2023 Updates

December Updates

📘The following projects were released or updated:

  • Access 2021 In Practice - Ch 7 Independent Project 7-5 - Updated solution file with correct Alternate Back Color and updated grading for step 10f

  • Access 2021 Skills Approach - Ch 1 Challenge Yourself 1.4 ALT - Updated grading for step 17

  • Access 2021 Skills Approach - Ch 3 Challenge Yourself 3.3 ALT - Updated query count in step 4e. Updated filtered count in step 11. Updated query count in step 8e.

  • Access 2021 Skills Approach - Ch 4 Challenge Yourself 4.4 - Updated grading for step 6f

  • Excel 2019 Skills Approach - Ch 10 Challenge Yourself 10.3 - Added alternate formula strings to step 7

  • Excel 2021 In Practice - Ch 2 Guided Project 2-3 - Added number format strings for steps 7e and 12i

  • Excel 2021 MOS Chapter 2 Project - Updated SLO for step 6b

  • Excel 2021 Skills Approach - Ch 10 Challenge Yourself 10.3 - Added alternate formula strings to step 7

  • Excel 2021 Skills Approach - Ch 5 Challenge Yourself 5.3 - Updated rubric to display correct feedback for step 13a.

  • Excel Accounts Project 3 - Added alternate formulas for steps 3a,4a,5a, and 6a. Notes were added to these steps in the instructions as well telling students to only reference cell A1 from the Trial Balances sheet in order to avoid the error.

  • In Practice Excel 365: Application Capstone Project (Chs. 1-4) Advanced with XLOOKUP - New Project - Complete a workbook by importing a text file and formatting data as an Excel table.

  • In Practice Excel 365: Application Capstone Project 4 (Chs. 8-11) - Updated instruction text to step 3. Updated grading for step 4.

  • In Practice PowerPoint 365: Application Capstone Project (Chs. 1-3) - Corrected text for step 16h.to say "Gridlines" instead of "Gradient" lines

  • In Practice PowerPoint 365: Application Capstone Project 2 - Corrected text for step 14i.

  • In Practice Word 365: Application Capstone Project (Chs. 1-4) - Updated grading for step 9g.

  • LC-Integrated(Word, PPT)-HBHC - New Project -Create a presentation using a Word Document

  • PowerPoint 2019 In Practice - Ch 4 Guided Project 4-2 - Updated start file by removing bolding format from table headers.

  • University of Arkansas Intro to Projects - New Project - Introduction to projects

  • Word 2019 In Practice - Ch 4 Independent Project 4-4 - Updated grading for table style in step 4b

  • Word 2021 In Practice - Ch 8 Advanced Project 8-7 - Updated rubric to display correct feedback for step 8g.

November Updates

📘The following projects were released or updated:

  • Access 2021 Skills Approach - Ch 3 Skill Review 3.2 - Fixed typo in rubric step 9

  • Assignment 5 2020 - Update formula grading function and feedback for step 8

  • Excel 2021 In Practice - Ch 5 Independent Project 5-4 - Update step 3 with additional number format strings (Canada) + SIMbook instructions (added CA instructions step 3).

  • Excel Office Online Skills Approach - Ch 4 Challenge Yourself 4.3 - Update to tab color grading steps 3 and 7

  • Word 2021 In Practice - Ch 4 Independent Project 4-5 ALT - New Project

  • Word 365/2021 Capstone - Level 3 Writing a Research Paper - Fixed grading for grammar checking to always true

October Updates

📘The following projects were released or updated:

  • Excel 2021 Skills Approach - Ch 6 Challenge Yourself 6.4 - Correction to grading and formula step 5c

  • Excel 2021 In Practice - Ch 1 Independent Project 1-4 - Add number format strings step 8 Canadian school

September Updates

📘The following projects were released or updated:

  • Access 2019 Skills Approach - Ch 4 Challenge Yourself 4.4 - Updated grading for step 4e

  • Access 2021 In Practice - Ch 6 Advanced Project 6-7 - New Project

  • Access 2021 In Practice - Ch 8 Independent Project 8-6 - New Project

  • Access 2021 In Practice - Ch 9 Advanced Project 9-7 - New Project

  • Access 2021 Skills Approach - Ch 7 Fix It 7.6 - New Project

  • Access 2021 Skills Approach - Ch 8 Challenge Yourself 8.4 - New Project

  • Excel 2021 In Practice - Ch 1 Advanced Project 1-7 - Number format strings added steps 9c and 9e

  • Excel 2021 In Practice - Ch 3 Guided Project 3-3 - Updated grading for charts steps 6e and 11d

  • Excel 2021 In Practice - Ch 6 Advanced Project 6-7 - Added alternate formula strings for steps 4c and 4d for SUMIFS formula. Also added them for steps 5a and 5b for the COUNTIFS

  • Excel 2021 In Practice - Ch 8 Guided Project 8-1 - Grading adjustment step 11f

  • Excel 2021 Skills Approach - Ch 1 Challenge Yourself 1.3 - Fixed grading for steps 6a and 9a

  • Excel 2021 Skills Approach - Ch 2 Skill Review 2.1 - Updates to instruction text steps 8 and 10 due to MS change to color name on palette. Also added notes to PC instructions for these steps.

  • Excel 2021 Skills Approach - Ch 3 Fix It 3.6 - Grading update step 4b

  • Excel 2021 Skills Approach - Ch 5 Challenge Yourself 5.3 - Variance added to EX Table Name function step 3b

  • Guided Project 1-1 - Standardizing Data - New Project

  • In Practice 2021 Integrated Capstone Project 6 Part A - Access - New Project

  • In Practice 2021 Integrated Capstone Project 6 Part B - Excel - New Project

  • In Practice 2021 Integrated Capstone Project 6 Part C - Word - New Project

  • In Practice 2021 Integrated Capstone Project 6 Part D - PowerPoint - New Project

  • Office 2021 Integrated Applications - Project 1 PowerPoint, Word, Access, Excel - New Project

  • Office 2021 Integrated Applications - Project 2 Word, Access, Excel - New Project

  • Office 2021 Integrated Applications - Project 3 PowerPoint, Word, Excel (Mac Supported) - New Project

  • Office 2021 Integrated Applications - Project 4 Analysis of First Year Sales - New Project

  • Word 2021 In Practice - Ch 1 Advanced Project 1-7 - Updated grading for step 4 and solution files

  • Word 2021 In Practice - Ch 2 Independent Project 2-4 - Grading adjustment for step 7d

  • Word 2021 In Practice - Ch 4 Independent Project 4-5 - Grading update for step 10f

  • Word 2021 MOS Chapter 5 Project - New Project

  • Word 2021 Skills Approach - Ch 1 Skill Review 1.1 - Fixed grammar error, updated grading and solution files

  • Word 2021 Skills Approach - Ch 2 Skill Review 2.1 - Updated for step 11c Left indent on numbered list 0"

August Updates

📘The following projects were released or updated:

  • Access 2021 In Practice - Ch 4 Independent Project 4-6 ALT - New Project

  • Access 2021 Skills Approach - Ch 6 Fix It 6.6 - New Project

  • Excel - Brookdale Community College - Grade Calculation Project - New Project

  • Excel - Troy University - Personal Budget Project - New Project

  • Excel 2021 In Practice - Ch 3 Independent Project 3-4 ALT - New Project

  • Excel 2021 In Practice - Ch 4 Independent Project 4-4 - New Project

  • Excel 2021 In Practice - Ch 4 Independent Project 4-5 ALT - New Project

  • Excel 2021 Skills Approach - Ch 3 Challenge Yourself 3.3 ALT - New Project

  • Excel 2021 Skills Approach - Ch 4 Challenge Yourself 4.3 ALT - New Project

  • Excel 2021 Skills Approach - Ch 5 Challenge Yourself 5.3 ALT - New Project

  • In Practice Excel 365: Application Capstone Project 4 (Chs. 8-11) - Updated solution file and fixed grading for step 3

  • PowerPoint 2021 In Practice - Ch 1 Independent Project 1-6 ALT - New Project

  • PowerPoint 2021 In Practice - Ch 2 Independent Project 2-6 ALT - New Project

  • PowerPoint 2021 In Practice - Ch 3 Advanced Project 3-7 ALT - New Project

  • PowerPoint 2021 Skills Approach - Ch 1 Challenge Yourself 1.4 ALT - New Project

  • PowerPoint 2021 Skills Approach - Ch 2 Challenge Yourself 2.4 ALT - New Project

  • PowerPoint 2021 Skills Approach - Ch 3 Challenge Yourself 3.4 ALT - New Project

  • PowerPoint 2021 Skills Approach - Ch 4 Challenge Yourself 4.4 ALT - New Project

  • PowerPoint 365/2021 Capstone - Level 3 Creating a Company's Presentation - New Project

  • Word 2021 In Practice - Ch 2 Independent Project 2-4 ALT - New Project

  • Word 2021 In Practice - Ch 3 Independent Project 3-5 ALT - New Project

  • Word 2021 Skills Approach - Ch 1 Challenge Yourself 1.3 ALT - New Project

  • Word 2021 Skills Approach - Ch 2 Challenge Yourself 2.3 ALT - New Project

  • Word 2021 Skills Approach - Ch 3 Challenge Yourself 3.4 ALT - New Project

  • Word 2021 Skills Approach - Ch 4 Challenge Yourself 4.4 ALT - New Project

  • Word 2021 Skills Approach - Ch 5 Challenge Yourself 5.3 ALT - New Project

  • Word 2021 Skills Approach - Ch 9 Fix it 9.6 - New Project

July Updates

📘 The following projects were released or updated:

  • Excel 2021 In Practice - Ch 1 Independent Project 1-4 ALT - New Project

  • Excel 2021 In Practice - Ch 2 Independent Project 2-4 ALT - New Project

  • Excel 2021 MOS Chapter 5 Project - New Project

  • Excel 2021 Skills Approach - Ch 1 Challenge Yourself 1.4 ALT - New Project

  • Excel 2021 Skills Approach - Ch 1 Challenge Yourself 1.4 ALT - Update feedback squares

  • Excel 2021 Skills Approach - Ch 2 Challenge Yourself 2.4 ALT - New Project

  • Excel 365/2021 MOS Capstone - New Project

  • In Practice Excel 365: Application Capstone Project 4 (Chs. 8-11) - New Project

  • Iowa State - ACCT 301 Individual Accounting Cycle Project - Update to grading for Trial Balance worksheet

  • PowerPoint 2021 Skills Approach - Ch 1 Challenge Yourself 1.4 - Update to instruction text for step 13

  • PowerPoint 2021 Skills Approach - Ch 2 Challenge Yourself 2.4 - Fixed typo in step 13. Updated instruction text for step 16.

  • PowerPoint 365/2021 MOS Capstone - New Project

  • Word 2021 In Practice - Ch 1 Independent Project 1-6 ALT - New Project

  • Word 365/2021 MOS Capstone - New Project

June Updates

📘 The following projects were released or updated:

  • Access 2021 In Practice - Ch 1 Independent Project 1-5 ALT New Project

  • Access 2021 In Practice - Ch 2 Advanced Project 2-7 ALT New Project

  • Access 2021 In Practice - Ch 3 Independent Project 3-5 ALT New Project

  • Access 2021 Skills Approach - Ch 3 Challenge Yourself 3.3 ALT New Project

  • Access 2021 Skills Approach - Ch 4 Challenge Yourself 4.3 ALT New Project

  • Excel 2021 In Practice - Ch 6 Guided Project 6-3 - Fixed feedback issue for step 10h

  • Excel 2021 MOS Chapter 1 Project - New Project

  • Excel 2021 MOS Chapter 2 Project - New Project

  • Excel 2021 MOS Chapter 3 Project - New Project

  • Excel 2021 MOS Chapter 4 Project - New Project

  • Excel 2021 Skills Approach - Ch 3 Skill Review 3.2 - New Project

  • PowerPoint 2021 MOS Chapter 1 Project - New Project

  • PowerPoint 2021 MOS Chapter 2 Project - New Project

  • PowerPoint 2021 MOS Chapter 3 Project - New Project

  • PowerPoint 2021 MOS Chapter 4 Project - New Project

  • PowerPoint 2021 MOS Chapter 5 Project - New Project

  • USMA Star Wars Project - Updated grading on step 11e

  • Word 2021 In Practice - Ch 3 Independent Project 3-5 - Updated Mac grading for Document Title Field step 12d

  • Word 2021 MOS Chapter 1 Project - New Project

  • Word 2021 MOS Chapter 2 Project - New Project

  • Word 2021 MOS Chapter 3 Project - New Project

  • Word 2021 MOS Chapter 4 Project - New Project

  • Word 2021 MOS Chapter 6 Project - New Project

  • Word 2021 Skills Approach - Ch 8 Fix it 8.6 - New Project

May Updates

📘 The following projects were released or updated:

  • Access 2021 In Practice - Ch 3 Advanced 3-7 - Fixed feedback issue for step 11

  • Access 2021 In Practice - Ch 5 Advanced Project 5-7 - New Project

  • Access 2021 In Practice - Ch 7 Independent Project 7-6 - New Project

  • Access 2021 Skills Approach - Ch 1 Challenge Yourself 1.4 ALT - New Project

  • Access 2021 Skills Approach - Ch 2 Challenge Yourself 2.3 ALT - New Project

  • Excel 2021 In Practice - Ch 10 Advanced Project 10-7 (Windows Only) - New Project

  • Excel 2021 In Practice - Ch 2 Independent Project 2-4 - Project update

  • Excel 2021 Skills Approach - Ch 6 Challenge Yourself 6.4 - New Project

  • Excel 2021 Skills Approach - Ch 7 Fix It 7.6 - New Project

  • Excel 2021 Skills Approach - Ch 8 Fix It 8.6 - New Project

  • Excel 2021 Skills Approach - Ch 9 Challenge Yourself 9.4 - New Project

  • In Practice Excel 365: Application Capstone Project 2 Alternate - New Project

  • In Practice Excel 365: Application Capstone Project 3 - New Project

  • PowerPoint 2021 In Practice - Ch 1 Guided Project 1-2 - Fixed issue with step 2 bullet grading

  • PowerPoint 2021 In Practice - Ch 2 Independent Project 2-6 - Fixed grading issue for steps 4c, 6, 7a, 7b, and 9

  • Word 2019 In Practice - Ch 2 Guided Project 2-1 - Fixed issue with font style for step 7

  • Word 2019 In Practice - Ch 6 Guided Project 6-1 - Fixed issue with font style for step 4d

  • Word 2021 Skills Approach - Ch 6 Fix it 6.6 - New Project

  • Word 2021 Skills Approach - Ch 6 Fix it 7.6 - New Project

🆕 Additional Updates to SIMnet:

SIMnet eCommerce has been fully integrated with MH Shop to support streamlined purchasing and returns for all SIMnet users.

April Updates

The following projects were released or updated:

  • Access 365/2021 Capstone - Level 1 Working with a Sales Database - New Project

  • Access 365/2021 Capstone - Level 2 Working with a Sales Database - New Project

  • Access 2019 In Practice - Ch 2 Guided Project 2-1 - Project update

  • Access 2021 In Practice - Ch 2 Guided Project 2-1 - Project update

  • In Practice PowerPoint 365: Application Capstone Project 2 - Project Update

March Updates

📘 The following projects were released or updated:

  • Access 2021 In Practice - Ch 5 Independent Project 5-5 - New Project

  • Access 2021 Skills Approach - Ch 3 Skill Review 3.2 - Corrected typo in step 9d

  • Access 365/2021 Capstone - Level 3 Working with a Sales Database - New Project

  • Excel 2019 In Practice - Ch 2 Guided Project 2-3 - Update to instruction 13b

  • Excel 2019 In Practice - Ch 3 Guided Project 3-3 - Corrected the sheet name in step 12 grading

  • Excel 2019 Skills Approach - Ch 6 Challenge Yourself 6.3 - Update start files, solution files, PDF, and solution images - Correction to Regions named range reference on Summary sheet.

  • Excel 2021 In Practice - Ch 4 Advanced Project 4-7 - Changed 5b grading to no variance grading function

  • Excel 2021 In Practice - Ch 5 Advanced Project 5-7 - New Project

  • Excel 2021 In Practice - Ch 6 Advanced Project 6-7 - New Project

  • Excel 2021 In Practice - Ch 7 Advanced Project 7-7 - New Project

  • Excel 2021 In Practice - Ch 8 Advanced Project 8-7 (Windows Only) - New Project

  • Excel 2021 In Practice - Ch 8 Guided Project 8-1 - Update to feedback step 14d

  • Excel 2021 In Practice - Ch 9 Advanced Project 9-7 - New Project

  • Excel 2021 Skills Approach - Ch 6 Challenge Yourself 6.3 - Update start files, solution files, PDF, and solution images - Correction to Regions named range reference on Summary sheet.

  • Excel 365/2021 Capstone - Level 1 Working with Sales Data - New Project

  • Excel 365/2021 Capstone - Level 2 Working with Sales Data - New Project

  • Excel 365/2021 Capstone - Level 3 Working with Sales Data - New Project

  • Excel 365/2021 Capstone - Level 3 Working with Sales Data Alternate with XLOOKUP - New Project

  • Iowa State - ACCT 301 Individual Accounting Cycle Project - Grading update

  • PowerPoint 2021 In Practice - Ch 2 Guided Project 2-3 - Update grading step 4e

  • PowerPoint 2021 Skills Approach - Ch 5 Fix It 5.6 - New Project

  • PowerPoint 2021 Skills Approach - Ch 5 Fix It 6.6 - New Project

  • PowerPoint 2021 Skills Approach - Ch 5 Fix It 7.6 - New Project

  • PowerPoint 2021 Skills Approach - Ch 8 Fix It 8.6 (Windows Only) - New Project

  • PowerPoint 365/2021 Capstone - Level 1 Creating a Company's Presentation - New Project

  • PowerPoint 365/2021 Capstone - Level 2 Creating a Company's Presentation - New Project

  • PowerPoint 365/2021 Capstone - Level 3 Creating a Company's Presentation - New Project

  • Word 2021 In Practice - Ch 10 Advanced Project 10-7 - New Project

  • Word 2021 In Practice - Ch 11 Advanced Project 11-7 - New Project

  • Word 2021 In Practice - Ch 8 Advanced Project 8-7 - New Project

February Updates

📘 The following projects were released or updated:

  • Access 2021 Skills Approach - Ch 5 Fix It 5.6 - New Project

  • Excel 2021 In Practice - Ch 3 Guided Project 3-3 - Update to grading to step 13c

  • Excel 2021 In Practice - Ch 4 Independent Project 4-4 - Update to text for steps 11 and 17e

  • PowerPoint 2021 In Practice - Ch 4 Advanced Project 4-7 - New Project

  • PowerPoint 2021 In Practice - Ch 5 Advanced Project 5-7 - New Project

  • PowerPoint 2021 In Practice - Ch 6 Advanced Project 6-7 - New Project

  • Word 2021 In Practice - Ch 5 Advanced Project 5-7 - New Project

  • Word 2021 In Practice - Ch 6 Advanced Project 6-7 - New Project

  • Word 2021 In Practice - Ch 7 Advanced Project 7-7 - New Project

  • Word 2021 In Practice - Ch 9 Advanced Project 9-7 - New Project

  • Word 2021 Skills Approach - Ch 2 Skill Review 2.1 - Corrected typo in step 14d

  • Word 365/2021 Capstone - Level 1 Writing a Research Paper - New Project

  • Word 365/2021 Capstone - Level 2 Writing a Research Paper - New Project

  • Word 365/2021 Capstone - Level 3 Writing a Research Paper - New Project

January Updates

📘 The following projects were released or updated:

  • Excel 2021 In Practice - Ch 1 Independent Project 1-4 - Update to step 3 grading and additional number format string added to step 8 grading

  • Word Office Online In Practice - Ch 4 Independent Project 4-4 - Update grading function for step 8

Last updated