Topics on viewing and managing Projects.
Select a textbook from the dropdown to view the list of projects available for grading.
Note: If you don't see your desired book in the list of available SIMbooks, please review the Administration Settings. Textbooks must be assigned to your SIMnet Campus by the SIMnet Administrator to be visible in the SIMbook list. Please visit Textbooks section for details.
Snapshot shows the class assignments, student assignments, and rubrics associated with a project.
Print Snapshot displays the Snapshot information in a printable format.
View Instructions allows you to view the project instructions. SIMbook project instructions may differ from the project instructions visible to the student.
Start File allows you to download the project start file.
Windows Solution File allows you to download the Windows solution file for the project.
Mac 2016+ Solution File downloads the Mac solution file. This option is only available for Mac enabled projects.
Create Lesson creates a new SIMnet lesson based on the Student Learning Objectives in the project.
Create Lesson Template creates a new SIMnet lesson template based on the Student Learning Objectives in the project. This option is only available if you have the right to create SIMnet lesson templates.
Create Scenario A Exam creates a new SIMnet exam based on the scenario A questions. This option is only available if you have the right to create SIMnet exams. The Exam will contain all questions that cover Student Learning Objectives in your project.
Create Scenario B Exam creates a new SIMnet exam based on the scenario B questions. This option is only available if you have the right to create SIMnet exams. The Exam will contain all questions that cover Student Learning Objectives in your project.
Create Scenario A Exam Template creates a new SIMnet exam template based on the scenario A questions. This option is only available if you have the right to create SIMnet exam templates.
Create Scenario B Exam Template creates a new SIMnet practice exam template based on the scenario B questions. This option is only available if you have the right to create SIMnet exam templates.
Edit/Assign allows you to edit the rubric of the project or make an assignment. Only the SIMbook βownerβ or the account Administrator can edit the project rubric. View the Edit/Assign Projects section for more information.
View Report allows you to view the latest project results for your entire class. To modify the report settings, click the Edit button at the top of the screen (to the left of the Bookmark button and Actions Menu. Expand the lists to select a specific Class or Campus and click the Enable Date Range checkbox to specify a date range. Click Save to save changes. View the Project Report section for more information.
Note: View the Create Lessons & Exams section for more details on creating an Exam or Exam Template from the Student Learning Objectives in the project.
Success: Creating an Exam or Exam Template from a project will pre-populate the Exam with all the Student Learning Objectives covered in your project. You may want to remove some of the questions depending on the objective mastery which you may view in the Objectives report. View the Project Reports section for more details.