Topics on viewing, creating, and assigning Resources.
Setting assignment preferences for Resources
When you click the Add button to assign a resource to a class or individual student, the Resource Item Assignment Details window will appear where you can set several preferences for the assignment.
Edit the Assignment Title to change the name of this exam assignment only for the individual Course or Student.
Select the Show Assignment checkbox so the Resource appears in the student portal. When unchecked, the Resource will not be visible for students regardless of scheduling options.
Select the Enable Schedule by Dates to set a start date, due date, and/or end date for the assignment. By default, the assignment has this option enabled, with the current date and time as the Start Date. You must either set an End Date or disable scheduling to save the assignment. You can type in the Start Date, Due Date or End Date box, or click the Date Picker icon to select a date or time. Click the down arrow after setting a Due Date to set the same value for the End Date.
By default, the Enable Student Submissions checkbox is not selected. Select this option if you want to allow students to submit a Resource item.
Enter the number of attempts a student has to complete the assignment in the Attempts box.
Select the Enable Integrity Detection for the Start File checkbox to allow SIMnet to check the file for integrity violations. This option is only enabled if the Enable Student Submissions option is selected.
To block students from uploading files with another student's unique identifier data, leave the Allow Student Submissions with Integrity Violations checkbox blank. Alternatively, select the checkbox to allow students to submit a file with work that is not their own.
Select the Show Column in Gradebook checkbox if you want the item to appear in the Gradebook. This option is only available if the gradebook is enabled.
Select a Points option to determine how the grade will be recorded in the Gradebook. Select Assignment Default points to show the grade with the default point allowances. Select Override Points to enter the number of points you would like the item to be worth.
Click the Display Type menu to select how the grade will display and be calculated in the Gradebook.
To restrict the item by password, type the password in the Password box.
To restrict the item by IP address, click the Click to add IP filter button and enter the IP address.
Click the Save button to create the assignment.
Click the Cancel button to close the window without saving the assignment.
How to create a resource file or link.
Resource items can be uploaded in the form of either files or hyperlinks. To create a new Resource, click the Create link in the Resources section.
Type a name for the file in the Item Title box.
Expand the Item Type menu, and select File.
Click the Choose File button to locate the file you want to upload. The primary file should be the students start file.
Type a name for the link in the Item Title box.
Expand the Item Type menu, and select Link.
Enter the URL in the Link Location box.
Resource Items are links and files that can be uploaded and assigned to any SIMnet class.
The Resources section allows instructors to create and upload their own items to assign to students. These items can be uploaded in the form of either fies or hyperlinks. This section also works as a two-way dropbox that manages the workflow between instructors and students. Instructors can assign items to students and allow them to submit files for review. Instructors can then provide feedback directly to the student from the Submissions link.
To see a list of available content that has been uploaded, click the Items link in the Resources section. To make changes to an existing item, expand the Actions menu for the item, and select an option.
Select Snapshot to see the class and/or student assignments for the item.
Select Print Snapshot to print the snapshot of the item.
Select Edit/Assign to edit the class and/or student assignments for the item.
Select Delete to delete the item.
How to edit a Resource and assign Resources to a class or individual student
You can assign a resource to a specific class or student by selecting the Edit/Assign option in the Actions Menu for the Resource you want to assign.
Click the Resources section to navigate to the main page.
Expand the Actions Menu for the Item you want to assign and select Edit/Assign to navigate to the Assign Classes tab.
Click the Next button to continue and assign classes and/or students. See the Edit/Assign Resources section for more information.
Click the Next button to continue and assign classes and/or students. See the Edit/Assign Resources section for more information.
The Assign Classes tab displays a list of available classes. Click the class you want to assign the Resource to, and then click the Add button. When the Resources Item Assignment Details window appears, edit assignment preferences such as scheduling, gradebook options, and restrictions. See the Resource Assignment Prefs section for more information.
Click the Assign Students tab to display a list of available students. Click the student you want to assign the Resource to, and then click the Add button. When the Resources Item Assignment Details window appears, edit assignment preferences such as scheduling, gradebook options, and restrictions. See the Resource Assignment Prefs section for more information.
Click the Supplemental Resources tab to add additional resources for students. These could be files to use in projects such as images or instructions, or additional links to content that might help students complete the assignment. The process to create a supplemental resource is the same as creating a new resource. See the Create Resource section for more information.
How to search for, view, download, and review student resource submissions
The Submissions link allows you to see student submissions and provide feedback to the student. In order to allow students to make submissions, you must click the Enable Student Submissions checkbox when assigning the item to a student or class. View the Edit/Assign Resources section for more information.
To search for a specific resource submission, click the Submissions link in the Resources section.
Expand the Class menu and select the class title in which you want to search for submissions.
Expand the Item menu to search for submissions for a specific item.
Expand the Feedback Provided menu and select All, Yes or No.
Use the text filters at the top of the Results section to narrow your search.
To view a resource submission, click the Submissions link in the Resources section.
In the Results section, click the link for the submission you want to view to download the file.
Each item you download is automatically populated with [Last Name-First Name-Student ID] in front of the file name.
If you want to download all resource submissions for a specific class, click the Submissions link in the Resources section. Select the class for which you want to view submissions and then click the Download All Submissions button in the top right corner of the Results list.
To view each file organized in subfolders according to assignment and then student, select the Nested (with folders) radio button and click Download Submissions. Files downloaded in this manner are named according to their attempt number, student ID, student name, and submission name. To view each file all in a single folder, select the Flat (no folders) radio button and click Download Submissions. Files downloaded in this manner are named according to the item name, student name, student ID, attempt number and submission name.
To review and provide feedback for a specific resource submission, click the Submissions link in the Resources section.
Filter by the desired Class, Item, and Feedback Provided status.
Expand the Actions Menu for the submission you want and select Grade Submission.
Click the submission link in the Summary section to download the file submitted by the student.
If necessary, type any feedback about the submission in the Comment box. The student will be able to see the comment in the Feedback column for the resource in the student portal. If you want the comment to appear in the Gradebook, click the Save the feedback comment to the Gradebook comment? checkbox.
Note: You can delete your feedback at any time in the Results section by expanding the Actions Menu and selecting Delete Feedback.
If you want to upload a file to provide feedback for the student, click the Choose File button to attach the file. If necessary, click the Clear button to remove the uploaded file.
Click the Save All Changes button to submit the grade, feedback, and file. Click the Cancel button to close the dialog box without saving the changes.
If the submission is assigned to a class and the Show Column in Gradebook preference is enabled, you can provide a grade by entering it in the Gradebook Grade box. View the Edit/Assign Resources section for more information.