Edit class details and create or update class assignments.
Visit the Instructors or Students tab to view or modify the class roster. To create or edit assignments visit one of the exams, lessons, SIMbooks, SIMpaths, projects, and resources tab.
The left side grid displays the available items based on which tab has been selected.
The right side grid displays the assigned items based on which tab has been selected.
If you would like to add assignments to or remove assignments from your class, the buttons between the two columns will allow you to do so. The add button allows you to add assignments to your class. The remove button allows you to remove assignments from the class. If you would like to completely restructure the assignments in your class, you can click the remove all button.
Select the Edit button to view or edit the class details. Here you can edit the name of the class, section titles, what campus it is assigned to, when the class is available, how to sort the class, and any date restrictions you would like to place on the enrollment process. View the Class Settings section for details.
You can assign or remove class specific eCommerce offers. When purchasing registration codes, students will see all of the eCommerce products listed for the class. Contact the SIMnet Administrator if the offer required for your course is not listed. To limit the list of products, you can place one or more check marks next to the products that your students should purchase. View the Class eCommerce section for details.
Inclusive Access offers can be assigned to the entire school or to specific courses. This button will display when your course or school has Inclusive Access implemented and the course you are viewing is paired to the school LMS. The View Inclusive Access Offer will only display the codes received by students in the course. This means that if the school has both Account and Course level Inclusive Access at the same time, only the Class Level Inclusive Access will be shown. View the Class Inclusive Access section for more details.
The actions menu here has the same options as the one on the Search Classes grid. You can view and print a snapshot fo your class, copy content and users to a class, view the overview report, organize the class, view the gradebook, import new students or existing users, send messages to students or instructors, and delete the class through this menu. For more information on the individual actions, view the Search for Classes page.
Search for classes, sections, and view options in the Actions Menu
Click the Search link in the Manage section to search for a class or section. The Search for Classes section displays a list of classes you are assigned to teach or administer.
Success: If you're an Administrator you have the option to Show All Classes or just Show My Classes to more easily find classes you're assigned to teach.
All SIMnet courses have a start date. This is the first date on which the course is active. Depending on the course settings, users may or may not be able to enroll in the course or see assignments before the Start Date. Courses using Inclusive Access will not provide codes to their students outside of the Start or End dates.
A course is closed when students are not able to enroll directly into the course. This does not stop instructors from importing students or enrolling through a paired course via LMS. Edit this setting by clicking the Edit/Assign option in the drop-down menu and then clicking the Class Settings button.
To view a list of actions for each class, expand the corresponding Actions Menu in the Actions column. The Actions menu gives you easy access to all of the functions available for that list item. The Actions menus are also available from most "create" and "edit" pages.
Not every action is available to every user. For example, if your account is a Limited Instructor account, the Copy and Create actions are not available. If there is a lesson or exam assigned to one of your classes, but you did not create that lesson or exam, the Edit/Assign action is not available. To check which rights and permissions are assigned to your account, check the My Permissions section of the My Account page.
Select Snapshot to navigate to the Class Details tab. Here, you can find the assigned instructors, students, assignments, and credentials for the class.
The Snapshot also shows a read-only version of the classes and assignments assigned to the student on the Assigned Classes and Assignments tabs as well as the licenses in their account, the time they've spent on tasks, and any credentials they have earned.
Select Print Snapshot to print the class's Snapshot.
Select Remove MHC Class Pairing to remove the link for the class and your LMS. This option will only be available if the class is paired to an LMS.
Info: Removing the pairing will prevent students from enrolling from the linked LMS class to SIMnet.
Copy to Class creates a copy of the selected class. This option is available to the class “creator” and Administrators only.
The Export Roster option downloads the class roster as an Excel spreadsheet. It includes students' names, IDs, email addresses, and phone numbers.
The Export Assignments option downloads the class assignments list as an Excel spreadsheet. It displays the assignment type, title, the number of questions, start date, end date, due date, if the assignment has been delayed, whether there is a password necessary to access the assignment, and any filters that have been placed on the assignment.
If you would like to delete a class and all of the grades for the students in the class, the Delete option will allow you to do so. A confirmation message will appear to make certain that you would like to delete the class and all grades and reports. It also suggests that you export grades and reports to Excel before doing so.
Warning: Deleting a climmediatelymmediatly remove the class from the system so other users cannot interact with it. If other instructors teach or Administer the same class please consult with them to ensure the class is not required.
The Class Overview Report contains results for all assignments in your class.
A Class Overview Report queries all of the results for a specific class. From this report, you can view result details and delete results. You can print this report by clicking the Print Report button.
To view a class overview report from the Actions menu, navigate to the Classes section and expand the Actions Menu for the class who's report you'd like to view. Select Class Report and SIMnet will display an overview of all the student's assignments.
The information presented in a Class Overview Report includes your students' first and last names, student ID, the assignment title, the amount of time spent on the assignment, the dates on which the assignment was started and completed, the number of questions the student completed, and the percentage of completed work for the assignment.
This date is when the course ends. Depending on the Class Settings, the students may or may no longer be able to access assignments outside of this period and courses using IA will no longer offer codes after this date has passed.
Course past it's End Date? The course dates can be extended when needed via the Class Settings. However, if you are entering New Semesters we strongly recommend copying your course before adding new students.
Select Edit/Assign to navigate to the Classes Details tab. See the Edit/Assign Classes section for more information.
Select Overview Report to view a report showing all of the class's assignment results and credentials earned. From this report, you can view result details and delete results from individual students. You can also change the grade of an individual item, such as a lesson, SIMpath, or exam. You can print this report by clicking the Print Report button. View the Class Overview Report help topic for more information.
Select Organize to update assignment preferences, schedules, and group or order your assignments. For more information on editing and organizing classes, view the Organize section.
Select Gradebook to view the class gradebook. For more information about the gradebook and how to use it, view the Gradebook page.
Select Import New Students to register students or import them from another class. For more information about importing new students, view the Import Users & Classes page.
Select Import Existing Users to import existing students or instructors from another class or campus. For more information about importing existing users, view the Import Classes & Users page.
You can access the Communicate page to send a message to students or other instructors and administrators by clicking the Send Message option in the actions drop-down menu. The format for this is similar to sending an email. For more information on communicating and sending messages, view the Communicate page.
If you delete a class and need it restored please contact the support team.
Copy a class to create a new class with the same assignments, gradebook columns, and settings.
Copying a class quickly copies all assignments and assigned instructors into a new class or section. To facilitate creating multiple sections with the same assignments, consider creating a class or section "master" to copy from.
To copy a class, you can navigate to the classes section and select Copy to Class from the Actions drop-down menu.
Note: We recommend shifting all assignment dates to their final date before enrolling students. If a course has assignments that are past their Due Date when students are first assigned to the course, the students will receive a 0 in the gradebook. Once you update the Due Date these zeroes won't effect the student but it can cause students to stress about their grade.
When copying a class, SIMnet provides a class and section title for you. You can accept these titles or you have the ability to choose a new title, preferably one that has a connection to the content being covered in the class.
Success: Use the exact same class title for all sections to enable reporting across all sections.
Section titles are used when there are multiple sections of your copied class, and you and your students need more specification as to which class section they are enrolled.
Info: The class and section title combination must be unique within your SIMnet URL.
This is the campus on which your copied class or classes will be offered. It is automatically set to a default campus.
You can set a default module for your copied class that will be assigned to students when registering with a single application registration code.
You can set the dates between which your copied class will be available, for example the start date may be the beginning of the semester and the end date may be the end of the semester. You can also set the time of day you want your class to open and close.
Info: The class start date is required. We recommend setting these dates when possible. This helps the SIMnet system determine when classes are active.
You can restrict the enrollment of students into your class by checking this box, so that no student can self-enroll in the class before the start date or after the end date. You can also leave this unchecked if you wish your students to be enrolled before the start of the class.
For students that are enrolled prior to the start date, you can restrict their ability to view the assignments, or you can allow them to be able to begin working on the assignments by keeping the box unchecked.
In the Scheduling section you can elect to replace the dates of the assignments in the new class. Deselect the Replace dates in new Class check box if you do not wish to replace the dates in the new section or class. You can update assignment dates in the following two ways.
If you would like to schedule start dates, end dates, and due dates for the assignments in the new section or class, you can do so by clicking the Enable Schedule by Dates check box. This toggles all of the learning objects you have included in the new class.
All assignments that have dates enabled will be updated by the selected number of days in the new class. Dates can be updated to either plus or minus 2 years from the original date (+/- 730 days). Enabling the Shift Schedule by Number of Days check box toggles a different page where you can select the updated number of days for assignments, the earliest start date for an assignment in the original class, and the updated earliest start date for an assignment in the copied class.
If you have selected the Enable Schedule by Dates checkbox, you can select to which learning objects you would like to apply the new dates and times by selecting their associated checkboxes. The selected learning objects will display in a grid where you can change the dates and times accordingly.
Class specific ecommerce offer control.
Instructors can control the ecommerce offers students are prompted to purchase at the class level. When you are in Edit/Assign mode for a specific class, you can click the eCommerce button at the top of the page to assign or remove eCommerce offers for that class.
When purchasing registration codes directly from SIMnet, students will see all eCommerce available to the school, as listed above. You can place a limit on the list of products by placing one or more checkmarks next to the products for your class that you would like your students to purchase.
For example, if you are teaching a class about Microsoft Powerpoint, you would want to select the SIMnet 365/2019 - Skills Approach - PowerPoint eCommerce code so that your students will know that that is what they will need for your class. If you plan on using more than one textbook for your class curriculum, be sure to select all of the eCommerce codes that apply. Be sure to save your changes.
Instructors can control class level settings for title, campus, availability dates, student view, and more.
You can edit class settings by selecting which class you would like to edit, clicking Edit/Assign in the Actions Menu, and clicking the Edit button at the top of the page.
You can edit the Class Title and Section Title with whatever name you would like to display for you and your students. This will allow you to keep track of the different sections of your classes which will make the experience more organized for your students as well.
Warning: Editing the campus on which the class or class section is offered may interfere with whom the class is available.
You can change the default module for your class or section to whatever module you wish among the ones offered on the campus which you teach. When students log on to their accounts, the default module will be the one that automatically loads when they login to their SIMnet accounts.
You can change the availability of the class by changing the Available From and Available To dates and times. This may affect due dates for assignments, so be sure that they do not overlap.
Clicking the Hide Gradebook checkbox will remove the visibility of the gradebook for students.
Clicking the Registration Closed checkbox will disable the students' ability to self-register for the class. If this is not selected, students will be able to self-register for the class even after it has already begun.
Assignments that use dates have different options for when or if to assign a zero grade if a student doesn't submit any work to the assignment. The Assign Zero Grade On setting controls when a zero is set in the gradebook. The options are: Do Not Assign Grade, Assignment Due Date (default), Assignment End Date, Course End Date.
You can arrange assignments for the class alphabetically by title, chronologically by due date, start date, end date, or in your own custom order. You can also edit the direction in which the assignments are ordered, whether it is first to last or last to first. For example, if you wish you arrange your classes chronologically, but with the oldest assignments at the top, you should change the direction to last to first.
You can choose to display assignments that are either no longer available or that have not yet been made available so that students will know what to expect from your class. If you do not select the Show Unavailable Assignments? checkbox, then only the available assignments will be available to your students.
You can enable different ways by which to display the assignments in your class or section. You can set the default display to be either tile, list, or calendar. You can also enable all of these options if you would like your students to be able to determine for themselves how they would like their assignments to be displayed.
You can choose to display assignments that are overdue, that will be due soon, or that have already been submitted. You can also choose to display all assignments in all segments if you would like.
According to the start and end date you set, you can restrict enrollment so that students cannot enroll in your class before the start date. You can also make it so that students that are enrolled in your class do not have the ability to view assignments for the class until after the start date.
When you have finished updating the settings for your class, you can select Save Details to save your changes, or you can select Cancel to revert the changes you made to the default settings for the class.
Inclusive Access settings as they will be applied to your course
When a school has a course or courses that use separate materials from the rest of the school, Course Level Inclusive Access can be an effective solution to provide licenses automatically to students. Course Level Inclusive Access provides students in pre-determined courses with codes that are separate from the codes the rest of the school receives.
Note: If the school also uses Account Level Inclusive Access at the same time, they will need to ensure that students receive the appropriate licenses to begin their course. Courses with Course Level Inclusive Access will not receive the school's Account Level Inclusive Access offer.
Instructors can view the Inclusive Access offer students. When you are in Edit/Assign mode for a specific class, you can click the View Inclusive Access Offer button at the top of the page to view the Inclusive Access option applied to the course.
Inclusive Access offers cannot be edited by Instructors or by School Administrators. Inclusive Access offers must be set with the school's McGraw Hill representative. Course Level Inclusive Access must be set before courses are created for the semester. Course Level Inclusive Access is applied to a master course and then copied from that course to the rest of the semester's courses.
Note: If you don't see an offer avaialbe to your class review the Administrator help topic on eCommerce settings.