and Privacy Policy
View the SIMnet Terms and Privacy Policy.
Common controls are used throughout the SIMnet Course Manager.
A number of simple controls are used throughout the SIMnet Course Manager. Understanding how they work and how they can be effectively applied will save you time and energy as you move throughout SIMnet.
Every major section in the Course Manager uses the Actions Menu. This menu provides actions that can be performed on a particular 👉Course, Student, Assignment or Report. The Actions Menu will always be on the far right of each content type. To use the Actions Menu, navigate to the desired item (Student, Course, etc.) and then click the drop-down arrow. Each content type has its own unique Actions Menu options, but they typically include options like Edit/Assign or Delete. To learn more about specific Actions Menu options, view the desired help section.
Lists of Students, Courses, and Learning Objects can quickly become large in SIMnet. Being able to effectively filter the available data will greatly increase your efficiency. Whenever you see the Filter icon, a filtering option is available to you.
Clicking the Filter icon will bring up a list of available filtering options like Contains, Starts With, or Does Not Contain. Choose your desired option and enter the info you would like to use to filter your data. By default, SIMnet uses the Contains option.
The Gradebook has number of filtering options, by assignment name, student name, or assignment type. Clicking the Filter Icon in the upper left corner expands the filtering options.
The Details icon allows users to quickly review a piece of SIMnet content without loading up an exam or SIMstudent view. The Details icon provides quick access to individual question content. This includes the question text being asked; the answer or hint; where the information covered in the question originates; and the ability to preview the question directly. The details icon is available when assigning or reviewing content of Lessons, Exams, and SIMpaths.
Whenever you are scheduling content, from SIMbooks to SIMpaths, Lessons to Exams, you have the ability to control when students can access content. Use the Calendar icon to limit when
Keeping SIMnet neat to help students and instructors find the right materials
Archiving allows instructors to remove students, classes, lessons, exams and SIMpaths from their active lists and reports and store them in an archive list. This will not delete them but will help keep the account clean and organized, showing only current information. Whether you're archiving lessons, exams, SIMpaths, etc., the process and the archive screens are identical.
Click on the Archive link in the section you want to archive items on the Left Navigation.
Click on the item(s) in the active list and click the Add button.
The item now appears in the Archived list.
Items that have been archived can also be unarchived at any time, making the item active again. To unarchive:
Click the item(s) you want to unarchive.
Click the Remove button.
The item now appears in the Active list.
Archiving for students follows the same process but is a bit different. An archived student can still log in and use their self-study materials but their account will not be deleted. Once a student account has been archived, their unique username cannot be used by another user.
Deleting content in SIMnet is significantly more permanent than Archiving. Unlike Archiving, Deleting cannot be done in bulk from a list. You must select each thing to be deleted individually and select Delete from the Actions menu. Deleting cannot be undone within SIMnet. In some limited circumstances Deleted content can be restored by contacting SIMnet Support.
Note: Students who have purchased content within SIMnet cannot be deleted within SIMnet. Students who have purchased content but would still like their account deleted must contact SIMnet support.
Accessibility guides for reviewers, instructors, and students.
Preparing for a new semester or term to get the most out of SIMnet
If you are going to re-use your current course structure, start by creating new courses based on the ones you already have with the Class Copy feature. Copying current content before you archive can avoid headaches based on trying to find the appropriate content later.
You can put off this step if you are using a Course Master to copy content into a new course since the Course Master does not get archived.
Once you have copied the course structure of your previous semester courses into your next semester courses, it is time to archive content that will not be used going forward. Old courses, students, and course materials can be archived to ensure that everyone is working from the same list of materials. Archiving also ensures that new students won't try to enroll in old courses.
Archiving keeps you lists clean and is completely reversible from within SIMnet. Review the archiving process Archiving.
Note: We do not recommend reusing the same course but archiving the students within a course. This becomes problematic when changing materials in the course. When previous students have completed assignments, even if they are archived, those assignments cannot be deleted from the course.
Copy course materials from previous semesters can be accomplished by using a date schedule or by shifting the course dates forward by a set number of days. This typically leaves a few changes that will be required before the start of the semester. See Class Copy for more details.
SIMnet requires a Start Date for your course. If you set that date in the future, you can limit student's enrollment in your course until the course is open. You can also set an end date for the course that will keep students from viewing or enrolling in old courses. See Class Settings for more details.
Note: Be sure to edit the course schedule before adding new students to the course. If your course materials are passed their Due Date when you add new students, those students will receive a 0 grade for all of those assignments. Once you move your assignment dates those 0s will still be there until your students attempt an assignment. This does not have an effect on the ability of students to complete their assignments, but this will create a headache when they contact you.
Ensure that everything in your new course is there and that your course does not need any new materials. If you have changed any course materials, ensure that the SIMbook Series you are using has not changed so you will not need to edit your licenses or eCommerce settings.
Enrolling students to your course should be the last step in creating a new course. Once students are able to access your course it becomes more difficult to make changes as some students may attempt coursework as soon as they're able.
Enter the password you selected or were provided. Click the to see the password in plain text. Click the Sign In button to continue.
You can determine whether or not your computer meets the technical requirements for accessing the SIMnet Course Manager website by running a System Requirements check. This will check your system's capabilities for browser version, screen size, and more. View Getting Support for details.
The SIMnet Instant Help option directs you to the documentation website. If you are trying to learn how to use some part of the SIMnet Course Manager, view Instant Help. View Getting Support for details.
SIMstudent is the instructor’s student view. This view allows instructors to see exactly what a student enrolled in the class will see. Instructors must be listed as an instructor to see the student view for a specific class. Visit our topic on SIMstudent for details.
All SIMnet changes are catalogued month by month. These changes may be simple, like an additional alternate formula string for an Excel project, or they may be complex, like the semi-annual O365 Update. Those changes are available on our Changelog.
The best way to create a Lesson from an Exam is to use the Create Lesson feature from the Actions menu. This feature creates a lesson populated with all tasks that cover the exam questions. Create Lesson from Exam
For an overview on all of the support options review the Contacting Support topic.
Student Learning Objectives can be used to compare different SIMbook series to determine which parts are covered. They can be used to review Project Results to determine how a student did on each skill, throughout the project. SLO can be used to review Report Types by organized by Objective and Report Types organized by Question.
You can view each of your classes as if you were a student to with the SIMstudent feature. You can navigate directly to each course you teach as a SIMstudent by selecting the course name from the list. Visit the SIMstudent section for details.
The Profile pop up window features, your personal information, and permissions. Visit the My Account help topic to learn more. The Messaging section features the ability to compose messages and schedule announcements to your students and classes. Vist the Communicate help topic to learn more.
The Class dashboard provides you an overview of all or each of your classes, including Students with past due assignments; the list of assignments that are past, current, or upcoming; Integrity Violations; Student Activity and Credentials Issued. You can edit the settings of each widget to provide more fine grained detail. You can select from all your courses or any individual course to display on the dashboard. Visit the Dashboard help topic to learn more.
The Gradebook section contains all grades for your courses. You can also manually change grades, export, create and view column configuration. Visit the Gradebook help topic to learn more.
Create Report
The View All section lists all classes you're assigned to teach. You can also edit, assign, create, organize, import, and archive classes. Vist the Manage help topic to learn more.
Create a new SIMnet course. Visit the Create Classes help topic to learn more.
Use the Course Organizer page to Organize your created course. You can edit the order, grouping, visibility and more from the Course Organizer. Visit the Organize help topic to learn more.
Batch impport classes and students automatically by using templated .CSV or .TXT files. Visit the Import Classes and Users help topic to learn more.
Archive courses that you are no longer using or view archived classes and recover them. Visit the Archive help topic to learn more.
Starred Courses
The Instructors section lists all of the Administrators and Instructors within your school URL. You can also edit, assign, create, import, and archive instructor and administrator accounts. Visit the Instructors help topic to learn more.
The Students section lists all students enrolled in your classes. You can also edit, assign, create, import, and archive students. Visit the Students help topic to learn more.
Student Quick Search
The Lessons section lists all of the lessons you've created or are assigned to your classes. You can also edit, assign, create lessons, create templates, and archive lessons. Visit the Lessons help topic to learn more.
The SIMbooks section lists all available SIMbooks, Chapters, and Pages. You can also assign, preview, and download book resources. Visit the SIMbooks help topic to learn more.
The Exams section lists all of the exams you've created or are assigned to your classes. You can also edit, assign, create exams, create templates, and archive exams. Visit the Exams help topic to learn more.
The SIMpaths section lists all of the SIMpaths you've created or are assigned to your classes. You can also edit, assign, create SIMpaths, create templates, and archive exams. Visit the SIMpaths help topic to learn more.
The Projects section lists all available autograded Projects. You can also assign projects and create custom grading rubrics. Visit the Projects help topic to learn more.
The Resources section lists all file and link resources. You can also create new resources, view and grade student submissions. Visit the Resources help topic to learn more.
The Test Banks section lists all available test banks. You can also create custom test bank questions. Visit the Test Banks help topic to learn more.
In the options section you can edit Student Change preferences and other school-wide settings. Add Friendly IPs for whitelisting IPs for testing. Visit the Options help topic to learn more.
Add and remove textbooks from the list of available textbooks. Removing textbooks keeps instructors from assigning content outside of the pre-approved list. Visit the Textbooks help topic to learn more.
Schools can add additional campuses to control Learning Objects, eCommerce offers, and available textbooks at each campus. Visit the Campuses help topic to learn more.
Use the Products section to control the editions of SIMnet available to your users. SIMnet currently offers 2016, 2019 and 2021 products. Visit the Products help topic to learn more.
Add or remove eCommerce offerings available across your school. eCommerce offers allow users to purchase access to SIMnet online. eCommerce offers can be edited at the course level. Visit the eCommerce help topic to learn more.
The Details view shows the account type and school time zone. All Account level and Course level Inclusive Access offers are visible here. Visit the Details help topic to learn more.
You can add your school logo to your school's SIMnet login page and to Digital Credentials handed out by your school. Visit the Branding help topic to learn more.
Help topics releated to the page you are currently viewing automatically display. You can use the Search feture at the top of the pane to search Instant Help topics. Visit the Getting Support section for additional help.
The SIMnet Community Blog contains information regarding SIMnet, new features, new content, bug fixes, and announcements of maintenance being performed that may impact system availability. Be sure to refer to the Blog often to obtain this information.
You can Create Students
You can Import Users & Classes
You can allow students to enroll through your school's LMS through MH Campus - Classic or through MH Campus - Deep integration.
The glossay or terms and definitions.
Action Menus The initial page for each navigation area is a summary list of the objects available. Each row in the list includes an Actions drop-down menu which appears on the far right of the object. The Actions menu gives you access to the functions available for that item.
ADA Multiplier Allows the instructor to assign more time to complete an exam for a particular student. The default setting for all students is 1, which represents the base time that the instructor has assigned to the exam.
Archiving Allows instructors to remove students, classes, lessons, exams and SIMpaths from their active lists and reports and store them in an archive list. This will not delete them but will help keep the instructor's account clean and organized, showing only current information.
Blog Link at the top of the screen to see a list of the latest changes to SIMnet.
Columns--Calculated A grouping of columns which is used to produce a single grade. Each column entry can have a "column weight." It is possible for a calculated column to contain other calculated columns. This allows instructors to create calculated column groups that can be re-grouped to produce a final grade.
Columns--Custom Custom or "non-linked" columns are columns which are not related to any SIMnet assignment. Custom column grades are not calculated on an attempt basis and are always being overridden as you enter the grade score manually.
Columns--Linked Linked columns are grade columns that can accept assignment attempt scores automatically from SIMnet SIMbooks, Lessons, Exams, Test Bank Exams, SIMpaths, and Resources.
Columns--Mapped A mapped column is a column that is included within a calculated column to determine the final displayed grade.
Dashboard Shows the current state of your classes and helps keep your classes, assignment and student activity organized. View by clicking the Dashboard link from within the My Account section. The dashboard has the following components: Assignment Schedule, Past Due Assignments, Integrity Violations, and Student Activity. The dashboard components contain information about students and assignments in the courses you teach.
Delay Results Until This setting delays displaying the results of an assignment to students until the date set even if the due date or end date is an earlier date/time.
Due Date Assignments submitted after the due date and time are considered “late” and will display as such.
End Date The date and time that an assignment is no longer visible in students’ accounts.
Exam--Correct Retake Allowed Allows students to re-answer questions they have already answered correctly. The exam must have more than one question attempt allowed.
Exam--Detailed Feedback Includes the question list on the results page showing students which exam questions were answered correctly and incorrectly.
Exam--Display Feedback Displays correct and incorrect feedback during an exam.
Exam--Display Hints Displays hints after incorrect answers. This option is only available if Display Feedback is enabled.
Exam--Display Submitted Answer Shows students the steps they took to answer the question This applies to both correctly and incorrectly answered questions.
Exam--Enable Create Custom Lesson Allows students create their own custom lesson based on the exam.
Exam--Enable Printing Allows students to print the Exam Results page.
Exams (type)--Scenario B SIMnet Exam An exam made up of questions from the Scenario B exam question pool. Scenario B questions are a different pool than scenario A but not any more or less difficult.
Exams (type)--Scenario B SIMnet Exam Template A scenario B exam that is available for copying but cannot be assigned directly to a class.
Exams (type)--SIMnet Exam An exam based on lessons or Show Me, Guide Me, Let Me Try exercises in a SIMbook.
Exams (type)--SIMnet Exam Template An exam that is available for copying but cannot be assigned directly to a class.
Exams (type)--Test Bank A grouping of questions with similar objectives that can be used to create Test Bank Exams.
Exams (type)--Test Bank Exam An exam made up of objective questions (multiple choice and true/false) from a specific test bank.
Exams (type)--Test Bank Exam Template A test bank exam that is available for copying but cannot be assigned directly to a class.
Exams--Advance on Incorrect Moves students to the next question even when the user answers incorrectly. This option is only available if Display Feedback is enabled.
Exams--Show Study Guide Displays page references to students from the textbook selected in the Textbook list.
Gradebook Provides administrators and instructors with tools to track scores and for changing the ways in which grades are calculated and displayed, as well as means to change the grades manually. There is one gradebook per class.
Gradebook--Grade History Every attempt, grade override, manual update or unlocking is logged in the grade history. The history includes: the user who modified the grade, the grade before and after updating, and the date/time it was modified or unlocked. A grade is only locked when an instructor has manually overridden the grade in the gradebook. To unlock a grade, select it and click the Unlock Grade button. This will revert the grade to the original, calculated score.
Instructor Roles--Administrators They can create other administrators and instructors and have full access to all classes, lessons, and exams. Only Administrators have access to the account settings pages and archiving functions. An Administrator who is assigned to a specific campus or campuses, becomes a Campus Administrator. This means the Campus Administrator can view all assignment results and student information for a specific campus as well as add or delete campuses from their account.
Instructor Roles--Assistants They can only view classes, students, lessons, exams, and reports. They cannot create anything.
Instructor Roles--Full Instructors They can do everything an Administrator can do except modify administrative settings, create other instructors and edit other instructors' materials. Instructors cannot change the account settings nor can they access archiving functions.
Instructor Roles--Inactive Instructors They cannot log in to the Course Manager. Their information is saved in SIMnet but they are unable to access it.
Instructor Roles--Limited Instructors They can only create lessons and exams from templates. They do not have the right to edit the content or preferences of lessons and exams created from templates nor can they create new learning objects.
Lessons Interactive exercises with content that is mapped to modules or textbooks. Lessons include Teach Me, Show Me, Let Me Try.
Lesson filters—Lesson Filter Displays all available tasks for the selected lesson. The Lesson filter facilitates quickly combining multiple existing lessons.
Lesson filters—Module Filter Displays all available tasks for the selected module or application. Filtering by Module also allows you to explore tasks by MCAS objective.
Lesson filters—Template Filter Displays all available tasks for the selected template. This filter option quickly facilitates combining multiple existing templates.
Lesson filters—Textbook Filter Displays all available tasks for the selected textbook. Filtering by Textbook also allows you to explore tasks by Chapter.
Lesson/Exam Snapshot Shows the details of the exam (including preferences and assignments) in a static window. This option is useful for instructors who do not have edit privileges for the exam.
Module A way of organizing data by subject matter rather than by book series or chapter. Modules correspond directly with the Microsoft Office Application or other content matter.
Personal Assignment Grade Transfer In some cases, instructors may need to extend a learning object's assignment period for one or more students using the SIMnet personal assignment feature. Personal Assignments of Course Assignments are set to automatically transfer.
Projects Automatic grading for Microsoft’s Office Suite projects. Students are able to download, complete assignments live in the application, and submit projects for grading.
Reports Saved report queries that will automatically update each time you view the report. When you select Overview Report from the Students or Classes Actions list, that report is saved to the Reports list automatically.
Report--Account Overview Displays an overview of instructors, classes, and campuses. (For Account Administrators only).
Report--Class Overview Queries all of the lesson and exam results for assignments for a specific class.
Report--Exam Report Allows an instructor to view the latest exam results for your entire class.
Report--Lesson Report Viewing a lesson report allows you to view the latest lesson results for your entire class.
Report--Lesson Task Analysis Queries the number of times a task was taken by students and how many times it was completed.
Reports--MCAS Objective Analysis (Historical) Queries the number of times the MCAS objectives have been answered incorrectly, correctly, and the total for the first question attempt, the second question attempt and all question attempts. Data is generated on every SIMnet question attempt for the lifetime of the account.
Reports--Project Report Queries all results for a specific project. The report can be filtered by class, campus or project.
Reports--Project Objective Analysis Report Displays how class or campus has done completing each Student Learning Objective across all completed project attempts.
Reports--Project Objective Analysis Report Per Student Displays student’s percent score on each Student Learning Objective from each time that objective has been scored in a project across as many projects as the instructor chooses.
Reports--SIMbook Report A query containing all results for a specific SIMbook.
Reports--SIMpath Exam Question Analysis Report Displays how classes or campuses scored on SIMpath assignments
Reports--SLO Report by Objective Displays all Exam results by Student Learning Objective.
Reports--SLO Report by Question Displays all Exam reports and the relevant Student Learning Objective but is grouped by the question itself.
Reports--SIMnet Exam Queries all of the results for a specific exam.
Reports--SIMnet Exam Question Analysis Queries the number of times a SIMnet question was answered incorrectly, correctly, and the total number of attempts.
Reports--SIMnet Question Analysis (Historical) Queries the number of times a SIMnet question has been answered incorrectly, correctly, and the total for the first question attempt, the second question attempt and all question attempts. Data is generated on every SIMnet question attempt for the lifetime of the account.
Reports—SIMpath Queries all results for a specific SIMpath.
Reports--Student Overview Report A Student Overview Report queries all of the lesson and exam results for a specific student. From this report, you can view result details and delete results.
Reports--Student Report Generates a report showing all of the student's lesson and exam results, including student-created self-study lessons. From this report, you can view result details and delete results. You can also change the grade of an individual item.
Reports--Test Bank Exam Queries all of the results for a specific test bank exam.
Reports--Test Bank Exam Question Analysis Queries the number of times a test bank question was answered incorrectly, correctly, and the total number of attempts.
Resources Allows instructors to create and upload their own hyperlinks and files to assign to students. This section also works as a two-way dropbox that manages the workflow between instructors and students. Instructors can assign items to students and allow them to submit files for review. Instructors can then provide feedback directly to the student from the Submissions link.
SIMbook Electronic versions of some McGraw-Hill book series that include chapters with links to Show Me, Guide Me, and Let Me Try simulated exercises. Students complete one, two, or all three of the types of simulated exercises directly from the corresponding book chapter while reading the textbook information. Gradebook credit is available for completion of the exercises.
SIMpath An adaptive three step learning and assessment path which includes a pre-test, a lesson, and a post-test. SIMpaths have a variety of options and can be customized for instructors’ needs.
SIMstudent Allows instructors and administrators to log in to the Student Portal directly from the Course Manager without requiring a separate student account or registration code.
Student Learning Objective (SLO) Each SIMbook series content broken down into individual question components. A single Let Me Try or Exam question may contain multiple Student Learning Objectives. Project assignments may have multiple questions that require mastery of the same SLO.
Snapshot—Class Snapshot Shows the class roster and assignments.
Student Snapshot Shows the student’s registration information and a list of the classes the student is enrolled in.
Student Type--Full Student Student who has a full SIMnet registration code in his account and therefore has access to all SIMnet modules.
Student Type--Single Use Student SIMnet Proficiency student who has access to a single SIMnet exam only.
Student Type--Trial Student Student who signed up for a trial. Next to a student’s name in the list of students indicates a trial student.
Student Type--Unregistered Student Student who has an account in SIMnet, but has not yet entered a registration code.
Templates Lessons, exams, SIMpaths and test bank exams that are available for copying, but cannot be assigned directly to classes. Templates are available for instructors to copy and assign to their own classes. Once an instructor creates an exam from a template, the instructor is the "owner" of the exam and can edit the exam based on the rights and privileges assigned to that instructor's role. Full Instructors can change the questions or the preferences in the exam. Limited Instructors can only assign the exam and change the restrictions associated with the assignment.
Naming SIMnet content and courses consistently helps instructors and students
After a few semesters of using SIMnet, the amount of content and courses can build up. To find and use your materials efficiently; get accurate and timely support; and avoid that colleague who puts an asterisk in front of everything it is important to name your content with specific, repeated naming conventions.
The important thing is to select a convention and enforce it throughout SIMnet.
Course names in SIMnet should include the name of the course as it appears elsewhere at your school. For example, many schools use SIMnet as a part of their Computer Science intro course. Their course name at the registrar's office and in Canvas is CS 101. The SIMnet course name should match.
Section names in SIMnet should describe which section of the course it is, when the course is taking place, who is teaching it, or when the course is meeting. If there are 4 sections in the Spring of 2021 taught by different instructors meeting on different days. Those section names may be
Section 1 Spring 2020 Smith TTr 12:15-1:10
Section 2 Spring 2020 Smith WF 3:15-4:10
Section 3 Spring 2020 Ndebe MW 9:15-10:10
Section 4 Spring 2020 Ndebe F 5:45-7:35
Each semester there is at least one instructor who has a course archived or deleted and cannot tell SIMnet Support what their course is called, which makes recovering their course more difficult and slower than it would otherwise be.
Success: Create a class 'template' and name the section to include 'template' or 'main' to indiicate the the class should only be copied. Remeber to close your template class so students can't enroll into it!
SIMnet content is typically used across many courses and will be more context-dependent than course names are. Content may be used by all of the courses at a URL, all the sections of a single course, or for a single instructor.
SIMnet course content should mention the course name and the content covered in the assignment. It should also mention the version of the Office materials covered in the content. For example, simply naming the first quiz for an Access course Access Quiz 1 is hard to use when a school switches from 2016 to 365/2019 content. So the first quiz covering Access would be CS 101 365 Access Quiz 1.
Creating a master course can allow you to copy a course without any of the modifications that individual instructors make to the course. This course should be clearly labelled as a Master course and should not have any students added or any associated grades. Adding students and allowing them to complete coursework in the master class limits the long term flexibility of your master course.
Microsoft publishes multiple versions and channels for Office Apps.
Microsoft 365 Apps is the locally installed version of Office that’s available through many Office 365 plans and includes all of the Office apps. Microsoft 365 Apps is updated regularly. These updates occur at a different pace depending on the update channel you or your organization select.
Update Channels allow users to choose how they want to receive updates to Microsoft Office. Selecting a more active schedule of releases like Current Channel (Preview) gives users the newest updates as they become available. However, those updates may not be fully tested and may not remain in the program for the long term. The Semi-Annual Enterprise Channel gives users the fewest updates after the longest schedule of testing,
Update channels are essentially different versions of Office 365 Apps. Most students will likely have the Current Channel installed by default. However, because SIMnet follows the Semi-Annual Enterprise Channel for releasing new features, this could cause a discrepancy between what a student sees on their own version of Office 365 and what they see in SIMnet. We advise that you avoid any channels named “Preview” as they may contain features that are not supported in Projects.
Update channels are specific to the device being used and is set when Office 365 Apps is installed. For example, lab computers may be set to run on a different channel than a student’s personal computer. Each Office 365 subscription is subscribed to a default update channel but can be changed. Refer to Microsoft for more information.
New Name
Previous Name
Release Schedule
Current Channel (Preview)
Monthly Channel (Targeted)
No set schedule, updates released as they are available
Current Channel
Monthly Channel
No set schedule, updates released as they are available
Monthly Enterprise Channel (Preview)
Once a month, second Tuesday of the month
Semi-Annual Enterprise Channel (Preview)
Semi-Annual Channel (Targeted)
Second Tuesday in March and September
Semi-Annual Enterprise Channel
Semi-Annual Channel
Second Tuesday in January and July
For additional details visit Microsoft's Help Topic.
Mac users have fewer update channels but they follow the same basic structure as Windows users.
Channel Name
Channel Info
Current Channel
Infrequent, fully tested updates
Current Channel (Preview)
Monthly updates with fully supported features
Beta Channel
Frequent updates that are not fully supported
To view your Mac Update Channel, open an application, like Word. Click Help in the top menu. Select Check for Updates and click the Advanced button. Select your channel from the Update Channel drop-down menu.
In SIMnet, the SIMbook content, Exam Questions, Show Me, Guide Me, and Let Me Try exercises are updated following the Semi-Annual Enterprise channel releases in January and July. For projects, alternate instructions are added for changes that appear in the current channel but have not yet been released in the Semi-Annual Enterprise channel.
If you are unsure which version of Office you have, open any Office file (or create a new blank file). Click the File tab to open Backstage view. Click Account or Help from the list at the left of the screen. Your Office installation information will be listed on the next screen. Click the Update Options button to show the available options and select the right choice.
Products, textbooks, ecommerce for account level vs. class level
Setting up your SIMnet account for the first time will ensure that your instructors and students have the right materials available for their courses and that you don't have to do any mid-semester fixes to keep everything running smoothly.
SIMnet can provide access for different materials, courses, and options based on creating a separate campus. Campuses do not share textbooks, licensing options, gradebook settings, and course defaults. Setting up separate Campuses is a powerful tool when your school is going to use SIMnet very differently based on a separate campus, school section, or location.
Note: Setting up separate campuses means that you will need to edit many SIMnet settings by Campus. Setting up a campus should occur when the values of keeping textbooks and course offerings away from inappropriate users outweighs the hurdles of keeping each campus set up correctly.
To set up your school's Campuses, review Campuses
In SIMnet, products are divided by versions of Microsoft Office and associated SIMnet content. In order to make any SIMnet materials available to instructors, you need to select a Product and add it to your school. For example, to assign any Office 365/2019 content you will need to add the SIMnet for Office 2019 product to your school. You may add multiple SIMnet products at the same time.
To set up your school's Products, review Products
Once you have added the desired Products to your school, you will need to add Textbooks to the Account and to each Campus. Selected textbooks determine which textbooks your instructors will be able to use to assign content to your courses. Adding the correct textbooks and removing old textbooks is a powerful tool to ensure that your instructors assign content that is intended by the school. Each Campus can have a separate set of assigned textbooks.
To set up your school's Textbooks, review Textbooks
Licenses determine how your students purchase access SIMnet content. SIMnet contains a number of textbook series that may be made available to students. Matching the appropriate license to the appropriate course with the appropriate materials ensures that students have timely access to all of their textbooks and assignments.
Working with your bookstore to provide physical licenses that may or may not accompany a physical textbook requires no additional setup within SIMnet. Work with your McGraw Hill representative on selecting the appropriate print activation code for your course.
ECommerce licenses are purchased by students as they enroll in SIMnet. These offerings are set by the school administrators at the Account level. Multiple eCommerce options may be selected at the same time. Individual courses may use only a subset of the selected eCommerce offers.
Account Level Inclusive Access licenses are provided by the school automatically to each student as they create a SIMnet account. Setting up Inclusive Access requires working with your McGraw Hill representative.
Note: Activating Inclusive Access requires turning off the Self-Registration setting and deactivates Courtesy Access. These settings should not be edited when using Inclusive Access.
Course Level Inclusive Access licenses are provided by the school automatically to each student when they are enrolled in a specific course. Course Level Inclusive Access is used when Account Level Inclusive Access will not work because a particular course uses separate materials from the rest of the school. Setting up Inclusive Access requires working with your McGraw Hill representative.
Note: Course Level Inclusive Access can only be set up at the beginning of the semester before courses have been created. Course Level Inclusive Access cannot be added retroactively to courses that have already been created.
The Accessibility Guide for Instructors is intended for SIMnet Administrators and Instructors.
SIMnet has been carefully designed to support students with disabilities, including the physically impaired, deaf or hard of hearing, those with learning or cognitive disabilities, and the blind and visually impaired. With SIMnet, many types of disabilities don’t require any additional support or accommodations outside of a simple time extension. The following guide outlines best practices and accommodations for students with disabilities and especially for those who require the use of a screen reader.
The SIMnet Student Portal contains the ability to increase font size, line spacing, and color contrast. Within the Student Profile, the student can turn on High Contrast Mode to increase color contrast for low vision impairments. Students can also use the browser zoom function, however, simulated content including exam questions, Show Me, Guide Me, and Let Me Try exercises require the browser zoom to be disabled. Students who require this content must use operating system zoom features instead.
For details, view the Student Accessibility Guide.
The ADA Multiplier has been designed to provide students automatic time extensions for timed assignments. The ADA Multiplier is set one time in the Student Profile and will automatically offer additional time on all assignments. For example, a multiplier of 1.5 will offer the student 90-minutes on a 60-minute exam or project.
View the following help topic on using the ADA Multiplier.
Course Manager (used by Administrators and Instructors)
Course Manager Help Website (https://help.simnetonline.com/manager)
Course Manager Blog Website (http://www.simnetcommunity.com)
Student Help Website (https://help.simnetonline.com/students)
An accessible PDF of the help website is available here
SIMbook and Lesson Show Me exercises.
SIMbook and Lesson Exercises
Let Me Try simulations for Microsoft Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Windows, File Management, Browsers, and Outlook
SIMnet Exam Questions
Simulation based questions for Microsoft Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Windows, File Management, Browsers, and Outlook
The goal with accessibility is to provide the same experience for all students, regardless of disability. However, some SIMnet assignment types don’t offer full accessibility support. In this case you will need to design a course that avoids inaccessible assignment types as outlined below:
SIMbooks and Lessons: Require the Guide Me activity instead of the Show Me or Let Me Try.
SIMpaths: Don’t incorporate this assignment type into your course as the Pre-Test and Post-Test contain inaccessible simulation questions.
SIMnet Exams: Don’t incorporate simulation questions from Microsoft Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Windows, File Management, Browsers, and Outlook. You may select test bank questions and simulated questions from other content areas.
Test Bank Exams: Use test bank exams to replace assessment of outcomes otherwise covered in the inaccessible simulated questions.
Graded Projects: Use chapter based projects for homework and capstone projects for the midterm or final exam.
Every school or accessibility office has different requirements and recommendations on handling accommodations. SIMnet offers a variety of administrative capabilities to implement accommodations at the course or individual student level. There are a number of factors to consider when deciding the best way to implement an accommodations plan, some of which are outlined below.
The goal with accessibility is to provide the same experience for all students, regardless of disability, however, some SIMnet assignment types don’t offer full accessibility support. In this case, you will need to design a course that avoids inaccessible assignment types as outlined in the accessible assignment types section.
To provide the same experience for all students we recommend assigning a SIMbook or Lesson with the Guide Me and/or Show Me required, Project, and Test Bank exam for each chapter of content. Capstone projects and multi-chapter Test Bank exams can be used for higher stakes assessments such as midterms or finals.
If your school allows student accomodations with alternate content then you will want to create a second accessible course based on your main course. The second course will be built from the accessible assignment types listed above and should contain the same learning outcomes as students who don’t require accommodations. Only students who require accommodations will be moved into the accessible course that contains alternate content. Having a second course setup and ready to go will make providing student accommodations simple.
If your course is already set up to use a mix of accessible assignment types and you only expect to have a handful of students that require accommodations each term then you should use the Personal Assignment feature to facilitate accommodations. Among other customizations the Personal Assignments can be configured to require the Show Me or Guide Me instead of the Let Me Try.
The Accessibility Review Guide for SIMnet is intended for 3rd party accessibility testing and verification reviewers.
SIMnet’s acessibility solution is fullly WCAG 2.1 AA compliant. The following outlines what is and what is not accessible and what you need to know before validating accessibility in SIMnet.
Info: SIMnet was evaluated against the VPAT Version 2.4 International Edition. Download the full ACR below.
Yes, SIMnet provides a variety of accessible alternatives to inaccessible components or assignment types. View the Instructor Guide for details on building an accessible course in SIMnet.
Student Platform
Student Help PDF available here
SIMbooks and Lessons
Page content
Guide Me exercises
Let Me Try exercises for Computer Concepts
Test Bank Exams
SIMnet Exams
Simulation based questions for Computer Concepts
Graded Projects
Course Manager (used by Administrators and Instructors)
Course Manager Help Website (https://help.simnetonline.com/manager)
Course Manager Release Notes Website (https://help.simnetonline.com/blog)
Student Help Website (https://help.simnetonline.com/students)
SIMbook and Lesson exercises for Show Me animations
SIMbook and Lesson exercises that require the full simulation
Let Me Try simulations for Microsoft Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Windows, File Management, Browsers, and Outlook
SIMnet simulated exam questions
Simulation based questions for Microsoft Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Windows, File Management, Browsers, and Outlook
These exercises rely on the simulated exam questions for the pre and post tests and the simulated Let Me Try exercises for the lesson component
SIMnet has a special color theme for high contrast mode. Be sure to enable this setting prior to testing. To enable high-contrast mode use the student profile link located on the upper-right corner of the interface just after signing in.
Let Me Try simulations and some SIMnet Exam questions cannot be made accessible due to the nature of making a desktop application such as Microsoft Word available in the browser. Desktop accessibility has different standards and capabilities than web-based applications. This can be seen in the differences between the online and desktop interfaces of Microsoft Office. Since we aim to simulate the desktop version of the software, a web-accessible simulation in many cases would fail to properly simulate the desktop interface.
Show Me animations contain the spoken text captions, but do not contain a descriptive narrative for nonsighted users.
The Guide Me exercises have been specially designed to be accessible and are a valid alternative to the Show Me and Let Me Try exercise. The Guide Me exercises assess the same learning outcome as the Let Me Try, but in a more controlled environment.
SIMnet contains some assignment types and content that are not accessible. In each case, an alternative assignment type or combination of assignments can be used to provide learning and assessment of the same outcomes in an accessible way.
The Student Help site is not fully accessible, but we publish an accessible PDF containing the same content. We are continually working with our 3rd party documentation vendor to improve accessibility.
SIMnet makes it easy to seamlessly assign alternate learning objects and grading requirements to students with accessibility needs.
Testing SIMnet involved a combination of automated, manual, and functional testing on a Windows desktop against the applicable success criteria within the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 Conformance Level A and AA. Level Access (Level) comprehensively tested all learner platform features and workflows and a selection of content using a representative sample to cover the components and functionality of user flows. Level tested with the screen reader JAWS on Chrome browser, the screen reader NVDA on Firefox browser, ZoomText® magnification software, and Dragon® NaturallySpeaking speech recognition software.
Testing SIMnet involved a combination of automated, manual, and functional testing on a Windows desktop against the applicable success criteria within the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 Conformance Level A and AA. Level Access (Level) comprehensively tested all learner platform features and workflows and a selection of content using a representative sample to cover the components and functionality of user flows. Level tested with the screen reader JAWS on Chrome browser, the screen reader NVDA on Firefox browser, ZoomText® magnification software, and Dragon® NaturallySpeaking speech recognition software.
WCAG 2.1 A, AA
EN 301 549: Chapter 9 - Web, Sections 10.1-10.4 of Chapter 10 - Non-Web documents, and Sections 11.1-11.4 and 11.8.2 of Chapter 11 - Non-Web Software (open and closed functionality), and Sections 12.1.2 and 12.2.4 of Chapter 12 – Documentation
Revised Section 508: Chapter 5 – 501.1 Scope, 504.2 Content Creation or Editing, and Chapter 6 – 602.3 Electronic Support Documentation.
How to create custom columns in the Gradebook
Custom or "non-linked" columns are columns which are not related to any SIMnet assignment. Custom column grades are not calculated on an attempt basis and are always overridden as you enter the grade score manually.
Navigate to the Gradebook section and select a class.
Click the Gradebook Actions & Settings button in the upper right of the screen.
Select Columns from the drop-down menu.
Click the Create button and select Custom to open the column editor.
Click the Save button to save the changes you've made to the new custom column or click Revert to reset to the original column settings.
How to export the Gradebook
The Gradebook can be exported to both .csv and .xls formats.
Click Gradebook to navigate to the gradebook.
Select the class you want to export.
Click the Export data button in the upper right of the screen.
Choose which type of file format, either .csv or .xls, you want to export the Gradebook to. Save the file according to your browser settings.
How to create a calculated columns
A calculated column is a grouping of columns which is used to produce a single grade. Each column entry can have a "column weight." It is possible for calculated columns to contain other calculated columns. This allows instructors to create calculated column groups that can be re-grouped to produce a weighted final grade.
Navigate to the Gradebook section and select a class. Click the Gradebook Actions & Settings button in the upper right of the screen.
Select Columns from the drop-down menu.
Click the Create button and select Calculated to open the column editor.
Click the Save button in the column editor to save the changes you've made to the new calculated column or click Revert to reset to the original column settings.
A mapped column is a column that is included within a calculated column to determine the final displayed grade.
Click the View/Edit button in the column editor to open the Edit associated columns for New Calculated Column dialog. In the left Available columns box, select the check box for the columns that will appear in the calculation. Click the Add button. To remove columns from the calculation, select the desired columns from the right Included columns box. Click the Remove button to remove columns. Once you have the selected columns you want mapped within the calculated column, click the Save button.
How to see and/or edit Gradebook default settings
You can set your own set of customizable default column settings. Linked columns, which are created automatically for each SIMnet assignment, will be initialized using the settings specified in the default settings dialog box.
Navigate to the Gradebook section and select a class.
Click the Gradebook Actions & Settings button in the upper right of the screen. Select Columns from the drop-down menu.
Click the Defaults menu button.
Select the desired default settings for Scale, Display Type, and Calculation Type.
How to create a grade scale from scratch and from a template
Scales allow the gradebook to quickly sort the class into grade ranges. Typical scales are the A, B, C, D, F scale or the Pass/Fail scale.
A grade scale is a way of evaluating or rating a student's performance. The Gradebook offers a set of default scales, but it is also possible to create your own from scratch or by using a template. Instructors are only able to edit or delete scales they have created. Administrators can edit or delete any instructor scale.
Navigate to the Gradebook section and select a class. Click the Gradebook Actions & Settings button in the upper right of the screen. Select Scales from the drop-down menu.
Click the Create button.
Select Blank Scales from the drop-down menu.
Enter a new Name for the scale.
Click the Add Item button to add a new range to your scale.
Edit the Name, Min and Max values to fit your scale. Continue adding new scale items until the scale is complete.
Click the Save button to save the scale.
Navigate to the Gradebook section and select a class. Click the Gradebook Actions & Settings button in the upper right of the screen. Select Scale Templates from the drop-down menu.
Scale templates are scales that are visible across a campus. A scale template starts as an easy jumping-off point for instructors to use when displaying their gradebooks. Create, Edit, or Delete a Scale Template the same way you create a template.
Navigate to the Gradebook section and select a class. Click the Gradebook Actions & Settings button in the upper right of the screen. Select Scales from the drop-down menu.
Click the Create button and select a template in the list under FROM TEMPLATE in the drop-down menu. The scale settings populate on the right side. The name of the scale appends with the scale template name. Alter the scale settings as you would when creating a new scale.
Click the Save button to save your changes. Your new scale will display in the list of scales on the left side.
Office Online Apps are updated according to their organizations preference. Typically, Microsoft will release changes to the Office Online Apps on a monthly cadence. Please visit our help topic on projects for the Office Online Apps here.
For more information about reviewing your Microsoft Office version, view the Finding Your Office Version section.
To set up your school's eCommerce options, review eCommerce
To set up a course's eCommerce options, review Class eCommerce
Please view the Accessibility Reviewer Guide.
Please see the Student Accessibility Guide.
An accessible PDF of the help website is available here
Please view the Instructor Guide on Accessibility
Please view the Student Accessibility Guide
See for more information on the settings to customize a column.
Column settings for calculated columns match column properties for other column types for almost all settings. See for more information on the settings to customize a calculated column. However, there is one additional column property for calculated columns, Use sliding grade?. Selecting the Use sliding grade? option to have the calculated column only calculate the current grade in the column based on assignments that either have grades from the user or are past due. This gives the viewer a snapshot of how the user is doing in the course so far, rather than in the course overall.
Click the Create button and refer to for adjusting the scale settings to your preference.
How to sync grades to another LMS
If your Campus is set to be synced to another LMS (see the Integration section), you can make sure that grades are synced to this system directly from the gradebook in three different ways.
Navigate to the desired class section and select the desired student. Click the Sync all user grades button on the Grade Settings Panel.
Navigate to the desired class section and select the desired student grade on a single assignment. Click the Re-sync grades button on the Grade Settings Panel.
Navigate to the desired class section and select the desired assignment column. Click the Re-sync all grades button on the Column Settings Panel.
Reviewing the Grade History & viewing and deleting attempts.
Every attempt, grade override, manual update or unlocking is logged in the grade history. The history includes: the user who modified the grade, the grade before and after updating, and the date/time it was modified or unlocked.
A grade is only locked when an instructor has manually overridden the grade in the gradebook. To unlock a grade, double click it and click the Reset button. This will revert the grade to the original score. See Overriding Grades for more information.
Select the desired grade to view the Grade Settings Panel.
Click the Click to load grade history button to view the grade history.
Select the desired grade to view the Grade Settings Panel. Click the Click to load grade history button. Click the Report button on the right of the student attempt to view the results of that attempt.
Select the desired grade to view the Grade Settings Panel. Click the Click to load grade history button. Click the Delete Attempt button to delete the attempt. A record will appear in the grade history indicating the exam attempt was deleted.
Warning: Once you have deleted an attempt, this action cannot be undone.
In some circumstances, submitted exams can be re-opened. The most recent attempt at an exam that has availabe time or attempts remaining and has not passed the exam End Date can be re-opened so that the student may continue to do work on the exam until the available attempts or time has been expired or the End Date passed. To re-open an exam, click the Re-Open Exam button on the attempt.
If the user has subsequently begun another attempt but would like to work on a previous attempt, all other attempts must be deleted in order to continue working on that attempt.
How to override, delay, and delete grades
Instructors and Administrators can override or manually update calculated grades. All overrides and updates appear in the grade history.
Select the grade you want to change and enter the new score in the Grade Settings Panel. Overriding or manually updating a grade will automatically lock the grade.
If you would like a student to have an assignment removed from their grade, click the Excuse from assignment button. This will convert the student grade to a -. Excused grades will not count against a student's average or score from the course. Excused grades are locked and will not be updated unless updated by the instructor.
Click the Apply button to accept your change.
Note: Once a grade has been manually overidden it will not change. To recalculate the grade based on student results, simply reset the grade.
If you change a grade by mistake or want to revert your change, click the Reset button to return it to the original grade.
Instructors can choose to delay grade posting to their students until a certain date or time. Grades which are delayed still display in the Course Manager Gradebook and display as "delayed" in the Student Portal gradebook.
Navigate to the Gradebook and select a class. Select the column heading for the assignment you want to delay grades for.
Click the Hide Grade Until text box and select the date from the drop-down calendar. Select the time to change it from the 12:00 AM default.
Click the Apply button to apply your changes.
How to enable the gradebook
In the Course Manager, the Gradebook will be enabled or disabled according to each specific campus. All new accounts will have Gradebook enabled by default.
Navigate to the Administration Settings section and click the Campuses link.
Select the campus by clicking the Edit symbol next to the campus name.
Click the Enable Gradebook checkbox to enable the Gradebook for your campus.
Once the Gradebook has been enabled, click the green check to confirm, or click the red 'X' to cancel.
When the gradebook is disabled for a campus, none of the classes assigned to that campus will have grades recorded in the gradebook. The gradebook will be blank.
Setting column properties
Grades in the Gradebook can be displayed in the following ways: Ratio, Percent, Scale, and Points.
The Ratio display shows the number of points the student earned out of the possible points available.
The Percent display shows grades as a percentage, not a traditional letter grade.
The Scale display shows grades in the traditional letter grade format, such as A, B or C.
The Points display shows grades based on the number of points earned in the assignment.
Click the Display as drop-down menu in the Edit Columns section and select a display type.
Grades can be calculated in a variety of ways for each specific grade column. Lesson, SIMbook, Exam, SIMpath post-test, Project and Calculated gradebook columns can implement a calculation type. Custom, Resource, SIMpath pre-test, and SIMpath Lesson columns cannot use a calculation type.
Click the Calculation method drop-down menu in the Edit Columns section and select a calculation method.
There are several Calculation Types to choose from when creating a column in the Gradebook: Average, Maximum, Minimum, First Attempt, Last Attempt, Sum, and Weighted.
The Average calculation type calculates grades by adding all grades together and dividing by the number of total assignments to find the average.
The Maximum calculation type determines the grade based on the student's highest attempt score for the SimNet assignment.
The Minimum calculation type determines the grade based on the student's lowest attempt score for the SimNet assignment.
The Oldest and Most Recent calculation types are specific only to Exam, SIMpath post-test, and Project Columns.
The Oldest calculation type uses the student's initial assignment attempt as the column grade.
The Most Recent calculation type uses the student's most recent assignment attempt as the column grade.
The Sum and Weighted calculation types are specific only to Calculated Columns.
The Sum calculation type adds all scores together and determines the student's grade out of the possible number of points.
The Weighted calculation type allows the instructor to give each exam or lesson a specific weight in determining the student's grade.
The Pass/Fail calculation type can be used with Exam, Project, Lesson and SIMbook Columns. The Pass/Fail calculation evaluates the student submission against the Pass/Fail threshold set by the instructor. If the threshold is met, the submission receives full credit for the assignment. If the student does not meet the threshold the student receives no credit for the assignment.
Each assignment has a default number of points available based on the number of questions and their default value. This value may or may not match the needs of your course. You may change the value of your assignment to any whole number. Once you change the value of your assignment you may reset the value to the default by using the Set to Default button.
When you set an assignment as extra credit, the assignment points will increase a student’s grade if it is completed but will not harm the student’s grade if it is left incomplete.
Select the desired assignment in the gradebook.
Click the Is extra credit? check box on the Column Settings pane.
Click the Apply button on the Column Settings pane.
All columns in the gradebook can be adjusted as needed by changing their width.
Select the desired column heading. Type the desired width in the Width text box.
Viewing the class gradebook and filtering columns and users.
Student grades are posted in the Gradebook. The Gradebook allows instructors to track assignment grades and store both SIMnet and non-SIMnet related grades. Instructors only have access to gradebooks for the classes they are assigned to teach. If one of the classes for which the instructor or administrator is assigned to teach is a member of a campus that has the gradebook enabled, then the Gradebook section will be visible. Access to Gradebook settings and features will vary depending on instructor role.
The Gradebook provides administrators and instructors with tools for changing the ways in which grades are calculated and displayed, as well as means to change the grades manually. There is one gradebook per class. The new Results section in the Course Manager contains both the Gradebook and Reports. The Gradebook section contains gradebooks of all classes for which the instructor or administrator is assigned to teach.
Navigate to the Gradebook section by clicking Grades and selecting Gradebook.
Expand the Classes menu to select a class. The Gradebook loads the grades for your selected class.
Administrators who do not have access to a class Gradebook under the Results section can view the gradebook from the Actions menu in the Classes section.
Navigate to the Classes section. Click the Actions menu for the class you want and select Gradebook. The Gradebook then displays grades for that specific class. If no gradebook is available for the selected class, you will have the option of selecting a Class Overview report instead.
You can filter the gradebook by User to view the grades of a single user, based on first name, last name, email, username, or student ID. You can also filter the gradebook by Columns to view a particular assignment or assignment type. Lastly, you can filter by Grades on multiple conditions. You can filter by any or all filter types simultaneously or separately.
Navigate to the Class section. Click the Filter icon to expand the filter options.
Type desired user data (first name, last name, email, username or student ID). The results will automatically update as you type.
Navigate to the Classes section. Click the Filter icon to expand the filter options.
If you would like to filter only by a particular assignment title, type desired column name.
If you would like to filter by a particular assignment type, click the All Types drop down list and select an assignment type. You may select more than one assignment type at a time.
Navigate to the Class section. Click the Filter icon to expand the filter options.
Select the meet ALL conditions option if you would like results from students who meet all grade conditions you set or select meet ANY condition if you would like results from students who match any individual grade filter.
Click the Plus icon to add a new grade filter.
Select a column in the Select a column window.
Click the Use this column button.
Click the Operator drop-down menu to select an operator for your grade filter.
Type a condition into the text box.
You can add as many additional filters as desired. If necessary, click the orange Minus button to remove any filter. Click the Apply grade filters changes button to apply your grade filter(s).
Warning: Changes to a grade filter are not applied until you click the Apply grade filter changes button.
Note: To remove all filters, click the Clear Filters button at the top of the Filters section.
You can directly email users that match the filter criteria from the gradebook, such as all students who got below a certain grade on an exam.
Navigate to the Class section. Click the Filter icon to expand the filter options.
Create the desired filter.
Click the check box at the top of the filter results. The Email Selected Users button appears.
Click the Email Selected Users button. A new email group is created.
Complete and send the email.
Note: You can email selected users without creating a filter. Click the checkbox in front of the user's name and then click the Email Selected Users button.
You can change the order of columns on the Column Order tab.
Columns are listed vertically from 1 to the last column in the gradebook. Click and drag the icon on each column to move it to the desired location in the gradebook.
You can add a number of columns that will stay at the left end of the grid when scrolling.
Click the Gradebook Actions & Settings menu the upper right of the Gradebook.
Select Column Order from the drop-down menu.
Enter the desired number of pinned columns in the # of pinned columns text box. The first columns corresponding to that number will automatically be pinned.
Note: To prevent a gradebook that doesn't scroll horizontially, the # of pinned columns is limited to 10.
You can choose which columns to show or hide in the gradebook.
Select the desired column. Uncheck the Show in grid? checkbox.
Click the Apply button.
Click the Gradebook Actions & Settings button and select Show Hidden Columns to apply your changes.
Check the Show in grid? check box.
Click the Apply button.
Creating a new report.
SIMnet reports are saved report queries that will automatically update each time you view the report. When you click the Create link in the Reports section, you can create a new report, where you must first choose which type of report you want to create by expanding the Type menu. Based on which type of report is chosen, a different set of Filter Options will appear.
You can create a new report by navigating to the Reports section and clicking the Create link. Once you create a report, it is available from the Reports list, until you delete it.
Depending on the report type, additional filter options are available. For example, for a Class Overview report, you will need to expand the Class list, and select the class you want. For SIMnet Exam, Lesson, and Test Bank Exam reports, you can create a report that is as specific or as broad as you want.
Expand the Class list to limit the report to results from a specific class. Expand the Campus list to limit the report to results for a specific campus. Expand the Exam or Lesson list to limit the report to a specific exam or lesson.
If you would like to group all sections of a class together into the same report, click the Yes or No radio button by the Group All Sections of Selected Class option. By default the report query will include all results, but if you would like, you can also specify a Date Range. Save and view the report by clicking the Next button.
If the report includes both lesson and exam results, you will need to expand each section to see the specific results. The top-level report list will show the overall score for each lesson or exam. To see specific results, click the one of the links.
SIMnet report types.
SIMnet offers a number of basic types of reports. To create any of these types of reports, navigate to the Reports section and click the Create link. Some of the common details of a report are the Title, Type of Report, the Class associated with the report, and the Campus on which that class is taught.
Every report must have a unique Title to distinguish it from other reports that have been made in the same class or that have the same type. The Type of report determines what filters and further details you can include in the report. Selecting a Class will narrow down the report to a specific list of students and assignments. If the same class is taught on multiple campuses, you can specify for which Campus you would like to make the report.
An Account Overview report displays an overview of instructors, classes and campuses. Only an Account Administrator can create an Account Overview report.
A Lesson report queries all results for a specific lesson. Fill out the Title, Type, Class, and Campus as appropriate to the Lesson report you want to create. The drop-down list displays all available lessons for the specified class and campus. You can click the Group All Sections of Selected Class radio buttons to include all students in all class sections in the report. You can also specify a date range to view lessons that were available between specific start and end dates.
A Lesson Task Analysis report queries the number of times a task was taken and how many times it was completed. Fill out the Title, Type, Class, and Campus as appropriate to the Lesson report you want to create. The drop-down list displays all available lessons for the specified class and campus. You can click the Group All Sections of Selected Class radio buttons to include all students in all class sections in the report. You can also specify a date range to view lesson tasks that were available between specific start and end dates.
An MCAS Objective Analysis (Historical) report queries the number of times the MCAS objectives have been answered correctly, incorrectly, and the total for the first, second and all question attempts for the lifetime of the SIMnet account. Fill out the Title and Type as appropriate to the MCAS Objective Analysis report you want to create. You can select which SIMnet module objectives to include in the report, such as SIMnet 2019 - PowerPoint Lessons. The objectives are listed in the order in which they appear in the SIMbook and chapter associated with the objectives. You can also specify a date range to view SIMbook objectives that were available between specific start and end dates.
A Project report queries all results for a specific project. Fill out the Title, Type, Class, and Campus as appropriate to the Project report you want to create. You will be able to select a textbook from the drop-down list based on which textbooks are available for your campus and class. Projects are specific to textbooks, so this drop-down list of available projects will be narrowed down to the textbook that you have selected. The Status of the project can also be specified to narrow the results of the report. The status, as seen above, will one of the following options: Error, Graded, Graded with Mismatch (Integrity Violation), Grading, Saved, Started, Submitted, Time Expired, or all of the above. You can click the Group All Sections of Selected Class radio buttons to include all students in all class sections in the report. You can also specify a date range to view projects that were available between specific start and end dates.
Fill out the Title, Type, Class, and Campus as appropriate to the Project Objective report you want to create. You will be able to select a textbook from the drop-down list based on which textbooks are available for your campus and class. Projects are specific to textbooks, so this drop-down list of available projects will be narrowed down to the textbook that you have selected. The SLO Type is directly linked to the class and content offered on your campus, and is specific to the textbooks. You can select the SLOs from which you would like create the report. You can select all attempts or specify between the first and best attempt that was made for the project. You can click the Group All Sections of Selected Class radio buttons to include all students in all class sections in the report. You can also specify a date range to view Project Objectives that were available between specific start and end dates.
This report displays student’s percent score on each Student Learning Objective (SLO) from each time that objective has been scored in a project across as many projects as the instructor chooses.
For Example, you may want to know how well students did on the SLO IP19-WD-02.1, Format a document by customizing margins, page orientation, paper size, vertical alignment, and page movement across the project assignments in your course. The Project Objective Analysis Report per Student report provides this information.
In the report result, each SLO in each project you select for your report will be displayed in its own column. Each student in each course you select for your report will be displayed in their own row. The percent score represents the total number of times that the student got the question right out of the total number of times that SLO was used in any project that was used to generate the report.
To learn more about Student Learning Objectives read the SIMbook Series page.
A SIMbook report queries all results for a specific SIMbook. Fill out the Title, Type, Class, and Campus as appropriate to the SIMbook report you want to create. Select a SIMbook from the drop-down list to narrow the results of the report, as well as the Chapter from which you would to create the report. You can click the Group All Sections of Selected Class radio buttons to include all students in all class sections in the report. You can also specify a date range to view SIMbooks that were available between specific start and end dates.
Fill out the Title, Type, Class, and Campus as appropriate to the SIMpath Exam Question Analysis report you want to create. The SIMpath drop-down list will display SIMpaths available to the class and campus, that have had exams made from their contents. You can click the Group All Sections of Selected Class radio buttons to include all students in all class sections in the report. You can also specify a date range to view SIMpath Exam Questions that were available between specific start and end dates.
Fill out the Title, Type, Class, and Campus as appropriate to the SLO Report by Objective report you want to create. Select the Exam from which you would like to create the SLO report, and specify the status of the exam: in progress, saved, completed, or all. The SLO type is specific to the textbook of the class from which you are creating the report. Some of the options will be MOS, Skills Approach, and In Practice. You can click the Group All Sections of Selected Class radio buttons to include all students in all class sections in the report. You can also specify a date range to view SLO Objectives that were available between specific start and end dates.
Fill out the Title, Type, Class, and Campus as appropriate to the SLO Report by Question report you want to create. Select the Exam from which you would like to create the SLO report, and specify the status of the exam: in progress, saved, completed, or all. The SLO type is specific to the textbook of the class from which you are creating the report. Some of the options will be MOS, Skills Approach, and In Practice. You can click the Group All Sections of Selected Class radio buttons to include all students in all class sections in the report. You can also specify a date range to view SLO Questions that were available between specific start and end dates.
A SIMnet Exam report queries all results for a specific exam. Fill out the Title, Type, Class, and Campus as appropriate to the SimNet report you want to create. Select the exam from which you would like to create the Exam report, and specify the status of the exam: in progress, saved, completed, or all. You can click the Group All Sections of Selected Class radio buttons to include all students in all class sections in the report. You can also specify a date range to view SimNet Exams that were available between specific start and end dates.
A SIMnet Exam Question Analysis report queries the number of times an exam was taken and how many times it was completed, or queries the number of times a question was answered incorrectly, correctly, and the total number of attempts. Fill out the Title, Type, Class, and Campus as appropriate to the SimNet Exam Question Analysis report you want to create. Select the exam from which you would like to create the report. You can click the Group All Sections of Selected Class radio buttons to include all students in all class sections in the report. You can also specify a date range to view SimNet Exam Questions that were available between specific start and end dates.
A SIMnet Question Analysis (Historical) report queries the number of times a SIMnet question has been answered correctly, incorrectly, and the total for the first, second, and all question attempts for the lifetime of the SIMnet account. Fill out the Title and Type as appropriate to the SimNet Question Analysis (Historical) report you want to create. You can select which SIMnet exam module to include in the report, such as SIMnet 2019 - PowerPoint Exams - Scenario A. You can also specify a date range to view SimNet Questions that were available between specific start and end dates.
A SIMpath report queries all results for a specific SimPath. Fill out the Title, Type, Class, and Campus as appropriate to the SimPath report you want to create. The drop-down list displays all available SimPaths for the specified class and campus. You can specify which SimPath status you would like to be displayed in the report from the following options: Pre-Test, Lesson, Post-Test, Path Complete, or all. You can click the Group All Sections of Selected Class radio buttons to include all students in all class sections in the report. You can also specify a date range to view lessons that were available between specific start and end dates.
A Test Bank Exam report queries all results for a specific test bank. Fill out the Title, Type, Class, and Campus as appropriate to the Test Bank Exam report you want to create. Select the exam from which you would like to create the Exam report, and specify the status of the exam: in progress, saved, completed, or all. You can click the Group All Sections of Selected Class radio buttons to include all students in all class sections in the report. You can also specify a date range to view Test Bank Exams that were available between specific start and end dates.
A Test Bank Exam Question Analysis report queries the number of times a test bank exam was taken and how many times it was completed, or queries the number of times a question was answered incorrectly, correctly, and the total number of attempts. Fill out the Title, Type, Class, and Campus as appropriate to the {} report you want to create. Select the exam from which you would like to create the Exam report. You can click the Group All Sections of Selected Class radio buttons to include all students in all class sections in the report. You can also specify a date range to view Test Bank Exam Questions that were available between specific start and end dates.
Enter a Title for your report, then expand the Type list, and select the type of report you want. For more information on the different types of reports, view the page.
A Class Overview report queries all the lesson and exam results for a specific class. These reports are saved in the Reports list automatically. For information about Class Overview Reports, view the page.
A Student Overview report queries all the lesson and exam results for a specific student. These reports are saved in the Reports list automatically. Select the student for whom you would like to create a report. For information about Student Overview Reports, view the page.
Bookmark, create, or view reports.
In SIMnet, reports are saved report queries that will automatically update each time you view the report. There is no need to recreate the report every time you want an update. For example, if you create a class overview report, the report will automatically update with the latest lesson and exam results for your entire class every time you view the report.
On the Main Report Page, the names of saved reports appear in alphabetical order. You can change the Name filter to display reports that contain a specific sequence of words, those that starts or end with a specific letter, those that do not contain a specific word, and so on.
Next to each saved report, the report type is displayed. You can choose to filter the saved reports to have all reports of the same type appear grouped together. You can also change the filter so that only one type of report is displayed at a time. You can do so by changing the type filter to display reports that contain a specific sequence of words, those that starts or end with a specific letter, those that do not contain a specific word, and so on.
From the Reports Actions Menu, you can view a selected report in the Course Manager in SimNet. This will display all of the information included in that report regarding the students, lessons, grades, exams, projects, and other associated assignments for the report. You can choose to print the report as a PDF or onto paper for your records. Some reports will have the option to export as an Excel spreadsheet, which you can save to your hard drive for your records. Lastly, if you have a duplicate report or a report that is no longer relevant, you can delete the report from the actions menu. This will initiate a pop-up to confirm that you really want to delete the report.
Delete attempts from reports.
You can delete attempts from a report by clicking the report you want to change and selecting View from the Actions Menu. If you scroll all the way to the right of the window, you will see an icon in the Delete column, which is how you can delete the grade or attempt for the assignment. Once an instructor deletes a grade, it is permanent and cannot be recovered.
Deleting an exam attempt will promote all subsequent attempts up by 1. So, if you were to delete exam attempt 1, attempt 2 would then become attempt 1, etc. This is done in order to provide the student access to the proper number of attempts.
Reviewing the Exam Results page for a student's project submission
The Exam name is in bold. The Exam type is in parenthesis. The Exam type is SIMnet Exam if it includes simulation questions. The Exam type is Test Bank if the exam only includes Multiple Choice or True/False questions.
The student's name is in bold, last name, first name. The student's user name is in parenthesis.
Clicking the button brings up a window of the Exam result formatted to print cleanly.
Depending upon the assignment settings students may have multiple attempts at an exam. Each student attempt has its own Exam Results page. If the attempt has been completed the result will show Completed and the date and time when the student completed the exam.
This is the date and time that the student opened the exam to begin their attempt.
This is the amount of time that the student used to complete the exam, while actively having the exam screen open. This is not the same as the difference between the Exam Start Time and Exam End Time in all instances. If the student leaves the exam and returns to the exam the exam span will be shorter than the Exam End Time - Exam Start Time.
The date and time that the student either chose to end their exam or had their exam ended by the exam settings. The exam settings that may end the exam are the Due Date, End Date, using up all Exam Attempts or using up all exam questions because the exam is set to not allow Correct Retake.
Displays the total percentage of questions answered correctly. The number of questions answered correctly is displayed in parenthesis as a fraction over the total number of questions. The percentage and total here only depends upon the number of questions, not any point settings in the exam.
Displays the total percentage score and points earned depending on exam settings. Instructors may choose to weight certain questions separately and this may make the Exam Points different than the Exam Questions data.
Displays the text of the question that the student was asked to answer as the student saw it.
This is automatically generated text based on where the student interacted with the simulated question. This requires a student to click, drag, or type in the simulation. Questions are generally counted as submitted when the student does something that will change the file. If the student has attempted the question multiple times, the displayed answer is the latest attempt. Additional attempts can be viewed by clicking the magnifying glass icon in the upper right corner of the submitted answer box.
Questions can either be Correct, Incorrect or Not Attempted.
If the student has answered the question incorrectly or has not attempted the question, the student will receive 0 points. If the student has answered the question correctly the student will receive the appropriate points based on the assignment settings.
The Exam settings may allow for multiple attempts at the same question. This column displays the number of attempts used. If the Attempts used is greater than 1, the additional Submitted Answers for that question will be available.
Displays the date and time of the most recently completed question attempt.
Instructors have discretion about whether or not they believe the student answered the question correctly or whether or not the question was functioning in a way to appropriately elicit a demonstration that the student knows how to complete the skill. Clicking the change grade icon changes the attempt status from Incorrect to Correct (and vice versa) and gives the student updated points for that question and for the Exam.
Click this icon to load the question as the student sees it. This can be used to review the question to ensure that it is working properly or test alternate methods for completion.
Lessons and SIMbooks display results in the same screen.
Displays when the student completed all of the available points within the Lesson assignment.
Displays when the student last completed work within the assignment. This may be after the Complete date if the student continues to practice within the Lesson.
Displays how many of the tasks in the Lesson have been completed and the student's percent score for the assignment.
Displays each task in the Lesson assignment based on its title.
Displays the number of completed items within each task in the Lesson. May be worth as many points as the total number of task points available.
Displays how many points are available within each task in the Lesson. This value depends upon the content of the task and the Lesson settings.
Displays when each task within the Lesson was attempted by the student.
Displays each component of a task. Lesson tasks may have more than one of each type.
Displays time spent on each task component. Teach Me components are accessed by viewing the Lesson page. Show Me, Guide Me, and Let Me Try components are accessed by opening each individual part separately.
Displays the number of times each component has been completed. Show Me, Guide Me, and Let Me Try components can be completed many times but are only scored for credit once.
Instructors may elect to change a task to Complete from incomplete. This will change the Completed status and the Lesson Score and % Completed.
Instructors may load a preview of the task so that they can review it without navigating to a separate page.
How to make bulk grade changes
You can update all grades within a class for a single assignment at once using bulk updates.
To apply bulk updates, select the Gradebook from the left navigation and select the desired class. From the loaded gradebook select the desired column and click the View Details button on the right pane. Once the button is selected each of the students in the class will be listed vertically
Select the desired students individually, or all students in the class by clicking the Name checkbox. Once names are selected, the Adjust Selected Grades button will become available to select
Click the Adjust Selected Grades button to bring up the Adjustment window
Select Add to add a number of points to selected students. Type the amount to add and select a cutoff if desired
Select Subtract to subtract a number of points from selected students. Type the amount of points to subtract. Subtractions will be cutoff at zero points
Select Set to to set all grades to an exact value. Type the value
Select MAX to set all selected student grades to the maximum point total. The maximum for that assignment is displayed in parenthesis
Select ZERO to set all selected student grades to zero
Select Reset to reset all grades that have been overridden. This will not automatically apply to all selected students. It only applies if the student's grade has been changed manually
Select Reset grades to dash to reset all grades that have been changed from a dash to a zero by an automatic process. This is most useful when an assignment has passed its due date but the instructor would like to extend it after the due date has passed
Select the desired change and click the Apply button.
Once you select Apply a message will ask you to confirm the adjustment and then will inform you as to how many of the selected grades will be changed.
When Deleting SIMpath Attempts, the Delete option only deletes the most recent step used by the student. Students who have completed the Pre-test, Lesson, and Post-test will have 3 different items to delete for a single SIMpath row. Pressing the delete icon once will delete the Post-test attempt, then the Lesson attempt, and then the Pre-test attempt. Each step must be deleted in order.
Search for classes, sections, and view options in the Actions Menu
Click the Search link in the Manage section to search for a class or section. The Search for Classes section displays a list of classes you are assigned to teach or administer.
Success: If you're an Administrator you have the option to Show All Classes or just Show My Classes to more easily find classes you're assigned to teach.
All SIMnet courses have a start date. This is the first date on which the course is active. Depending on the course settings, users may or may not be able to enroll in the course or see assignments before the Start Date. Courses using Inclusive Access will not provide codes to their students outside of the Start or End dates.
A course is closed when students are not able to enroll directly into the course. This does not stop instructors from importing students or enrolling through a paired course via LMS. Edit this setting by clicking the Edit/Assign option in the drop-down menu and then clicking the Class Settings button.
To view a list of actions for each class, expand the corresponding Actions Menu in the Actions column. The Actions menu gives you easy access to all of the functions available for that list item. The Actions menus are also available from most "create" and "edit" pages.
Not every action is available to every user. For example, if your account is a Limited Instructor account, the Copy and Create actions are not available. If there is a lesson or exam assigned to one of your classes, but you did not create that lesson or exam, the Edit/Assign action is not available. To check which rights and permissions are assigned to your account, check the My Permissions section of the My Account page.
Select Snapshot to navigate to the Class Details tab. Here, you can find the assigned instructors, students, assignments, and credentials for the class.
The Snapshot also shows a read-only version of the classes and assignments assigned to the student on the Assigned Classes and Assignments tabs as well as the licenses in their account, the time they've spent on tasks, and any credentials they have earned.
Select Print Snapshot to print the class's Snapshot.
Select Remove MHC Class Pairing to remove the link for the class and your LMS. This option will only be available if the class is paired to an LMS.
Info: Removing the pairing will prevent students from enrolling from the linked LMS class to SIMnet.
Copy to Class creates a copy of the selected class. This option is available to the class “creator” and Administrators only.
The Export Roster option downloads the class roster as an Excel spreadsheet. It includes students' names, IDs, email addresses, and phone numbers.
The Export Assignments option downloads the class assignments list as an Excel spreadsheet. It displays the assignment type, title, the number of questions, start date, end date, due date, if the assignment has been delayed, whether there is a password necessary to access the assignment, and any filters that have been placed on the assignment.
If you would like to delete a class and all of the grades for the students in the class, the Delete option will allow you to do so. A confirmation message will appear to make certain that you would like to delete the class and all grades and reports. It also suggests that you export grades and reports to Excel before doing so.
Warning: Deleting a climmediatelymmediatly remove the class from the system so other users cannot interact with it. If other instructors teach or Administer the same class please consult with them to ensure the class is not required.
Reviewing individual results from SIMnet reports
Displays the assignment name as it appears in the student's course and the course that the student's attempt is graded in. This section also denotes the Assignment Title as it appears on the Projects page when it is assigned and the Rubric Version to determine which rubric was active when the assignment was graded. Rubrics can be updated if there are changes to a project due to an error or a Microsoft Office update.
Displays the student's name and student's user name.
Prints the attempt and grade information from the top of the screen (1-12) and the written feedback from the left side of the screen (13-17).
Downloads the student's submission for that attempt.
This report breaks down each skill in the project and determines the user's score. If the student is scored on changing fonts multiple times within a project this report will show you how well the student displayed that capability in this assignment. Each objective corresponds to a SIMbook page. The Objective determines that page by the book series, version, application, chapter, and page: SA19-WD-02.01 is from the Skills Approach book series, Office 2019/365 version, Word application, Chapter 2, Skill 1. The Description is the name of that SIMbook page. Objective Mastery shows the score for all of the instances of that skill in the project.
Downloads a blank start file as the student would download when starting that project.
Brings up the Project assignment instructions in a separate window. Note: this option displays the instructions for the operating system of the current user, not necessarily the student. If the student completed their assignment using a Mac and the instructor is using Windows, the instructor will see the Windows instructions. Switch the slider to the appropriate option as required.
Downloads the project instructions that the user receives.
Downloads the solution file for the application type of the student. This may not display identically for instructors reviewing submissions on a different OS from the user.
Displays which attempt is being reviewed and when that attempt was submitted.
Displays the score for that submission as a percent and as a fraction. This may not represent the student's grade in the course depending upon how many submissions are allowed and the grade calculation options selected by the instructor.
Displays the time between the student's download of the Start File and the Submission of that file. This is not based on how long the student spent working on the project. The student may have spent less time but not downloaded their attempt for a number of hours.
Displays whether or not the student submitted their project using Microsoft Office using a Windows computer or a Mac computer.
Feedback results can be filtered by showing any combination of Correct, Incorrect, or Partial answers by clicking on that option. All options are selected by default and can be deselected. Deselected options are grayed out in the legend and not displayed below.
The number corresponding with an incorrect answer is displayed in red. Each answer type can be expanded to view more information. That information includes each sub-step for that attempt and feedback for incorrect answers. The feedback includes incorrect answers and how they are incorrect.
Correct Answers are displayed with green text.
Partially Correct answers are displayed in blue text and will contain both incorrect and correct sub-steps. Review each sub-step to determine where the student is losing points. This may be on two unrelated parts of the same larger step, like bolding two separate paragraphs where only one is bolded or may include two related parts, like an excel formula that is created improperly but displays the same result as the correct answer.
Each textbook has its own set of objectives that can be displayed. These objectives can also be hidden by selecting None from the drop-down list. Objectives show exactly where the information to correctly complete this step is located in the SIMbook.
Use the View Options to expand all answers on the left, collapse all answers on the left, or hide the visual feedback map on the right.
This is an image of the correct answer. This is not the student's submission. The visual feedback displays correct and incorrect bubbles at the location in the document where each step is being done.
Steps that are correct in the student submission are displayed in green.
Steps that are incorrect in the student submission are displayed in red.
Edit class details and create or update class assignments.
Visit the Instructors or Students tab to view or modify the class roster. To create or edit assignments visit one of the exams, lessons, SIMbooks, SIMpaths, projects, and resources tab.
The left side grid displays the available items based on which tab has been selected.
The right side grid displays the assigned items based on which tab has been selected.
If you would like to add assignments to or remove assignments from your class, the buttons between the two columns will allow you to do so. The add button allows you to add assignments to your class. The remove button allows you to remove assignments from the class. If you would like to completely restructure the assignments in your class, you can click the remove all button.
Class specific ecommerce offer control.
Instructors can control the ecommerce offers students are prompted to purchase at the class level. When you are in Edit/Assign mode for a specific class, you can click the eCommerce button at the top of the page to assign or remove eCommerce offers for that class.
When purchasing registration codes directly from SIMnet, students will see all eCommerce available to the school, as listed above. You can place a limit on the list of products by placing one or more checkmarks next to the products for your class that you would like your students to purchase.
For example, if you are teaching a class about Microsoft Powerpoint, you would want to select the SIMnet 365/2019 - Skills Approach - PowerPoint eCommerce code so that your students will know that that is what they will need for your class. If you plan on using more than one textbook for your class curriculum, be sure to select all of the eCommerce codes that apply. Be sure to save your changes.
This date is when the course ends. Depending on the Class Settings, the students may or may no longer be able to access assignments outside of this period and courses using IA will no longer offer codes after this date has passed.
Course past it's End Date? The course dates can be extended when needed via the Class Settings. However, if you are entering New Semesters we strongly recommend copying your course before adding new students.
Select Edit/Assign to navigate to the Classes Details tab. See the Edit/Assign Classes section for more information.
Select Overview Report to view a report showing all of the class's assignment results and credentials earned. From this report, you can view result details and delete results from individual students. You can also change the grade of an individual item, such as a lesson, SIMpath, or exam. You can print this report by clicking the Print Report button. View the Class Overview Report help topic for more information.
Select Organize to update assignment preferences, schedules, and group or order your assignments. For more information on editing and organizing classes, view the Organize section.
Select Gradebook to view the class gradebook. For more information about the gradebook and how to use it, view the Gradebook page.
Select Import New Students to register students or import them from another class. For more information about importing new students, view the Import Users & Classes page.
Select Import Existing Users to import existing students or instructors from another class or campus. For more information about importing existing users, view the Import Classes & Users page.
You can access the Communicate page to send a message to students or other instructors and administrators by clicking the Send Message option in the actions drop-down menu. The format for this is similar to sending an email. For more information on communicating and sending messages, view the Communicate page.
If you delete a class and need it restored please contact the support team.
Select the Edit button to view or edit the class details. Here you can edit the name of the class, section titles, what campus it is assigned to, when the class is available, how to sort the class, and any date restrictions you would like to place on the enrollment process. View the section for details.
You can assign or remove class specific eCommerce offers. When purchasing registration codes, students will see all of the eCommerce products listed for the class. Contact the SIMnet Administrator if the offer required for your course is not listed. To limit the list of products, you can place one or more check marks next to the products that your students should purchase. View the section for details.
Inclusive Access offers can be assigned to the entire school or to specific courses. This button will display when your course or school has Inclusive Access implemented and the course you are viewing is paired to the school LMS. The View Inclusive Access Offer will only display the codes received by students in the course. This means that if the school has both Account and Course level Inclusive Access at the same time, only the Class Level Inclusive Access will be shown. View the section for more details.
The actions menu here has the same options as the one on the Search Classes grid. You can view and print a snapshot fo your class, copy content and users to a class, view the overview report, organize the class, view the gradebook, import new students or existing users, send messages to students or instructors, and delete the class through this menu. For more information on the individual actions, view the page.
Note: If you don't see an offer avaialbe to your class review the Administrator help topic on settings.
Instructors can control class level settings for title, campus, availability dates, student view, and more.
You can edit class settings by selecting which class you would like to edit, clicking Edit/Assign in the Actions Menu, and clicking the Edit button at the top of the page.
You can edit the Class Title and Section Title with whatever name you would like to display for you and your students. This will allow you to keep track of the different sections of your classes which will make the experience more organized for your students as well.
Warning: Editing the campus on which the class or class section is offered may interfere with whom the class is available.
You can change the default module for your class or section to whatever module you wish among the ones offered on the campus which you teach. When students log on to their accounts, the default module will be the one that automatically loads when they login to their SIMnet accounts.
You can change the availability of the class by changing the Available From and Available To dates and times. This may affect due dates for assignments, so be sure that they do not overlap.
Clicking the Hide Gradebook checkbox will remove the visibility of the gradebook for students.
Clicking the Registration Closed checkbox will disable the students' ability to self-register for the class. If this is not selected, students will be able to self-register for the class even after it has already begun.
Assignments that use dates have different options for when or if to assign a zero grade if a student doesn't submit any work to the assignment. The Assign Zero Grade On setting controls when a zero is set in the gradebook. The options are: Do Not Assign Grade, Assignment Due Date (default), Assignment End Date, Course End Date.
You can arrange assignments for the class alphabetically by title, chronologically by due date, start date, end date, or in your own custom order. You can also edit the direction in which the assignments are ordered, whether it is first to last or last to first. For example, if you wish you arrange your classes chronologically, but with the oldest assignments at the top, you should change the direction to last to first.
You can choose to display assignments that are either no longer available or that have not yet been made available so that students will know what to expect from your class. If you do not select the Show Unavailable Assignments? checkbox, then only the available assignments will be available to your students.
You can enable different ways by which to display the assignments in your class or section. You can set the default display to be either tile, list, or calendar. You can also enable all of these options if you would like your students to be able to determine for themselves how they would like their assignments to be displayed.
You can choose to display assignments that are overdue, that will be due soon, or that have already been submitted. You can also choose to display all assignments in all segments if you would like.
According to the start and end date you set, you can restrict enrollment so that students cannot enroll in your class before the start date. You can also make it so that students that are enrolled in your class do not have the ability to view assignments for the class until after the start date.
When you have finished updating the settings for your class, you can select Save Details to save your changes, or you can select Cancel to revert the changes you made to the default settings for the class.
Copy a class to create a new class with the same assignments, gradebook columns, and settings.
Copying a class quickly copies all assignments and assigned instructors into a new class or section. To facilitate creating multiple sections with the same assignments, consider creating a class or section "master" to copy from.
To copy a class, you can navigate to the classes section and select Copy to Class from the Actions drop-down menu.
Note: We recommend shifting all assignment dates to their final date before enrolling students. If a course has assignments that are past their Due Date when students are first assigned to the course, the students will receive a 0 in the gradebook. Once you update the Due Date these zeroes won't effect the student but it can cause students to stress about their grade.
When copying a class, SIMnet provides a class and section title for you. You can accept these titles or you have the ability to choose a new title, preferably one that has a connection to the content being covered in the class.
Success: Use the exact same class title for all sections to enable reporting across all sections.
Section titles are used when there are multiple sections of your copied class, and you and your students need more specification as to which class section they are enrolled.
Info: The class and section title combination must be unique within your SIMnet URL.
This is the campus on which your copied class or classes will be offered. It is automatically set to a default campus.
You can set a default module for your copied class that will be assigned to students when registering with a single application registration code.
You can set the dates between which your copied class will be available, for example the start date may be the beginning of the semester and the end date may be the end of the semester. You can also set the time of day you want your class to open and close.
Info: The class start date is required. We recommend setting these dates when possible. This helps the SIMnet system determine when classes are active.
You can restrict the enrollment of students into your class by checking this box, so that no student can self-enroll in the class before the start date or after the end date. You can also leave this unchecked if you wish your students to be enrolled before the start of the class.
For students that are enrolled prior to the start date, you can restrict their ability to view the assignments, or you can allow them to be able to begin working on the assignments by keeping the box unchecked.
In the Scheduling section you can elect to replace the dates of the assignments in the new class. Deselect the Replace dates in new Class check box if you do not wish to replace the dates in the new section or class. You can update assignment dates in the following two ways.
If you would like to schedule start dates, end dates, and due dates for the assignments in the new section or class, you can do so by clicking the Enable Schedule by Dates check box. This toggles all of the learning objects you have included in the new class.
All assignments that have dates enabled will be updated by the selected number of days in the new class. Dates can be updated to either plus or minus 2 years from the original date (+/- 730 days). Enabling the Shift Schedule by Number of Days check box toggles a different page where you can select the updated number of days for assignments, the earliest start date for an assignment in the original class, and the updated earliest start date for an assignment in the copied class.
If you have selected the Enable Schedule by Dates checkbox, you can select to which learning objects you would like to apply the new dates and times by selecting their associated checkboxes. The selected learning objects will display in a grid where you can change the dates and times accordingly.
The Class Overview Report contains results for all assignments in your class.
A Class Overview Report queries all of the results for a specific class. From this report, you can view result details and delete results. You can print this report by clicking the Print Report button.
To view a class overview report from the Actions menu, navigate to the Classes section and expand the Actions Menu for the class who's report you'd like to view. Select Class Report and SIMnet will display an overview of all the student's assignments.
The information presented in a Class Overview Report includes your students' first and last names, student ID, the assignment title, the amount of time spent on the assignment, the dates on which the assignment was started and completed, the number of questions the student completed, and the percentage of completed work for the assignment.
Inclusive Access settings as they will be applied to your course
When a school has a course or courses that use separate materials from the rest of the school, Course Level Inclusive Access can be an effective solution to provide licenses automatically to students. Course Level Inclusive Access provides students in pre-determined courses with codes that are separate from the codes the rest of the school receives.
Note: If the school also uses Account Level Inclusive Access at the same time, they will need to ensure that students receive the appropriate licenses to begin their course. Courses with Course Level Inclusive Access will not receive the school's Account Level Inclusive Access offer.
Instructors can view the Inclusive Access offer students. When you are in Edit/Assign mode for a specific class, you can click the View Inclusive Access Offer button at the top of the page to view the Inclusive Access option applied to the course.
Inclusive Access offers cannot be edited by Instructors or by School Administrators. Inclusive Access offers must be set with the school's McGraw Hill representative. Course Level Inclusive Access must be set before courses are created for the semester. Course Level Inclusive Access is applied to a master course and then copied from that course to the rest of the semester's courses.
Select multiple assignments in your course in the Organizer view to display the Bulk Actions menu. From the Organizer Bulk Actions view you can:
Remove all of the dates from selected assignments
Move all selected assignments to the same Start date, due date, End date, or Delay Results Until date
Shift all the Start Date, Due Date, End Date or Delay Results Until values by a set number of days, hours and/or minutes
To remove all of the dates from the selected assignments, click the Remove Scheduling button in the Disable scheduling section of the Bulk Actions menu. Clicking this button will display the dates that will be removed from the selected assignments
Once you have reviewed the assignments and confirmed that you want to remove all dates, click Update to remove dates and return to the previous screen. Otherwise click Cancel.
To move the Start, Due, End and/or Delay Results Until dates and times to the desired value, click the Update Scheduling button in the Update schedule with fixed dates section of the Bulk Actions menu.
Enter new values for the desired settings. Entering a new value will then display what the new value for that assignment will be directly after the current value. Click the X button to reject the date change.
Note: If you move the Start date after the Due/End dates or the End/Due dates before the Start date you will see a yellow triangle alert icon and will not be able to save your changes until the Start date is before the Due/End dates.
Once you have input the desired values, click the Update button to enact your changes and return to the previous screen. Click Cancel to reject your changes and return to the previous screen.
In order to shift all dates into the future without moving all dates to the same date as each other, use the Shift Scheduling button in the Shift schedule section of the Bulk Actions menu.
Note: The Shift Schedule button is only available if all selected assignments have the Enable Schedule by Dates options set.
Input the number of days, hours, and minutes to shift the selected assignments. Edit the check box selections for Start, Due, End and Delay Results Until if you only want to shift some of those values. The resulting dates and times for assignment dates that have been selected will display automatically below the current values. New dates and times will be shown after the arrow next to the current date and time.
When the dates are correct, click the Shift button to enact the changes and return to the prior screen. Click Cancel to reject the changes and return to the Bulk Actions view.
Organizing and sorting your class or section into groups.
The Organizer is used to create new groups and organize assignments into groups. To change settings for an assignment or group, select it, and the settings panel will appear on the right. To specify the order within a group, set Sort by for the group to "Custom Order" and drag and drop the assignments and groups.
You can change the settings for an assignment or group by selecting it and the settings panel will appear to the right of the screen. The Class Home button and the Class Settings button allow you to toggle back and forth between adjusting group settings and class settings.
With the Group settings, you can create new groups and organize assignments into groups. You can sort assignments alphabetically by title, numerically by due date, start date, and end date, or your own custom order.
The Class settings button allows you to view the class title and section title, edit the class availability dates, the display type, the assignment status, the date restrictions, how to sort the class, and whether students are able to see unavailable assignments.
If the assignments for your class have not yet been organized, you can organize them by title, due date, start date, end date, or your own customized order by toggling the class settings button. They then appear in this section in the order in which you have arranged them.
Info: Selecting a date sorting will display the date with the assignment title in the Organizer view only.
To organize your assignments into groups click and drag all desired assignments into the group. You can move multiple assignments or groups at the same time by clicking the related checkboxes of the desired items before clicking and dragging.
You can use these buttons to refresh your group or class data. If you have just made changes to the data, the changes may take a few minutes to be reflected on this page. You can also expand and collapse groups within your class to view individual assignments and the class as a whole. You have the option to make a new group and move already existing assignments into that group, or assign new assignments.
To edit assignment details such as the title, schedule, or preferences select a row in the organizer.
Creating a new class or section.
When creating a class, you have the ability to choose your own title, preferably one that has a connection to the content being covered in the class.
Success: Use the exact same class title for all sections to enable reporting across all sections.
Section titles are used when there are multiple sections of your class, and you and your students need more specification as to which class section they are enrolled.
Info: The class and section title combination must be unique within your SIMnet URL.
This is the campus on which your class or classes will be offered. It is automatically set to a default campus.
You can set a default module for your class that will be assigned to students when registering with a single application registration code.
You can set the dates between which your class will be available, for example the start date may be the beginning of the semester and the end date may be the end of the semester. You can also set the time of day you want your class to open and close.
Info: The class start date is required. We recommend setting these dates when possible. This helps the SIMnet system determine when classes are active.
You can restrict the enrollment of students into your class by checking this box, so that no student can self-enroll in the class before the start date or after the end date. You can also leave this unchecked if you wish your students to be enrolled before the start of the class.
For students that are enrolled prior to the start date, you can restrict their ability to view the assignments, or you can allow them to be able to begin working on the assignments by keeping the box unchecked.
Archive classes.
Archive old, unused classes to remove them from all views in the Course Manager.
Success: Archive classes each semester to keep your Course Manager clean and easy to manager. You can always unarchive a class at any time.
The active classes that you are teaching and in which students are enrolled appear on the left side of the Archive Classes page. The class name, section name, and whether or not the class is closed for student enrollment will appear on this side of the page. You can archive classes to move them from the Active classes column on the left to the Archived classes column on the right.
Archived classes are classes that are no longer relevant and that are no longer being taught or offered on your campus. They may also just be classes that have finished for the semester and that you no longer intend to teach. You can add active classes to the archived classes column by clicking the add button between the two columns. The add all button will archive all of your current active classes. If you would like to make an archived class active again, you may do so by clicking the remove button, as this removes the classes from the archives.
Batch importing classes, new and existing users.
To batch import classes from a .csv or .txt file select Import in the Classes Left Navigation Menu.
Before importing a class, you can select whether or not the assignments for a specific course should be copied. You can also select the campus on which they will be available. In order to import a batch of classes, you will need to create and save a .csv or .txt file that you can import. You can download a sample file if you do not have this file already created.
Hint: If there are any errors during the import process, they will be listed at the bottom of the screen.
If you want to copy assignments from a class that already exists, you can select an existing class from the drop-down menu, and then select the specific campus to which you would like to import the assignments.
The Choose File button allows you to browse and upload a .txt or .csv file already saved to your computer or device.
When you are ready to import the class or assignment information, clicking the Import button will save your changes for you.
You can import students by selecting Import New Students the Actions menu on the Classes page. If you would like to use automatically generated passwords for your students, click the Download Sample .csv button to download a sample file that demonstrates the appropriate format. If you are supplying your own passwords manually, click the Download Sample with Passwords .csv button to download a sample file that demonstrates the appropriate format.
If you are importing new students, the file should show student information as follows:
Student ID
Last Name
First Name
User Name
Registration Code (optional)
If you are importing existing students, the file should show student information as follows:
Student ID or User Name (depending on the option you select)
Registration Code (optional).
If your school is using the Auto Register Students with Pre-loaded codes feature, clicking the checkbox will load pre-existing codes for each student. If your school is using single application registration codes, you can select your desired SIMnet application from the drop-down menu.
If you are using automatically generated passwords for your students, ensure that the Passwords: Generated radio button is selected. If you are supplying your own manually created passwords, select the Passwords: Imported radio button.
The Choose File button allows you to browse and upload a .txt or .csv file already saved to your computer or device.
When you are ready to import the user or student information, clicking the Import button will save your changes for you.
You can import students by selecting Import Existing Students the Actions menu on the Classes page. If you would like to use automatically generated passwords for your students, click the Download Sample .csv button to download a sample file that demonstrates the appropriate format.
If importing students with a Single Application Registration Code select the application to apply to each imported student. Select Student ID or Username based on what criteria is supplied in the import file.
From the drop-down list, you can select the name of the class that you would like to edit and re-organize. For more information on editing or assigning classes, view the page.
Your Course Manager account permissions.
This section of your account displays your permissions as an instructor or administrator to create, edit, and manage students, classes, reports, SIMnet lessons, SIMnet exams, Test Bank exams, SIMpaths, Templates, and Resources for each class.
As an instructor or administrator, you have the permission to create new students, edit student information (including changing passwords and assigning students to classes), import batches of students, and enroll or unenroll students from the full student list.
As an instructor or administrator, you have the permission to manage classes including creating new classes, importing classes, editing existing classes to which you are assigned, deleting classes to which you are assigned, and adding or removing students to or from classes (from the pool of all available students, but only to classes to which you are assigned).
As an instructor or administrator, you have the permission to view and create reports, delete student results from within a report, and export report data. A full instructor does not have the permission to delete all grades, this is limited to administrators.
As an instructor or administrator, you have the permission to create new SIMnet lessons and lessons from templates, and to edit SIMnet lesson content from a template lesson.
As an instructor or administrator, you have the permission to create new SIMnet exams and exams from templates, and edit SIMnet exam content and preferences from a template exam.
As an instructor or administrator, you have the permission to create test bank exams including creating test banks and new questions, create test bank exams from templates, and edit test bank exam content and preferences from a template exam.
As an instructor or administrator, you have the permission to create new SIMPaths and new SIMPaths from templates, and edit SIMPath content and preferences from a template or regular SIMPath.
As an instructor or administrator, you have the permission to create SIMnet lesson templates, exam templates, test bank exam templates, and SIMPath templates.
As an instructor or administrator, you have the permission to create new resources for you and your students to use throughout the course.
Using the My Account Dashboard
The SIMnet Course Manager starts at your Dashboard where you can view the assignment schedules, past-due assignments, integrity violations, student login activity, and earned credentials.
The dashboard has the following components: Assignment Schedule, Past Due Assignments, Integrity Violations, Credentials Earned, and Student Activity. The dashboard components contain information about students and assignments in the courses you teach. By default, the dashboard displays all courses that you are currently assigned to.
View all Integrity Violations, if there are any, by clicking the yellow clock icon in the Integrity Violations section. You will be notified if a student attempts to submit an assignment that does not contain their own original work.
This section displays the login history of your students including how many of the students enrolled in your class are active, how many have been idle for a week or longer, and how many have not logged into SIMnet at all. By clicking on each piece of the pie chart, you can view exactly which students are active, idle, or not participating.
You can view all credentials earned by students by clicking the View All link. When students have completed assignments of varying degrees of difficulty, they will earn Level 1, 2, 3, or 4 credentials indicating their levels of mastery of a subject. With each credential, a certificate of achievement is awarded to the student so that you can keep track of their progress in the course, and so they can keep track of their success with that module.
Credentials are grouped together by type earned. Click the desired grouping either by clicking the text or the desired group in the pie chart. Level 1 credentials are indicated with a White belt, Level 2 credentials are indicated with a Yellow belt, Level 3 credentials are indicated with a purple belt, and Level 4 credentials are indicated with a black belt.
View all Past Due Assignments, if there are any, by clicking the yellow clock icon in the Past Due Assignments section. You will be notified if there are any students with past due assignments in your class. You can click the to change your preferences for the time range for past due assignments, selecting the desired days, weeks, or months, and clicking Save.
All past, current, and upcoming assignments will be displayed in this section if they have been assigned to students or if they have been given a due date. You can select a default tab by clicking to automatically display the last 10 Past due assignments, the 10 current assignments, or the next 10 upcoming assignments when you open your dashboard. Click on an assignment to bring up more options such as editing the assignment or viewing relevant reports.
If there are no integrity violations, this section will be green with a check mark, stating that there are no student submissions that have been flagged with an integrity violation. If you would like to receive a notification email when there is an integrity violation, you can click the to select this option, selecting the desired days, weeks, or months, and clicking Save.
Viewing sent messages
To view and delete sent messages, click the Sent link in the left hand menu under Communicate. You can delete sent messages by clicking the checkbox next to the message(s) you want to delete and click Delete Selected Message(s).
To export a list of your sent messages to a CSV file, click the Export to CSV link. A download notification will appear. You can save the file to your Downloads folder or open the file.
Viewing your Course Manager account details.
Your personal information, contact information, and log in information is stored under the Account Details section. You can edit this information any time you like by clicking the Edit button.
Your first name, last name, and role on SIMnet appear in the Personal Information section of the Account Details page. Your role will be listed as Inactive Instructor, Limited Instructor, Assistant, Full Instructor, or Administrator.
Your contact information will be listed here with information you have provided, including your personal email address, phone number, and extension.
You can view your login information on the Account Details page. This will display your username and the option to edit or reset your password.
If you wish to edit any of your account details, you may do so with the edit button. Doing so will allow you to change any of the personal information, contact, information, and login information provided except for your role in SIMnet.
Note: You can update your password in the Edit view. You will have the option of selecting your own password or having the system generate and email you a strong, secure password.
Using your SIMnet Inbox
The Communicate main page opens to the Inbox and a list of all messages where you can view, flag, and delete messages from your inbox.
To export a list of your received messages to a CSV file, click the Export to CSV link. A download notification will appear. You can save the file to your Downloads folder or open the file.
To open a message, click on its subject line. The message opens in a separate window from which you can Reply, Forward, Flag, and Close.
Viewing your draft messages.
To view your message drafts, click the Drafts link in the left hand menu under Communicate. Click the icon in the Edit Message column to edit the draft. Click the trash can icon in the Delete column to delete the draft.
To export a list of your drafts to a CSV file, click the Export to CSV link. A download notification will appear. You can save the file to your Downloads folder or open the file.
Search for an instructor account and view options in the Actions Menu
Click the Search link in the Instructors section to search for a instructor account. The Search for Instructors section displays a list of instructors in all classes. To show instructors in a specific class, click the Class drop-down list and select the class in which you want to search. You can scroll the list in the Results section or type in one of the heading boxes to search by User Name, Last Name, First Name, or Role.
To see a list of options for each instructor, expand the corresponding Actions Menu in the Actions column.
Select Snapshot to navigate to the Instructor Details tab. Here, you can find the instructor's personal and contact information as well as their username. The Snapshot also shows a read-only version of the classes and campuses assigned to the instructor on the Assigned Classes and Assigned Campuses tabs.
Select Print Snapshot to print the instructor's information.
Select Send Message to send a message to the instructor.
Select View History to see a detailed list of the instructor's actions within the Course Manager.
Select Delete to permanently delete an account. SIMnet will ask you to confirm the deletion before actually removing the instructor.
Note: Deleting an instructor account does not delete any of the classes, lessons or exams created by that instructor. However, the lessons and exams will be "orphaned" – that is, only the account Administrator will be able to edit or delete them. The Administrator can re-assign another instructor as the "owner" by editing the lesson or exam.
Select Edit/Assign to navigate to the Assign Classes tab. See the Edit/Assign Instructors section for more information.
Creating a message or announcement
Click the Create link in the Communicate section to create and send a new message.
When you have finished composing your message, click the Send button to send your message or announcement. If you'd like to save it as a draft to come back to, click the Save Draft button. Click Cancel to delete the message.
Note: Sending a message in SIMnet will also send a copy of the message to the users email address.
In the Settings section, choose the type of message you'd like to send:
Messages are just standard messages that can be sent to any SIMnet user, class, or role.
Announcements can only be sent to classes and cannot be replied to. They can be scheduled ahead of time to be sent at a chosen date and time.
Note: If you choose to send an announcement, you can choose the option to Notify in student portal or Schedule by dates. Notifying students will cause a pop-up to display while the student is logged into the Student Portal.
By default, the Allow student to reply to message checkbox is selected to allow students to respond to messages sent by instructors. To restrict student replies when broadcasting messages, click the checkbox to deselect it.
Click the green plus icon on the right of the To Class or To User boxes to add recipients. When the pop-up window appears, click on a recipient and then click the Add Recipients tab.
Note: For Administrator accounts, a third text box will appear in the Recipient List section that allows sending messages by instructor role.
In the Compose Message section, type a subject for your message in the Subject box.
Use the formatting options available in the window to stylize the text of your message.
Write your message in the Compose Message area.
Explaining Instructor roles and permissions in SIMnet
There are six instructor roles in the SIMnet Course Manager:
Administrators can create other administrators and instructors and have full access to all classes, lessons, exams, and SIMpaths they're assigned to teach. Only Administrators have access to the account settings pages and archiving functions. It is highly recommended that you use the Administrator account for administrative functions only. If you are both the account Administrator and you are an instructor, please create a Full Instructor account for yourself to use when managing your class and creating learning objects and assignments. Once you create an Administrator account, that account cannot be downgraded to an instructor account.
Campus Administrators are similar to a regular Administrator except they can only administer courses, lessons, exams, and SIMpaths that reside on their Campus.
A Full Instructor can do everything the Administrator can do except create other instructors and edit other instructors’ materials. Instructors cannot change the account settings nor can they access archiving functions.
A Limited Instructor does not have permission to create new learning objects. Limited Instructors can only create lessons and exams from templates. They do not have the right to edit the content or preferences of lessons and exams created from templates.
Assistants can only view classes, students, lessons, exams, and reports. They cannot create anything.
Inactive Instructors cannot login to the course manager. Their information is saved in SIMnet but they are unable to access it.
If you created the lesson, exam, resource, or SIMpath, you can edit, copy, and delete it.
If you did not create the object, you cannot edit or delete it, but if your account has proper permissions, you can make a copy (which you then "own").
If you did not create the lesson, exam, resource, or SIMpath, and it is not assigned to one of your classes, it does not appear in your list of lessons or exams.
You can only create lessons from exams if you have the right to create lessons and vice versa.
Administrator accounts can edit, copy and delete anything.
SIMnet is designed to help you create the exact course you want. This flowchart is designed to help you select the correct Instructor Role for your course.
How to edit instructor information and assign classes to an instructor
You can edit an instructor's information and/or assign the instructor to a specific class by selecting the Edit/Assign option in the Actions Menu for the instructor account you want to change.
Click the Instructors section to navigate to the main page.
Expand the Actions Menu for the instructor account you want to edit and select Edit/Assign to navigate to the Instructor Details tab.
Click the Edit button to change any of the instructor details (including changing the instructor's role or password). Click the Save button when you have finished editing the instructor details.
If you want to add or remove classes from the instructor's account, click the Assign Classes tab. A list of available classes appears on the left and a list of classes that have already been assigned appears on the right.
To add a class, click the class name in the Available Classes list and then click the Add button. To remove a class, click the class name in the Assigned Classes list and click the Remove button. SIMnet saves the class assignments automatically.
Success: You can assign multiple classes at once by clicking and dragging to select multiple classes. To select noncontiguous classes, press the Ctrl key and click each of the classes you want.
Create an instructor or administrator account
Create a new instructor or administrator.
Note: Only Administrators can create other Administrators and Instructors.
Note: Instructor accounts cannot be promoted to an Administrator. We recommend Administrators have both a Full Instructor and Administrator account if they teach any courses.
Note: Administrators cannot be demoted to an Instructor Role.
Click the Create link in the Instructor section to create a new instructor account.
Enter the instructor's personal and contact information in the first and second columns. In the third column, create a username for the instructor to use when they log in to their account. If you want SIMnet to generate a random password for the instructor account, click the Generate button. The password will be included in the registration email sent to the instructor. If you want to enter in your own password, click the Create button and enter the password in the boxes that appear.
How to create a student account and set the ADA Multiplier
Most accounts will either allow students to self-register, or they will import student rosters on a class-by-class basis. However, there may be times when you want to create a new student account manually.
Click the Create link in the Students section to create a new student account.
Fill in the student's personal and contact information in the first and second columns. In the third column, create a username for the student to use when they log in to their account. If you want SIMnet to generate a secure password for the student account, click the Generate button. The password will be included in the registration email sent to the student. If you want to enter in your own password, click the Create button and enter the password in the boxes that appear. If you do not include a registration code, the student will be prompted to enter one the first time they log in to the student portal.
Click the Next button to save the student record and add any class assignments.
The ADA Multiplier allows the instructor to assign more time to complete an exam for a particular student. The default setting for all students is 1, which represents the base time that the instructor has assigned to the exam.
If the ADA Multiplier is set to 1.5, then a 60 minute base time exam would be increased to 90 minutes for that student automatically. Therefore, ADA Multiplier setting of 2 will be 2x the base time assign to the exam.
To modify the ADA Multiplier setting, navigate to the Student section and select Edit/Assign from the Actions Menu for the student that you would like to apply the ADA Multiplier. Click Edit at the bottom of the Student Details section and enter the desired rate in the ADA Multiplier: box.
Import multiple instructors at one time
SIMnet allows you to import multiple instructors at one time and assign them an instructor role as well as a username and password. In order to batch import instructors, you must first create and save a file (.csv or .txt format only) with a list of the instructors you wish to import.
Click the Import link in the Instructor section to import multiple instructors.
Your file should show instructor information as follows: Last Name, First Name, User Name, Password, Email address, Phone (optional). Click the Download Sample .csv button to download a sample import file to use with generated passwords. Click the Download Sample with Passwords .csv button to download a sample file to use with imported passwords.
Expand the drop-down menu to select a role for the instructors you are importing. All instructors will be assigned this role when the import is complete.
Select Generated if you want SIMnet to generate secure passwords for the new users. Select Imported if you want to include assigned passwords in your import file for the new users.
Note: When importing with assigned passwords, the password must meet the minimum complexity requirement and not be reused within the same import file.
Click the Choose File button to the find file you created and double-click that file to select it. You can upload files in the .csv or .txt formats only.
Click the Import button to import the selected file and create the new instructor accounts.
Note: When the import is complete, the Status section will appear at the bottom of the page and display the total number of imports, if they were successful, as well as any errors.
How to edit student information and assign classes to a student
You can edit a student's information and/or assign the student to a specific class by selecting the Edit/Assign option in the Actions Menu for the student account you want to change.
Click the Students section to navigate to the main page.
Expand the Actions Menu for the student account you want to edit and select Edit/Assign to navigate to the Student Details tab.
Click the Edit button to change any of the student's information. Click the Save button when you have finished editing the student details.
If you want to add or remove classes from the student's account, click the Assign Classes tab. A list of available classes appears on the left and a list of classes that have already been assigned appears on the right.
To add a class, click the class name in the Available Classes list and then click the Add button. To remove a class, click the class name in the Assigned Classes list and click the Remove button. SIMnet saves the class assignments automatically.
Success: You can assign multiple classes at once by clicking and dragging to select multiple classes. To select noncontiguous classes, press the Ctrl key and click each of the classes you want.
Search for student accounts and view options in the Actions Menu
Click the Search link in the Students section to search for a student account. The Search for Students section displays a list of students in all classes. To show students in a specific class, click the Class drop-down list and select the class in which you want to search. You can scroll the list or type in one of the heading boxes to search by Pairing, Student Type, Last Name/First Name, Student ID, User Name, or Email Address.
Note: The Missing Modules column may take up to 30-seconds to complete loading, depending on class size.
To see a list of actions for each student, expand the corresponding Actions Menu in the Actions column.
Select Snapshot to navigate to the Student Details tab. Here, you can find the student's personal and contact information as well as their username. The Snapshot also shows a read-only version of the classes and assignments assigned to the student on the Assigned Classes and Assignments tabs as well as the licenses in their account, the time they've spent on tasks, and any credentials they have earned.
Select Print Snapshot to print the student's Snapshot.
Select Remove MHC Pairing to break the students pairing to the Learning Management System. You may need to break a student pairing if the student has paired to the wrong SIMnet account.
Note: Students who are not paired to MH Campus will not have their grades automatically sent to the Learning Management System.
Delete Student allows you to remove the student record. However, if the student has entered a registration code, this option is not available and the student cannot be deleted. If you're unable to delete a student, you may want to archive them instead.
Visit the Roles & Permissions topic for details on selecting an appropriate Role.
Click the Next button to save the instructor record and add class assignments. See the Edit/Assign Instructors section for more information on assigning classes to an instructor.
Select the Show Missing Licenses Column button to view students who may not have a SIMnet license that covers all course assignments. Click details on a student record to view more information on which modules are missing from their license. View the help topic for more on this report.
Select Edit/Assign to navigate to the Student Details tab. See the for more information.
Select Student Report to view a report showing all of the student's assignment results, including student created self-study lessons. From this report, you can view result details and delete results. You can also change the grade of an individual item. You can print this report by clicking the Print Report button. View the help topic for more information.
Select Send Message to send a SIMnet message to the student. (Messaging must be allowed to see this option.) View the help topics for more information.
Select View History to view all student activity in SIMnet, including SIMnet login information and assignment activity. This option also allows you to export and/or print the student's activity data. View the help topic for more information.
Note: Students may contact the to have their SIMnet account deleted when they are finished with SIMnet. This is offered as a service to comply with "right to be forgotten" privacy regulations.
Select Archive Student if you want to hide the student from your roster and reports. See the section for more information.
How to import students and classes
The Import feature allows you to create one or more classes, and import new or existing students and instructors into each class simultaneously.
Click the Import link in the Students section to import students.
If you would like to use automatically generated passwords for your students, click the Download Sample .csv button to download a sample file that demonstrates the appropriate format. If you are supplying your own passwords manually, click the Download Sample with Passwords .csv button to download a sample file that demonstrates the appropriate format.
Create and save a file (.csv or .txt format only) with the information for the students you wish to import. The file should show student information as follows: Class Title, Section Title, Role, Student ID, Last Name, First Name, User Name, Email, Registration Code (optional). The available roles are Student, Administrator, Full Instructor, Limited Instructor, Assistant, or Inactive Instructor.
By selecting a class from the Copy from existing class: menu, you can copy all assignments and custom gradebook columns to the new class. However, copying from an existing class does not copy student enrollments.
If you want to import the classes into a specific campus, expand the Import classes into campus menu and select a campus.
Click the Auto Register Students with Pre-loaded codes checkbox to automatically assign Full Student codes to each student in the import file. If the number of students imported is greater than the number of pre-loaded codes available, an error will occur, and the importation will end after the last code is used. This option is only available if your school’s account is configured to allow auto-registration.
Note: This option is only available to schools with an active Inclusive Access agreement in place.
Click the Remove previous enrollments radio button if you would like to remove any existing class enrollments for the user. Click the Do not remove previous enrollments radio button to keep existing enrollments for the student.
Expand the If Importing with single application registration codes... menu only if you are importing a student with a single application registration code to select an application. Any student assigned a full registration code is automatically given access to all applications.
If you are using automatically generated secure passwords for your users, ensure that the Passwords: Generated radio button is selected. If you are supplying your own manually created passwords, select the Passwords: Imported radio button.
Note: Manually created passwords are required to meet a minimum complexity and may not be repeated within the same imported file.
Click the Choose File button to select the import file you created. You can import .txt or .csv files only.
Click the Import button. New students will receive an email with their login information.
Note: When the import is complete, the Status section will appear at the bottom of the page and display the total number of imports, if they were successful, as well as any errors.
How to archive a student account
Archiving does not delete a student but removes them from the active roster of students. Archived students still have their accounts but are not assigned to any class or have access to class assignments. They no longer appear in the lists of active students found throughout the SIMnet Course Manager but may still log in to the student portal. Like other lists throughout SIMnet, you can sort the Archived Students list by clicking one of the headers (Student ID, Last Name, First Name) or filter the list.
Hint: Click the View Report button to view the Student Overview report of an archived student.
Click the Archive link in the Students section to archive a student.
Select Show My Classes to view classes assigned only to you, or Show All Classes to view all classes.
Click the student name in the Active Students list. You can select multiple students at once by holding down the Shift key and clicking (to select a block of contiguous names) or holding down the Ctrl key and clicking (to select noncontiguous names).
Click the Add button to add the student(s) to the Archived Students list.
To move a student back to the Active Students list, click the student(s) in the Archived Students list, and then click the Remove button.
Student extensions: Working with students who need an assignment extended.
Inevitably, at some point in the semester, a student will need an extension or have a scheduling issue. It is important to have flexibility within a system to account for issues as they arise. In SIMnet, Instructors can create Personal Assignments for students to account for scheduling problems, personal issues, or technology hiccups. Personal Assignments can be entirely new content but typically they are pre-existing course assignments that are reassigned to individual students with new Start and End Dates and some additional criteria at the instructor's discretion.
Personal assignments can be created directly from Course Assignments in the Student's Edit/Assign page. Search for the desired student in the Students section then select Edit/Assign from the drop-down action menu. Navigate to the Student Assignments tab. On the left side of the Student Assignments page are all assignments in courses that student is assigned to. Select the desired Class and Assignment Type. Select the desired course assignments in the left side and then click the Add button to add that assignment as a Personal Assignment for the student. Select the desired Assignment Preferences and click Save the same way that you would when assigning any other learning object. The Transfer student results to: box will automatically be set to the course in the Classes drop-down.
You can also assign other learning objects from this view by selecting the Not In Class View Assignments radio button. All assignments that have currently been created will be available in this view. If the chosen assignment in this view is assigned to the course it will still be set to Transfer student results to: the assigned course by default. Otherwise the assigment will not transfer to a course and the transfer will be None.
All currently assigned Personal Assignments will be displayed on the Right side of the view. You can edit them with using the Edit button to change the assignment settings.
Personal assignments are assigned as regular course assignments with one key difference - instead of using the Class Assignments tab to assign content, use the Student Assignments tab.
Select the desired student or students from the Available Students on the left and click the Add button. The Assignment Details window opens just as a typical assignment does. There is one additional option in the Personal Assignment Assignment Details window: the Gradebook Options section.
In the Gradebook Options section, any assignment that is in a course that the students are enrolled in will be displayed in the Transfer student results to drop down list. If that option is set to the students' current course, the Personal Assignment will be linked to the Course grade. The grade that the students receive for their personal assignments will automatically replace the students' grades for that assignment for the Course Assignment.
If the students do not have that assignment in their course the Transfer student results to option will be None. If you would like to assign a Personal Assignment to students without having the result transfer to the gradebook select None from the Transfer student results to drop-down menu.
Linked Personal Assignments, by default, have the same number of attempts that the Course Assignment has. If students have used all of their Course Attempts at an assignment before the creation of the Linked Personal Assignment, they will not be able to add new attempts. To add new attempts, change the number of allowed attempts in the Personal Assignment to the desired total.
If using a Personal Assignment is not an effective method there are other options available to instructors. Instructors can:
add additional attempts for all students in a course
move the End Date or Due Date for an assignment
provide additional attempts or time but also password protect the assignment to prevent additional student access
delete previous attempts from the gradebook or student report
manually change the student's grade in the gradebook
offer extra credit assignments for the course
When Personal Assignments automatically transfer to course assignments upon completion of specific steps based on assignment type.
Once the Personal Assignment has been assigned with Course Assignment attempts remaining, the student will be able to complete the assignment as they normally would. Once they have completed the assignment attempt, the attempt will automatically be transferred to the Course Assignment and to the gradebook and the Personal Assignment will no longer be available after all Course Assignment attempts have been submitted.
Lessons and SIMbook Course Assignments are not dependent upon attempts. They typically allow the student to access the assignment as many times as they would like. The student will get credit for anything that they complete at any time during the duration of the Course Assignment. The same is true of Personal Assignments for Lessons and SIMbooks.
Lesson and SIMbook Personal Assignments are transferred to the Course Assignment in one of two circumstances. First, the student completes all of the available skills in the assignment and gains all available points. Once this occurs the student will no longer be able to access their Personal Assignment and that assignment will be closed. The second time a Personal Assignment grade can transfer is once the Personal Assignment has reached its End Date.
If a Personal Assignment is linked to a Course Assignment after the student has completed tasks, and either the end date of the course assignment has passed, or all tasks have been completed, the personal assignment will immediately transfer to the course.
SIMpaths are effectively two Exam assignments in conjunction with a Lesson. As such, they are not transferred from the Personal Assignment to the Class assignment until the entire SIMpath has been completed. In some instances this will require students to duplicate part of the work they have previously completed in the Course Assignment. For example, if the student had completed their Pre-test and Lesson in the Course Assignment but did not attempt the Post-test the student would have to redo the Pre-test and Lesson on their Personal Assignment. The SIMpath grade(s) are transferred to the Course Assignment once the Personal Assignment SIMpath has been completed or the Personal Assignment End Date has passed.
All results related to the Course Assignment will be removed and replaced with results from the Personal Assignment upon transfer.
SIMpath Personal Assignments only allow 1 Post-Test attempt before the transfer to the Course Assignment. Any additional Post-Test attempts may be taken in the Course Assignment, if available.
Automatically extending all assignment timings.
The ADA multiplier provides students with additional time on all timed assignments automatically. The multiplier is typically set in units ranging from 1.5 to 3. For a student with an ADA multipler of 1.5, they will automatically get 90 minutes on a 60 minute assignment.
To set the ADA multiplier, in the Students section, find the desired studenta and click the Edit/Assign option in the Actions menu. In the Student Details page, click the Edit button. Set the ADA Multiplier settting to the desired value and click Save.
How to create different types of Lesson templates
A Lesson Template is a lesson that is available for copying, but cannot be assigned directly to classes.
Click the Create link in the Lessons section to select options for a new lesson template. The process to create a new template is the same as creating a new lesson, SIMnet exam or test bank exam.
Expand the Type menu, and select Lesson Template.
Type a name for the template in the Title box.
Click a radio button to select SIMnet content for Microsoft 2016 applications or Microsoft 2019. You can only add content from one or the other, and choosing here determines which you will be adding from in the next step
Click the Next button to save the lesson template and continue to the next page.
Templates are available to all instructors who have permission to create lessons and exams from templates (all instructors except Assistants). Once an instructor creates a lesson from a template, the instructor is the "owner" of the lesson and can edit it based on the rights and privileges assigned to that instructor's role. Full Instructors can change the skills or the preferences in the lesson. Limited Instructors can only assign the lesson and change the restrictions associated with the assignment.
To create a lesson from a template, click the Templates link in the Lessons section.
Expand the Actions Menu for the template you want to want to use and select Copy to Lesson.
On the next screen, SIMnet automatically creates a lesson title for you or you can type your own.
Click the Next button to continue.
SIMnet automatically populates the skills for you, but you can add or remove skills or change the preferences if you have a Full Instructor account.
When you create a template using an existing lesson as the basis for the template, SIMnet will automatically populate the list of assigned skills for you.
Navigate to the Lessons section to search for the lesson you want to use as the basis for the template.
From the Lessons list, expand the Actions Menu for the lesson you want to use and select Copy to Template.
SIMnet automatically creates a title for you or you can type your own.
Click the Next button to continue.
SIMnet automatically opens the Skills list. Notice the Assigned Skills list is populated for you. You can add skills just as you would for a new lesson.
Note: From the Create Template page, you can expand the Actions Menu and create a lesson or exam based on the template. You can even create corresponding learning materials (for example, an exam and a practice exam based on the tasks in a lesson template).
Creating a Lesson or Lesson Template
Click the Create link in the Lessons section to select options for a new lesson.
Note: Lessons are assignable to classes and students. Lesson Template cannot be assigned, they can only be used to create standardized Lessons for use across classes.
Type a name for the lesson in the Title box. The Lesson or Lesson Template title must be unique within your schools URL.
Click a radio button to select SIMnet content for Microsoft Office 2016 applications or Microsoft Office 2019. You can only add content from one or the other, and choosing here determines which you will be adding from in the next step.
Warning: Once a content type is selected, it may not be changed later.
Click the Next button to save the lesson and continue to the next page where you will be able to select the content of your Lesson or Lesson Template.
On the Skills tab, you can view the available list of skills by Module, Textbook, Lesson, or Template. Click the radio button for the view you want.
The Textbook filter option displays all available tasks for the selected textbook. Filtering by Textbook also allows you to explore tasks by Chapter.
The Module filter option displays all available tasks for the selected module or application. Filtering by Module also allows you to explore tasks by MOS objective.
The Lesson filter option displays all available tasks for lessons created by you or other instructors. The Lesson filter facilitates quickly combining multiple existing lessons.
The Template filter option displays all available tasks for templates created by you or other instructors. This filter option quickly facilitates combining multiple existing templates.
In the Available Skills list, click the skills you want to add and then click the Add button. As you add to the Assigned Skills list, SIMnet saves the lesson automatically.
At any point while adding skills to a lesson, you can preview a skill by moving your mouse over the question icon and then clicking the Preview Task button.
Use the Top, Bottom, Up, and Down buttons to reorder tasks in the Assigned Tasks list. When you reorder tasks, SIMnet saves the new task order automatically.
Note: You can also use the Module or Textbook filter to switch to another content Module or Chapter to add tasks that cover multiple applications.
How to create a new Lesson Report
A Lesson Report allows you to view the latest lesson results for your entire class. There is no need to recreate the report every time you want an update. When you view a lesson report, the report will automatically update with the latest lesson results for your entire class every time you view it.
Navigate to the Lessons section to select the Lesson for which you want to view results.
Expand the Actions Menu and select View Report.
On the report screen, you will see all results for the specific lesson. Here, you can click the Lesson title to open the lesson or click the icon in the Delete column to delete a student's grade.
To modify the report settings, click the Edit button at the top of the screen (to the left of the Bookmark button and Actions menu). Expand the lists to select a specific Class or Campus and click the Enable Date Range checkbox to specify a date range. Click Save to save changes. This option is available to the lesson "owner" only.
Click the Bookmark button to create a bookmark for the report. Type a title for the bookmark and click Save. Your bookmarked report will now appear in the Reports section and the Bookmark button will no longer display at the top of the report page.
To see more report options, expand the Actions Menu, where you can choose to print, delete, or export the report results. You also have the option to delete all of the grades for the lesson.
Viewing student reports on licensing, time on task, transaction history, and assignments.
A Transaction History report allows you to see a history of all student's actions in the student portal such as when they registered, the time they started and finished an exam, and date and time of logins.
Navigate to the Students section and search for the student who's transaction history you want to view.
Expand the Actions Menu for the student and select View History to open the Student History window.
Click the Export button to export the entire student's transaction history to an Excel workbook or, click the Print button to print the results. Click the Close button to close the window.
You can easily determine which product licenses are applied to a student's account by selecting either Edit/Assign or Snapshot from the Actions Menu. On the Licenses tab, you will find the student's licenses, books that appear in the student's library, and any missing license modules by class.
A Student Overview Report queries all of the results for a specific student. From this report, you can view result details and delete results. You can print this report by clicking the Print Report button.
To view a student overview report from the Actions menu, navigate to the Students section and expand the Actions Menu for the student who's report you'd like to view. Select Student Report and SIMnet will display an overview of all the student's assignments.
Click the Lessons, SIMbooks, Student Lessons, Exams, SIMpaths, Projects or Resources tab and select an assignment to display the student's results.
The Time on Task tab allows you to review the total time the student has spent on different assignment types.
The Credentials tab displays all credentials earned by the student.
How to archive a Lesson
Archived lessons will not display in any list or report within the Course Manager or Student Portal. The lesson will not be deleted but it will appear in the Archived Lessons list under the Archive link in the Lessons section. Items that have been archived can also be unarchived at any time, making the item active again.
Click the Archive link in the Lessons section.
Select the lesson you want to archive from the Active Lessons list.
Click the Add button to add the lesson to the Archived Lessons list.
To move a lesson back to the Active Lessons list, click the lesson name(s) in the Archived Lessons list, and then click the Remove button.
Search for lessons and view options in the Actions Menu
When you click Lessons on the navigation menu, SIMnet shows all lessons, including lessons you created and lessons other instructors created and assigned to one of your classes. At the top of the page, expand the Content list to select a specific content module or expand the Locked list to select a locked or unlocked lesson (an assignment is locked when a student opens it and answers a question).
Note: Lessons become Locked after a student has taken the lesson. Once the Lesson is locked the content cannot be changed.
Preview opens the SIMnet lesson in a new window. This feature makes it easier for instructors to preview exactly what students see without requiring the instructor to login as a student.
Snapshot shows the details of the lesson (including assignments) in a static window. This option is useful for instructors who do not have edit privileges for the lesson.
Print Snapshot displays the Snapshot information in a printable format.
Create Scenario A Exam creates a new SIMnet exam based on the scenario A questions. This option is only available if you have the right to create SIMnet exams. The Exam will contain all questions that cover content in your Lesson.
Create Scenario B Exam creates a new SIMnet exam based on the scenario B questions. This option is only available if you have the right to create SIMnet exams. The Exam will contain all questions that cover content in your Lesson.
Create Scenario A Exam Template creates a new SIMnet exam template based on the scenario A questions. This option is only available if you have the right to create SIMnet exam templates.
Create Scenario B Exam Template creates a new SIMnet practice exam template based on the scenario B questions. This option is only available if you have the right to create SIMnet exam templates.
Note: View the Create Exams from Lessons section for more details on creating an Exam or Exam Template from a Lesson.
Success: Creating an Exam or Exam Template from a Lesson will pre-populate the Exam with all questions covered in your Lesson. You may want to remove some of the questions depending on the size and length of Exam you prefer.
The Delete option deletes the lesson, all assignments, and all results. Only the lesson “owner” or the account Administrator can delete a lesson.
How to edit a Lesson and assign Lessons to a class or individual student
You can edit the contents of a Lesson and/or assign the Lesson to a specific class or student by selecting the Edit/Assign option in the Actions Menu for the Lesson you want to change.
Click the Lessons section to navigate to the main page.
Expand the Actions Menu for the Lesson you want to edit and select Edit/Assign to navigate to the Skills tab.
On the Skills tab, add skills to or remove skills from the Lesson as necessary.
Note: Only the lesson “owner” or the account Administrator can edit the skills in the lesson.
How to copy a Lesson
Copying a lesson allows you to copy the existing lesson to a new one. This option is only available for lessons you have created. If you want other instructors to be able to copy your materials, use Copy to Template instead.
Navigate to the main page of the Lessons section and search for the lesson you want to copy.
Expand the Actions Menu for the lesson you want to copy and select Copy to Lesson.
SIMnet automatically populates a lesson title that begins with "Copy of" followed by the name of the original lesson. You can accept this title or type in your own.
Click Next to save the copy of the lesson and continue to add tasks and assignments as you would for any other lesson.
Setting assignment preferences for Lessons
When you click the Add button to assign a lesson to a class or individual student, the Lesson Assignment Details window will appear where you can set several preferences for the assignment.
Edit the Assignment Title by typing in new text. The new title is updated only for this course assignment.
Select the Show Assignment checkbox so the Lesson appears in the student portal. When unchecked, the Lesson will not be visible for students regardless of scheduling options.
Select the Enable Schedule by Dates to set a start date, due date, and/or end date for the assignment. By default, the assignment has this option enabled, with the current date and time as the Start Date. You must either set an End Date or disable scheduling to save the assignment. You can type in the Start Date, Due Date or End Date box, or click the Date Picker icon to select a date or time. Once you have set a Due Date, click the down arrow to use the same value for the End Date.
Click the Day of Week Schedule bar to expand the options for restricting the assignment to certain days of the week. You can also click the check box(es) under Specific Time to specify times for each day
Select an option for Display Hint to determine if and when the hint will be displayed in the Let Me Try exercise. You can select Always, Never, or choose to display the hint after a student has incorrectly answered a certain number of times.
Select an option for Require completion of to determine what exercise(s) the student must complete to mark the skill as completed. You can choose any combination of the Show Me, Guide Me and/or Let Me Try exercises.
Select the Enable skill set navigation checkbox to allow students to navigate between exercises of the same type without returning to the Lesson page and clicking on the Show Me, Guide Me, or Let Me Try button.
Select the Show Column in Gradebook checkbox to include the lesson in the Gradebook and allow SIMnet to automatically record the grade.
Select the Freeze Grades After Due Date checkbox to allow students to continue to work on the Lesson after the due date has passed without updating their grades.
Select a Points option to determine how the grade will be recorded in the Gradebook. Select Assignment Default points to show the grade with the default point allowances where each skill in the lesson will be worth one point. Select Override Points to enter the number of points you would like the lesson to be worth. SIMnet will automatically calculate the worth of each skill when calculating the grade.
Click the Display Type and/or the Calculation Type menus to select how the grade will display and be calculated in the Gradebook.
SIMnet Online allows you to add restrictions to your lesson assignments including password protection and limiting access to the lesson by IP address.
Type a password in the Password box to require a password for this assignment only.
Expand the Click to modify IP Filter bar to restrict the lesson to be available from specific IP addresses only.
Click the Save button to create the assignment.
Click the Cancel button to close the dialog without saving the assignment.
How to create an Exam or Exam Template from a Lesson
Creating an exam from a lesson pre-populates all associated questions from skills with the source lesson. This is a quick way to ensure exams cover all lesson objectives. This option is only available for lessons you have created. If you want other instructors to be able to copy your materials, use Copy to Lesson Template instead.
Navigate to the main page of the Lessons section and search for the lesson from which you want to create an exam.
Expand the Actions menu for the lesson and select either Create Scenario A Exam or Create Scenario B Exam. Each of these options will create a SIMnet exam but will choose questions from either Scenario A questions or Scenario B (formerly known as Practice) questions.
Note: To create an exam template instead, select Create Scenario A Exam Template or Create Scenario B Exam Template from the Actions Menu. The steps to create an exam template from a lesson are the same as creating an exam.
SIMnet provides an exam title automatically. You can accept this title or type in your own.
Click Next to save the exam and continue to add questions and assignments just as you would for any other exam.
To view a list of a student's Personal Assignments, Search for Students until you find the desired student. Click the Actions menu drop-down and select Edit/Assign. Click the Student Assignments tab. On this tab all Personal Assignments for that student will be displayed.
Project and Exam assignments are all dependent on attempts. Each assignment type requires additional attempts remaining in the Course Assignment for the Personal Assignment to transfer. For example, if the Course Assignment has 2 attempts allowed and the student has taken both of those attempts, the student’s Personal Assignment attempt cannot be transferred to the Course Assignment grade in the gradebook. In the event that a student has used all of the available attempts at the Course Assignment, the instructor should add additional attempts when assigning the Personal Assignment. If the total number of attempts in the Personal Assignment is greater than the number of attempts in the Course Assignment, the additional Personal Assignment attempts will transfer to the course grade. For example if the Course Assignment had 2 attempts and the student completed them, and the Personal Assignment is set to 3 attempts, the student will be able to take 1 Personal Assignment attempt and automatically transfer that attempt to the course grade. Additional Personal Assignment attempts will not transfer. In the event that a student has used all of the available attempts at the Course Assignment and the additional attempts provided by the Personal Assignment, the instructor should either be Deleting Attempts from the Course Assignmentor add attempts to the Course Assignment like they do when they Edit/Assign Projects.
Expand the Type menu, and select Lesson or Lesson Template. The first option will create a regular Lesson. The second option will create a lesson that is available for copying but cannot be assigned directly to a class. See the Lesson Templates section for more information.
To assign the Lesson to a class and/or an individual student click the Class Assignments or Student Assignments tab to create the assignment(s). See the Edit/Assign Lessons section for more information.
Edit/Assign allows you to edit the content of the Lesson or make an assignment. Only the lesson “owner” or the account Administrator can edit the lesson. View the Edit/Assign Lessons section for more information.
View Report allows you to view the latest lesson results for your entire class. To modify the report settings, click the Edit button at the top of the screen (to the left of the Bookmark button and Actions Menu. Expand the lists to select a specific Class or Campus and click the Enable Date Range checkbox to specify a date range. Click Save to save changes. View the Lesson Reports section for more information.
Copy to Lesson copies the lesson to a new lesson. This option is available to the lesson “owner” only. If you want other instructors to be able to copy your materials, use Copy to Template instead. View the Copy Lessons section for more information.
Copy to Template creates a new lesson template based on the selected lesson. An instructor who has rights to create lessons from templates has access to the template (full and limited instructors, but not assistants). View the Copy Lessons section for more information.
Click the Class Assignments tab to display a list of available classes. Click the class you want to assign the lesson to, and then click the Add button. When the Lesson Assignment Details window appears, edit assignment preferences such as scheduling, gradebook options, and restrictions. See the for more information.
Click the Student Assignments tab to display a list of available students. Click the student you want to assign the lesson to, and then click the Add button. When the Lesson Assignment Details window appears, edit assignment preferences such as scheduling, gradebook options, and restrictions. See the for more information.
How to edit a SIMbook and assign SIMbooks to a class or individual student.
You can edit the contents of a SIMbook and/or assign the SIMbook to a specific class or student by selecting the Edit/Assign option in the Actions Menu for the SIMbook you want to change.
Click the SIMbooks section to navigate to the main page.
Expand the Actions Menu for the SIMbook you want to edit and select Edit/Assign to navigate to the Pages tab.
On the Pages tab, you can view a preview of the SIMbook page.
Viewing SIMbooks and Action Menu items.
Select a SIMbook from the dropdown to view the list of chapters.
Note: If you don't see your desired book in the list of availalbe SIMbooks, please review the Administration Settings. Textbooks must be assigned to your SIMnet Campus by the SIMnet Administrator to be visible in the SIMbook list. Please vist Textbooks section for details.
Clicking SIMbooks under the Learning category displays the list of available SIMbooks. SIMbooks available are based on several different book adoptions listed in the SIMbook drop-down menu. Each SIMbook chapter is then listed in the Results window.
Preview opens the SIMbook in a new window. This feature makes it easier for instructors to preview exactly what students see without requiring the instructor to login as a student.
Snapshot shows the details of the SIMbook (including assignments) in a static window. This option is useful for instructors who do not have edit privileges for the SIMbook.
Print Snapshot displays the Snapshot information in a printable format.
Create Scenario A Exam creates a new SIMnet exam based on the scenario A questions. This option is only available if you have the right to create SIMnet exams. The Exam will contain all questions that cover content in your SIMbook.
Create Scenario B Exam creates a new SIMnet exam based on the scenario B questions. This option is only available if you have the right to create SIMnet exams. The Exam will contain all questions that cover content in your SIMbook.
Create Scenario A Exam Template creates a new SIMnet exam template based on the scenario A questions. This option is only available if you have the right to create SIMnet exam templates.
Create Scenario B Exam Template creates a new SIMnet practice exam template based on the scenario B questions. This option is only available if you have the right to create SIMnet exam templates.
Success: Creating an Exam or Exam Template from a SIMbook will pre-populate the Exam with all questions covered in your SIMbook. You may want to remove some of the questions depending on the size and length of Exam you prefer.
You can download resources as an instructor to better understand the SIMbook content by clicking on the Resource file for the specific book.
Setting assignment preferences for Lessons
When you click the Add button to assign an exam to a class or individual student, the SIMbook Assignment Details window will appear where you can set several preferences for the assignment.
Select the Show Assignment checkbox so the SIMbook appears in the student portal. When unchecked, the SIMbook will not be visible for students regardless of schedulding options.
Select the Enable Schedule by Dates to set a start date, due date, and/or end date for the assignment. By default, the assignment has this option enabled, with the current date and time as the Start Date. You must either set an End Date or disable scheduling to save the assignment. You can type in the Start Date, Due Date or End Date box, or click the Date Picker icon to select a date or time. Once the Due Date is set, use the down arrow to set the same date and time for the End Date
Click the Day of Week Schedule bar to expand the options for restricting the assignment to certain days of the week. You can also click the check box(es) under Specific Time to specify times for each day
Select the Display Hints radio buttons to display hints always, never, or after a specified number of incorrect attempts. You can select Always, Never, or choose to display the hint after a student has incorrectly answered a certain number of times.
Select one or more of the Required Completion radio buttons so that students receive credit for completing their assignments. You can choose any combination of the Show Me, Guide Me and/or Let Me Try exercises.
Select the Enable skill set navigation checkbox to allow students to navigate between exercises of the same type without returning to the Lesson page and clicking on the Show Me, Guide Me, or Let Me Try button.
Select the Show Column in Gradebook checkbox to include the lesson in the Gradebook and allow SIMnet to automatically record the grade.
Select the Freeze Grades After Due Date checkbox to allow students to continue to work on the Lesson after the due date has passed without updating their grades.
Select a Points option to determine how the grade will be recorded in the Gradebook. Select Assignment Default points to show the grade with the default point allowances where each skill in the lesson will be worth one point. Select Override Points to enter the number of points you would like the lesson to be worth. SIMnet will automatically calculate the worth of each skill when calculating the grade.
Click the Display Type and/or the Calculation Type menus to select how the grade will display and be calculated in the Gradebook.
SIMnet Online allows you to add restrictions to your lesson assignments including password protection and limiting access to the lesson by IP address.
Type a password in the Password box to require a password for this assignment only.
Expand the Click to modify IP Filter bar to restrict the lesson to be available from specific IP addresses only.
Click the Save button to create the assignment.
Click the Cancel button to close the dialog without saving the assignment.
Click the Class Assignments tab to display a list of available classes. Click the class you want to assign the SIMbook to, and then click the Add button. When the SIMbook Assignment Details window appears, edit assignment preferences such as scheduling, gradebook options, and restrictions. See the SIMbook Assignment Prefs section for more information.
Click the Student Assignments tab to display a list of available students. Click the student you want to assign the SIMbook to, and then click the Add button. When the SIMbook Assignment Details window appears, edit assignment preferences such as scheduling, gradebook options, and restrictions. See the SIMbook Assignment Prefs section for more information.
Edit/Assign allows you to edit the content of the SIMbook or make an assignment. Only the SIMbook “owner” or the account Administrator can edit the SIMbook. View the Edit/Assign SIMbooks section for more information.
View Report allows you to view the latest SIMbook results for your entire class. To modify the report settings, click the Edit button at the top of the screen (to the left of the Bookmark button and Actions Menu. Expand the lists to select a specific Class or Campus and click the Enable Date Range checkbox to specify a date range. Click Save to save changes. View the SIMbook Reports section for more information.
Note: View the Create Exams from SIMbooks section for more details on creating an Exam or Exam Template from a SIMbook.