Student results for Exams, Lessons, SIMbooks, SIMpaths, Resources, and Projects.
Lessons and SIMbooks display results in the same screen.
Displays when the student completed all of the available points within the Lesson assignment.
Displays when the student last completed work within the assignment. This may be after the Complete date if the student continues to practice within the Lesson.
Displays how many of the tasks in the Lesson have been completed and the student's percent score for the assignment.
Displays each task in the Lesson assignment based on its title.
Displays the number of completed items within each task in the Lesson. May be worth as many points as the total number of task points available.
Displays how many points are available within each task in the Lesson. This value depends upon the content of the task and the Lesson settings.
Displays when each task within the Lesson was attempted by the student.
Displays each component of a task. Lesson tasks may have more than one of each type.
Displays time spent on each task component. Teach Me components are accessed by viewing the Lesson page. Show Me, Guide Me, and Let Me Try components are accessed by opening each individual part separately.
Displays the number of times each component has been completed. Show Me, Guide Me, and Let Me Try components can be completed many times but are only scored for credit once.
Instructors may elect to change a task to Complete from incomplete. This will change the Completed status and the Lesson Score and % Completed.
Instructors may load a preview of the task so that they can review it without navigating to a separate page.
Reviewing individual results from SIMnet reports
Displays the assignment name as it appears in the student's course and the course that the student's attempt is graded in. This section also denotes the Assignment Title as it appears on the Projects page when it is assigned and the Rubric Version to determine which rubric was active when the assignment was graded. Rubrics can be updated if there are changes to a project due to an error or a Microsoft Office update.
Displays the student's name and student's user name.
Prints the attempt and grade information from the top of the screen (1-12) and the written feedback from the left side of the screen (13-17).
Downloads the student's submission for that attempt.
This report breaks down each skill in the project and determines the user's score. If the student is scored on changing fonts multiple times within a project this report will show you how well the student displayed that capability in this assignment. Each objective corresponds to a SIMbook page. The Objective determines that page by the book series, version, application, chapter, and page: SA19-WD-02.01 is from the Skills Approach book series, Office 2019/365 version, Word application, Chapter 2, Skill 1. The Description is the name of that SIMbook page. Objective Mastery shows the score for all of the instances of that skill in the project.
Downloads a blank start file as the student would download when starting that project.
Brings up the Project assignment instructions in a separate window. Note: this option displays the instructions for the operating system of the current user, not necessarily the student. If the student completed their assignment using a Mac and the instructor is using Windows, the instructor will see the Windows instructions. Switch the slider to the appropriate option as required.
Downloads the project instructions that the user receives.
Downloads the solution file for the application type of the student. This may not display identically for instructors reviewing submissions on a different OS from the user.
Displays which attempt is being reviewed and when that attempt was submitted.
Displays the score for that submission as a percent and as a fraction. This may not represent the student's grade in the course depending upon how many submissions are allowed and the grade calculation options selected by the instructor.
Displays the time between the student's download of the Start File and the Submission of that file. This is not based on how long the student spent working on the project. The student may have spent less time but not downloaded their attempt for a number of hours.
Displays whether or not the student submitted their project using Microsoft Office using a Windows computer or a Mac computer.
Feedback results can be filtered by showing any combination of Correct, Incorrect, or Partial answers by clicking on that option. All options are selected by default and can be deselected. Deselected options are grayed out in the legend and not displayed below.
The number corresponding with an incorrect answer is displayed in red. Each answer type can be expanded to view more information. That information includes each sub-step for that attempt and feedback for incorrect answers. The feedback includes incorrect answers and how they are incorrect.
Correct Answers are displayed with green text.
Partially Correct answers are displayed in blue text and will contain both incorrect and correct sub-steps. Review each sub-step to determine where the student is losing points. This may be on two unrelated parts of the same larger step, like bolding two separate paragraphs where only one is bolded or may include two related parts, like an excel formula that is created improperly but displays the same result as the correct answer.
Each textbook has its own set of objectives that can be displayed. These objectives can also be hidden by selecting None from the drop-down list. Objectives show exactly where the information to correctly complete this step is located in the SIMbook.
Use the View Options to expand all answers on the left, collapse all answers on the left, or hide the visual feedback map on the right.
This is an image of the correct answer. This is not the student's submission. The visual feedback displays correct and incorrect bubbles at the location in the document where each step is being done.
Steps that are correct in the student submission are displayed in green.
Steps that are incorrect in the student submission are displayed in red.
Reviewing the Exam Results page for a student's project submission
The Exam name is in bold. The Exam type is in parenthesis. The Exam type is SIMnet Exam if it includes simulation questions. The Exam type is Test Bank if the exam only includes Multiple Choice or True/False questions.
The student's name is in bold, last name, first name. The student's user name is in parenthesis.
Clicking the button brings up a window of the Exam result formatted to print cleanly.
Depending upon the assignment settings students may have multiple attempts at an exam. Each student attempt has its own Exam Results page. If the attempt has been completed the result will show Completed and the date and time when the student completed the exam.
This is the date and time that the student opened the exam to begin their attempt.
This is the amount of time that the student used to complete the exam, while actively having the exam screen open. This is not the same as the difference between the Exam Start Time and Exam End Time in all instances. If the student leaves the exam and returns to the exam the exam span will be shorter than the Exam End Time - Exam Start Time.
The date and time that the student either chose to end their exam or had their exam ended by the exam settings. The exam settings that may end the exam are the Due Date, End Date, using up all Exam Attempts or using up all exam questions because the exam is set to not allow Correct Retake.
Displays the total percentage of questions answered correctly. The number of questions answered correctly is displayed in parenthesis as a fraction over the total number of questions. The percentage and total here only depends upon the number of questions, not any point settings in the exam.
Displays the total percentage score and points earned depending on exam settings. Instructors may choose to weight certain questions separately and this may make the Exam Points different than the Exam Questions data.
Displays the text of the question that the student was asked to answer as the student saw it.
This is automatically generated text based on where the student interacted with the simulated question. This requires a student to click, drag, or type in the simulation. Questions are generally counted as submitted when the student does something that will change the file. If the student has attempted the question multiple times, the displayed answer is the latest attempt. Additional attempts can be viewed by clicking the magnifying glass icon in the upper right corner of the submitted answer box.
Questions can either be Correct, Incorrect or Not Attempted.
If the student has answered the question incorrectly or has not attempted the question, the student will receive 0 points. If the student has answered the question correctly the student will receive the appropriate points based on the assignment settings.
The Exam settings may allow for multiple attempts at the same question. This column displays the number of attempts used. If the Attempts used is greater than 1, the additional Submitted Answers for that question will be available.
Displays the date and time of the most recently completed question attempt.
Instructors have discretion about whether or not they believe the student answered the question correctly or whether or not the question was functioning in a way to appropriately elicit a demonstration that the student knows how to complete the skill. Clicking the change grade icon changes the attempt status from Incorrect to Correct (and vice versa) and gives the student updated points for that question and for the Exam.
Click this icon to load the question as the student sees it. This can be used to review the question to ensure that it is working properly or test alternate methods for completion.